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about 6 years ago - /u/BiowareBen - Direct link

Originally posted by Cooldudeassassin

How about server drop outs. I have a reasonable broadband fibre optic internet connection and I still experienced sooo many drop outs

You were getting kicked back to Fort Tarsis or loading screen during a mission or freeplay?

about 6 years ago - /u/BiowareBen - Direct link

Originally posted by phrawst125

Why can't all of the internet be this pleasant?

They choose not to, is really all it is. :)

about 6 years ago - /u/BiowareBen - Direct link

Originally posted by Baelorn

Are you guys aware of the EXP bug where a player levels up in the post-Expedition screen but EXP values are reset when loading into Fort Tarsis?

This is not the same as the game crashing and not rewarding EXP. Going on another Expedition and completing it doesn't seem to do anything. I've been the same level(11.5) since last weekend and nothing I seem to do retains any EXP.

If this is what I think it is it's a display bug and I'm pretty sure it's been tracked down and resolved for launch.

about 6 years ago - /u/BiowareBen - Direct link

Originally posted by devoltar

The main tweak I would recommend is to not have it happen until all yellow-bar enemies are dead. It feels like the fight is unfinished to have them suddenly disappear before they die, and I've seen that happen a couple times. Fodder enemies vanishing at that point isn't as big of a deal (they better run!)

You are correct. This is one of the adjustments we need to make, encounters shouldn't wrap up while high-value targets are still in the world.

about 6 years ago - /u/BiowareBen - Direct link

Originally posted by bbgr8grow

wouldnt be so hard to find the ONE guy whos always hiding if the AI actually moved around

Ouch! We're gonna work on that too. :)

about 6 years ago - /u/BiowareBen - Direct link

Originally posted by Grimmlet7

It kind of trivializes events, ie the collect fragments on the platform for the things on the platform part of the tyrant stronghold. You don;t have to worry about any of the first two waves of enemies that spawn in because they all disappear as soon as you have all the fragments. If they stuck around it might make you want to deal with them before spawning in all the spiders. As is the most efficient thing to do is ignore them and keep collecting to simply despawn them all.

The problem in the Tyrant Mine is that we had auto-wrap tied to the finishing of the echo puzzle. I've already put a fix into the game for worldwide launch that requires you to clean up the encounter and the enemies no longer flee when you complete the puzzle.

about 6 years ago - /u/BiowareBen - Direct link

Originally posted by devoltar

cheers, thanks. :)

My pleasure.

about 6 years ago - /u/BiowareBen - Direct link

Originally posted by -Razzak

Just want to chime in the most frustrating “bug” from this demo was getting kicked to loading screen while mid-battle constantly. I’m definitely buying the game but if it’s like that for live itll ruin it :(

Yup, we are working very hard to make the game stable for everyone.

about 6 years ago - /u/BiowareBen - Direct link

Originally posted by c4mouflage

Actually, devoltar's idea is great. If your system recognizes that only a few enemies are left, have them run away and despawn out of player's sight. This avoids the "my enemies got stolen" effect and satisfy the player because they can either hunt down their last prey or get the feeling they are strong / enemies fear them.

That is literally how our system works. When we fire wrap up encounter the NPCs are supposed to flee and then after x time they just pop out of the world. The time from feel to pop out might need some adjustments.