over 5 years ago - /u/BenIrvo - Direct link

Originally posted by Halefire

[Please see Ben Irving response below]

I'm not sure if my question on stream was perhaps misconstrued, but on the stream Darrin McPherson answered my question about rerolling items by basically saying (paraphrased) "the only way to get different rolls on items is to re-craft them or get them again as a random drop".

This is a HUGE mistake of game design.

I'm not sure if perhaps Darrin thought I meant "can you completely reroll the item and try again for 4 new properties", which is not what I meant; I meant being able to reroll 1 out of the total properties, such as Enchanting in Diablo 3 or Recalibration in The Division. Once you pick one property to reroll, the other ones become locked in forever.

Imagine getting Argo's Fist as a drop (revealed today on the stream). You're excited as hell because it's part of a blast build you're trying to make. You speed through the rest of the mission, eagerly waiting to get the item at the end of the mission, because you've been playing for two weeks hoping you'd get it. But you open up your drops back at Fort Tarsis at the end of the mission, and you open up the Forge and realize that you're missing the crucial inscription.

Does that sound rewarding? Every other game with randomized properties has collectively realized "no, that's not rewarding, that sucks" and have allowed you to reroll one of the properties. Imagine, for you Diablo 3 players, if you couldn't reroll sockets into gear. Can you imagine having to farm for the right properties, how inane that would be? And yet as far as we know right now, this is the system in Anthem.

Yes, there is re-crafting, but there's a substantial amount of gear which cannot be crafted, and that's the stuff I'm worried about. And on top of that, there are no drops that are tied to specific bosses or mobs as far as we know yet, so there's not even a way to specifically farm for that specific drop. You just have to hope to hell it drops again. They've already confirmed that not all gear will be craftable, so those dropped items will be enormously RNG-laden in terms of getting a good drop.

This absolutely must be adjusted before release and players get to endgame. Realizing that the game is a massive, unrewarding timesink at end game is how you quickly kill off enthusiasm after players blast through your story.

Some examples of the systems I'm talking about:

Enchanting in Diablo 3

Recalibration in The Division

I think this is fair feedback. We probably can’t/won’t do anything for launch but it’s a reasonable thing to consider later. We will definitely monitor player behavior/ feedback at launch

over 5 years ago - /u/BenIrvo - Direct link

Originally posted by ohoni

Imagine if we'd known about this stuff six months ago, so that you could have had time to fix it by launch. What a world that would be. . .

That’s actually not how it works. 6 months ago we likely had none of that stuff to show... because we spent the last 6 months building it...