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So in the latest stream Ben stated at least twice the Health bug is just a UI issue.

I can state wholeheartedly it is NOT only UI. When it happens I get 1 shot by nearly everything. When ive got normal health I can tank and take multiple hits before losing my health bar.

I am a fully masterwork/legendary built Colossus so should never be 1 shot by anything even on GM1

The stream was a massive disappointment with regards to this bug, it's gamebreaking and seems to be just dismissed by the Devs. If it was just a UI bug it would even bother me...

Is this how this game is going to be left... Dying a slow death from incompetence. Please relook at this and please give us an update as it's destroying my enjoyment of the game and see no fix even in the future

I have campaigned since the demo to get this addressed and fixed....

External link →
about 6 years ago - /u/BenIrvo - Direct link

I was wrong. It’s not just a UI bug. We are on it.

about 6 years ago - /u/BenIrvo - Direct link

Originally posted by Rook0x51

Thanks for finally admitting it instead of being smug and condescending. That being said I wanted to provide some constructive input into this:

-There is definitely a UI bug. It is purely superficial and likely the bug that you saw all the time. I understand that your dismissive comments were due to you only seeing this bug.

-There is definitely a true health bug, like we've been saying. I strongly believe this bug ONLY occurs when you are playing with a lower level javelin. Most likely due to scaling. For me I only get the true bug when playing with my lower levelled friends or when a random brings in a lower level into gm. I would suggest your testing team tries varying levels and switching from gm1 to hard or normal with a mismatched squad.

-There are probably millions of us that want Anthem to succeed and are willing to help out or stick with the tough release times, please don't be smug and dismissive like that. It doesn't help the game or the community.

Strong alone, stronger together.

Appreciate the constructive nature of your post :)