Original Post — Direct link

UPDATE 1: They are aware of and are working on the freeplay being empty issue. https://twitter.com/Darokaz/status/1101501277756891136

Hey guys, this morning I joined a stronghold (tyrant mine) on gm1, i matchmaked into it, the stronghold spawned me and a second guy in, we were in the boss room, faye started her intro like normal, but there was a mission end countdown, after which it kicked us all out.

After the loading screen it said connection error, then still made the sound effects of the post expedition screen. I restarted Anthem and origin at that point and went to try the stronghold again. Now the only stronghold appearing is Temple of Scar.

Both of the other strongholds have disappeared. After that, I figured I might try some freeplay, and there are no enemies, or events anywhere to be found. I went from one end of the map to the other without seeing even a single grabbit.

If you are experiencing similar issues, upvote for visibility.

tl;dr: strongholds are missing and freeplay is (quite literally) empty.

External link →
about 6 years ago - /u/Darokaz - Direct link

Thanks for your reports everyone, the team is investigating what could be going on here. I'll share details when I know more.