about 6 years ago - The Anthem team - Direct link

In this video, MoonLiteWolf jumps into the Ranger javelin and shows you how to get the most out of this versatile suit in Anthem™.

If you’re looking for a solid javelin that won’t require you to focus on a specific ability to excel, the Ranger is a great choice. It’s the perfect jack of all trades soldier for anyone who’s all about firepower and marksmanship. 

When it comes to team play, the Ranger can be customized to lead the way into battle or provide defensive protection from the rear. Complete your loadout by selecting two pieces of Assault gear and one Support gear option.

Your options include:

Modifiable Grenades – Frag Grenade, Inferno Grenade, Frost Grenade, Seeker Grenade, and Sticky Grenade

Wrist Launcher – Seeking Missile, Pulse Blast, Spark Beam, Venom Darts, and Blast Missile

Support Gear – 

  • Bulwark Point – Create a defensive shield that can protect your squad from an overwhelming amount of firepower.
  • Muster Point – Cover your teammates with an offensive shield that enhances the power of your guns. This is a great ability to use when you or your teammates are ready to go charging into a fight.

You have a variety of Assault options available, including Modifiable Grenades and Wrist Launchers that can be used to create devastating combos. And when you’re ready to get up close and personal with a target, you’ll have your trusty Shock Mace. This melee weapon is perfect for delivering a finishing blow or stunning an opponent. But keep in mind that it may not be the best choice for very large or powerful enemies, as they can often shake off the hit. For more information on using combos, see our Advanced Combat Guide.

The Ranger’s ultimate is the Multi-rocket Missile Battery, capable of wiping out multiple targets with an impressive barrage. And this javelin is the only one capable of flying forward while using its ultimate ability, which can come in very handy in the heat of battle.


Learn more about javelins and what they can do. Looking for more Anthem Tips and Tricks? Find them here!