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So I’ve seen a couple posts thanking people who main certain things or about their own mains or whatever, and it occurs to me that I don’t really have one. Which I think is something that makes this game absolutely spectacular.

Originally was going to be a storm main, but it wasn’t as visceral as I wanted it to be in the beta so on release I picked ranger and I guess you could call me a ranger main. But honestly I play each class about the same amount, depending on how I feel.

That’s absolutely brilliant design. Each class plays so differently and has so many different things they can do and play styles they each provide a vastly different experience. Wanna zip around like a chinchilla on cocaine? Intercepter. Big boi big explode? Colossus. Etc.

BioWare did such a fantastic job on javelin design and making them each so unique and equally fun delivering varied gameplay experience and I feel like they don’t get enough praise for that.

Tl;dr all the javelins are f*ckin awesome and I recommend playing all of them. I don’t even think I can rank them based on favorites.

External link →
about 6 years ago - /u/BenIrvo - Direct link
