over 5 years ago - /u/UNTDrew - Direct link


Brave season, Freelancers!

That’s the last time we can all say that for this year. It’s been a fun, spooky season, hasn’t it? The macabre themes somehow bring a new life to the world of Bastion when paired with the torches and braziers.

But... it wouldn’t be a good spooky season without a good old fashioned horror story, right? You know, something to scare children into behaving when they’re naught. Though, perhaps a tale with a few other lessons to learn from it, too.

The Unwinding Box | Story by Jeff Campbell

The Unwinding Box is rather unlike any of the other stories we’ve shared with you during this season. It’s not a happy story. It’s not a story of bravery or family. It’s a story of two rather awful children who end up, well... rather awfully.

Consider it a reminder, Freelancers. The world is a dangerous place, now more than ever. People like you keep us safe, but sometimes the greatest dangers we face are the ones we seek out ourselves. Curiosity can be a dangerous thing, though an equally rewarding one at that. Perhaps that’s why so many suit up in their battle-hardened armor and venture out into the wilds; just to see what’s out there.

The year’s not over yet, though. As many of you know, another seasonal event is on the horizon. As the night air stirs and the gripping fog lifts, a chill now crawls across the land. Winter. It’s not here yet, but it’s inevitable. Get cozy, Freelancer. We’ll have more details to share on the Icetide event at a later date.

If you’re reading this the day it goes live, remember that today (November 25th, 2019) is the last day you can use crystals from the Season of Skulls event! Use them fast! The Crystals nor the Seasonal Store will stick around post-event this time.

Final Leaderboard Results

It wouldn’t be right to close out a season without recognizing the top contenders from the final week! Here are the results:

Week 6

PC (16,695,134\* total points):

  • marculusdearic24
  • ElFishPreslyy
  • Ebonroch
  • TheNewDisease

Xbox One (16,284,676 total points):

  • KnightTheShield
  • XJ2OOO
  • Boven247
  • Offshoremoss69

PlayStation 4 (15,852,242 total points):

  • ccastilhos
  • Asura-god-
  • JoeyTyke

\Season of Skulls Top Overall Score*

As we wrap up this Season of Skulls event, we'd love to know your thoughts on it! If you haven't done so already, feel free to share your feedback with us HERE.

Until next time, Freelancers.


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over 5 years ago - /u/UNTDrew - Direct link

Originally posted by Awesome_Kiddo

I thought the update was really cool, it kept me playing for hours upon hours.

The cataclysm did get boring after a while because you know, playing the same thing over and over...It happens

If you all would like to see, here are my suggestions:

  • Make content like these solo-able. Teammates sometimes have no clue of what's going on. (also maybe add a custom text would help too)

  • It kinda sucks that lvl 80 gear and exclusive weapons was only obtainable through those war chests. I would like to obtain them outside cata so that I won't get bored with such events.

  • I thought the exclusive challenge rewards was great but they was* excessive (5000+ kills, finding 50+ skulls, etc.). Maybe reduce those if we ever get another cata.

  • Maybe add some altering zones, for example toxic clouds around Ring of Magnus. Stuff like that.

That's just my take.

Thanks for the detailed feedback. It is appreciated!

over 5 years ago - /u/UNTDrew - Direct link

Originally posted by ITS_GAMEOVER_4_U

Some of the rewards for such a grind have been a little weak. But I have enjoyed it over all. Why you would have 1 clip ammo in the closing days when some people were trying to grind out 5,000 kills i dont know, that's just cruel lol.

I would love to see a new breed of bosses and enemy's in the next one, something genuinely fresh and different, not just a slight make over.

But enjoyed it overall even though those rewards have been rather weak though as I say (an additional tricked up legendary weapon / gear to go with the armour would have been nice).

I hear you and the feedback is appreciated. Thanks for playing Season of Skulls. Glad you’ve enjoyed it overall.

over 5 years ago - /u/UNTDrew - Direct link

Now updated with the Week 6 top scores!

Special congrats to marculusdearic24, ElFishPreslyy, Ebonroch and TheNewDisease for the top overall score for the entire event!