about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by badboybilly42582

Improvements to PC controls.......... Please lord please be true. I was flying around like a drunken Tony Stark in the Alpha.....

Sooooo many PC flight and swim improvements went in for launch because of the feedback from the demo last week. I think Ben is going to be talking about it soon, but I can’t wait til y’all get to try it out. Unfortunately we couldn’t get them into the demo, but soon...

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by chadorable

Ayyyyyyyy, thanks for the update! My bf didn’t think they were bad other than the swimming, that seemed to be universally challenging lmao

Should we expect any console changes as well? The customization for controls on PS4 felt limited in a way but I’m not sure how to describe it other than the obvious lack of button remapping. I’ve read that that would be too complicated, though?

Either way, that was such a fast turn around I’m astonished at how it seems you guys are getting more efficient! 💖

Hey Chadorable! We didn’t adjust controller settings with this round because we felt like they were in a pretty good spot. We may look at more layout options for controller if we get feedback on it.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by jimbobjeff85

As someone who found flying tricky (mainly sudden turns/movements to avoid face-diving into cliff-edges) and swimming basically impossible, this is very heartening to hear. Thanks!

No problem!

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by badboybilly42582

Thank you for taking the time to reply. To be honest it was one of the biggest concerns I had during alpha gameplay. Looking forward to these said improvements.

Me too, can’t wait for y’all to try them at launch

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by camjordan13

Hopefully we will get closer to 1 to 1 mouse movement instead of the joystick emulation we have now! As it is, it tends to make me a bit sick, especially in the water. Love the gameplay, and I want to love the flying it's just the controls are keeping me from getting there.

Yes we have now enabled a way for you to get to 1:1 mouse input in flight and swimming as well as fixed a bug that was causing symptoms similar to negative deceleration in aiming.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by Strykaar

Oh god I hope this is true... I love the game so far but the PC controls were a "huge!" bummer for me... sad that it didnt make it into the demo because it turned a couple of friends off who are now sceptical to jump into the full version :X

Ben made a post with all the awesome details! Coming soon!

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by chadorable

That’s the phrase I was looking for— layout options.

After playing for a few more hours, the only thing I thought I’d personally want to change in any way is switching weapons.

Maybe it’s just my controller, or a bug, but sometimes when I go to swap, it reloads instead since I didn’t hold it down long enough.

I’d love to be able to swap a setting that makes it a double tap to switch instead. I think that might work better for me although I didn’t want to say anything to see if less lag might help. Maybe in full launch it’ll be even more responsive, but I think that that’s something to at least keep in mind & get more feedback on.

Thanks anyway, CammyWammy bo Bammy 💖

Hahah love the nickname, thanks for that! Yeah we’ve got quite a bit of feedback about reload button and swapping. I don’t know (remember) if we’ve done anything since demo for the potential bug you described. We’ll try to keep you posted on layout stuff if we end up moving forward on any of that.