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To clarify, this is on PC.

There are various random item properties that boost damage. Elemental damage, weapon damage, [Q] or [E] damage (abilities). Ultimate damage.

There are also base component passives that boost damage. These fixed properties do work.

However, it looks like NONE of the random item properties that boost damage have any effect. If you equip them and test your weapons / abilities under the same circumstances (range, enemy type, difficulty, level) they'll do the exact same damage before and after. And it's not a display issue either. Ammo properties seem to work, but I can only assume bonuses to shield and armour are also broken.

This pretty much invalidates most of the build crafting throughout the entire game, as the only thing that currently matters is the power number on all your items.

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about 6 years ago - /u/BenIrvo - Direct link

There are a bunch of inscription bugs that are fixed in the 22nd Feb patch