about 6 years ago - /u/BenIrvo - Direct link

Originally posted by iGameYT

Lol I do that just in case anyone wants more information that I share via YouTube and Twitter.

These write-ups only take about a hour or so to do depending on how much information is shared out in the Social Media world. u/BenIrvo is the sneaky one as he likes to hide his answers like he hides his alleged koalas. :)

Overall I create this content for you and the community as I know not everyone is able to follow the info as much as I can.

I hide my answers?? How? I don’t mean to :)

about 6 years ago - /u/BenIrvo - Direct link

Originally posted by iGameYT

Yes as u/AnthemJavelin states. It’s just a Twitter notifications thing u/BenIrvo, but your replies still pop up through the discord feed I created so I still see them all. I always go through your tweets and replies just to double check though. :)

That’s interesting, should i not reply? And make new tweets? Then I would have to tag people though?

about 6 years ago - /u/BenIrvo - Direct link

Originally posted by iGameYT

Speaking of tweets I asked these two on Twitter to you and Darren about 4 days ago with no reply. Are they too specific to be answered yet, or are the items in question still in development?

  • When crafting recipes in the Forge will we see the possible inscriptions we could incur, and the percentage ranges before we craft the gear/weapon?
  • Do some weapons/gear roll specific inscriptions for that type of weapon/gear, or are all inscriptions RNG based and we could incur any of the 100 or so inscriptions in the database pool?


Yes. There are a different pools for different things, we probably won’t share all the details of that. Not yet anyway.

about 6 years ago - /u/BenIrvo - Direct link

Originally posted by ryancentral

Quoting tweet questions with the answers is SUPER USEFUL like Mark does. Replying doesn't show up in people's twitter time lines unless we follow the person asking the question (most of the time we don't haha)

You mean as a new tweet?