almost 6 years ago - /u/UNTDrew - Direct link

As I stated on Twitter...

Our next game update (1.1.0) will be released tomorrow with the new Stronghold and various other game improvements and fixes. We will detail all of that out in our patch notes tomorrow, as well as give an update on the 90-Day calendar.

You'll need to download the client update after the servers come back online following the scheduled maintenance. Be sure to follow EAHelp for updates on that.

If you're doing the math, this means you'll actually have a chance to try out the update before our livestream, which I believe is a first!

EDIT: Jesse tells me we've scheduled the livestream for 3pm CDT. I feel like I should reiterate that times are always subject to change with our livestreams, but that's what we're shooting for.

External link →
almost 6 years ago - /u/UNTDrew - Direct link

Originally posted by Greaterdivinity

Thanks for copy pasting the tweets here...

Any chance of high level details of the "various other game improvements and fixes"? Knowing that you'll want to save the meat and potatoes for the stream, it would be nice to get some idea of what else is coming beyond a new stronghold.

We aren't saving for the stream. The details will be in the notes tomorrow.