about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by Lurern

I'm writing this because I think this could be a fantastic game, but it has a lot of little quirks and faults that holds it back. The post will seem negative, but I really like the gameplay. This is feedback for the PC version, as that is the only one I've played. The general theme will be that the gameplay is very cool, but everything inbetween is not. Not covering server/connectivity.


  • Post Processing: Medium or below turns off motion blur, but also makes it feel like the game renders only about half the number of frames that the fps counter displays. 80-100fps feels more like 40-50. This is fixed with it set to High or Ultra, but then motion blur is on.
  • Some of the advanced graphical settings don't apply until you restart, or have little to no impact on visuals or performance.
  • While in Tarsis, there is some weird mouse acceleration/smoothing going on, making mouse movement feel really sluggish.
  • FPS in Tarsis is worse than in the rest of the game world, which seems odd.
  • The game starts in exclusive fullscreen mode, then switches to borderless (if that's what you've set)
  • In one instance, I had a bunch of crashes in the Stronghold (6-7 times). This only happened that one instance. Would sometimes (still only in this one instance) crash as I entered back in as well. The crashes seemed weird, like time almost stopped, and I could somewhat move the mouse/view for about 5 seconds before it hard crashed to desktop.


  • Disconnecting/crashing in the boss fight, and then reconnecting will put you outside the boss door while it's locked.
  • Disconnecting/crashing without reconnecting to your team should give you all the loot you picked up. Now you have to get to the post-expedition screen to get it.
  • Menus sometimes "settle" after moving the mouse. Example: Start expedition menu. Press D to go to Squad and move the mouse. Happens on many menus.
  • If you join someone elses squad, and go into the start expedition menu, it will show Easy difficulty no matter what it actually is.
  • Loading in after a disconnect shows that your ultimate is ready. It's not.
  • Skip dialog isn't always available when talking to people in Tarsis.
  • Cannot dismantle gear that you had eqipped when entering the forge, even if it's not equipped anymore.
  • When comparing recharge of an ability, it shows green if the recharge time is longer.
  • There are D-pads or controller inputs showing, even with no controller connected. Example: HUD element for emotes, or the button prompt for dropping the thing you carry in the stronghold.
  • Connecting to a squad sometimes forces everyone into a loading screen.
  • I entered the tunnel as part of a mission, ran to the crate by the door, and then once the rest of the squad was teleported in, I was teleported back to the entrance (with another load screen)

Menus/interface/mouse: This is getting its own section because it's quite obvious that this is a port of the console menus, and in need of serious improvement

  • Failing to follow hover-rules for mouse interface. Example: Settings menu, VIDEO settings. When I hover over Advanced, I should be able to click the things, or at least that should make it go into the advanced settings. Now I have to click the actual advanced label, which is just an extra step for nothing.
  • It's dangerous to have it dismantle what you're hovering over, especially if it takes like 1-2 seconds for the previous dismantle to register.
  • There is a lot of wasted space, I'd rather have more information than extremely stylized menus. Example: The random traits on items often fail to show the entire text.
  • The start expedition screen is not very intuitive. And why is it all orange?
  • Generally a lot of wasted space.
  • Show us numbers on health/shield/whatever bars. We are PC gamers and used to have all the information.

The menus are slow in general. If you want us to spend a lot of time in the game, any amount of waiting for menus (or other non-gameplay features!) will get annoying real fast. Some examples:

  • Fade/slide in/out all the menus. Gets old fast. Make it snappy at least.
  • Jump-in animation for expeditions is cool, but slooooow when you're doing it for the 100th time.
  • Waiting for menus to populate, like any of the social menus (the friends menu in particular often fails to load anything).
  • Journal has to load everything after you click it (with a spinner and everything)
  • The post-game summary/tally is excruciatingly slow. Could be one screen with a summary, and then click more details if you want. Don't make it take a minute.
  • Some menus seem to render with really low fps (20?)
  • Loading screen for the forge is not acceptable. We're going to use it a lot.


  • Needs functionality to create markers/waypoints, so that you can show team members where to go.
  • In-world markers for team members are inconsistent, and often don't even show. Might be related to distance, but they should always show if you're in the same area.

Forge interface

  • Sorting is inconsistent. For the most part it is by level, but sometimes higher level items are lower in the list.
  • We need to see our total stats while equipping items. How good is +30 health? Do I have 200 or 2000? Actually, I can't find this anywhere.
  • We need clearer explanation of what stats do. What's the difference between health, armor and shield? If I'm equipping a Shield Reinforcement component the stats show health and armor, but not shield.

Menus/screens/stuff not saving, or using old data

  • Javelin on the launch pad is somethimes the wrong colors/cosmetics
  • The post-expedition screen sometimes showed the state I was in 2 expeditions ago. Like the wrong Javelin. Sometimes shows level 0 with 0 xp.


  • Quite a few settings don't work, or are instead tied to the Post Processing setting. Anti-Aliasing, DoF and Chromatic Aberration are examples of this.


  • Tarsis is slow, and not fun to navigate at all.
  • Loading screens when entering sub-areas is not ideal. Other games do this without loading screens (for example The Division 1)
  • Would be nice to be able to join friends mid-freeroam. Usually says game is full. Not sure how to solve this, but the result is a trip back to Tarsis and starting a new expedition.
  • Flying with a mouse is not a good experience. Messing with the settings helps a little bit, but it's never good.
  • Swimming is worse.
  • Leaving an expedition should have some sort of warning if it makes everyone in the squad go back to Tarsis.
  • Text chat is a minimum requirement for multiplayer PC games.
  • Would be nice if events were shown on the map.
  • Why does loot take 3-5 seconds to show up in the HUD?

Somebody give this person a job in QA! Great writeup, and we read this stuff. Believe me it matters to have specific, polite constructive feedback. Thank you.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by Throwawayrantyman

Can we Please, please get a FoV Slider for release. I don't wanna zoom into the back of my characters head when i fire my weapon. Or in a tight space and all i can see is my giant head.

That's not my dept but I'll pass it on to the gameplay and camera folks!

about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by Lurern

I'd rather have a job as a coder ;)

We are always hiring! Especially awesome coders :)

Pm me if you're serious.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by Sabotskij

I see you're responsible for the audio, though... sounds in the game was definitely one of the parts that absolutely blew me away this weekend. Applause all around from us who love big explosions!


about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by crum1515

I got laid off from BioWare Austin in 2012 during the epic EA “restructuring”. Can I have my old job back? Hahaha

Ugh sorry to hear. Hope you're doing well.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by justdeeper-

Dear jer,

Iknow you are busy, but my roommate really doesnt have the right parts right now, to play anthem. Will the fps increase on release? Planning on buying him a pc ;)

Yes, performance work has been happening full bore since the demo build. I would expect it to better all around.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by TheOneWhoMixes

I'm late to this, but I saw your flair and wanted to know what you guys look for when building your audio team! I'd be so down for moving out of country if it means working with audio for games that I can really get behind.

It's pretty cold here :)

about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by hugh_jas

What else are you hiring for? If you don't mind me asking!

It's not so much hiring, it's just always being open to people with mad skills. So always hiring those folks :)

about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by KaosArchon

For console too! As well as a force to 1080p 60 fps! Much prefer framerate over resolution

Agree 100%

about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by Lurern

Hehe. I would if I lived anywhere near. Norway is a tad too far. Good luck with the launch though! You could have something really neat here.

We have a studio in Stockholm :)

about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by KaosArchon

Glad you guys agree! Also hats off to you man, the music and sound sound great in the demo! I'm totally looking forward to the main game and the cinematics!!


about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by crum1515

Yes sir! I can say that short stint at BioWare Austin was the greatest job I have ever had; but getting laid off pushed me to finish my degree and be where I am today. Still have a few buddies that work down there and am always rooting for you peeps!

Good to hear, thanks!