about 6 years
ago -
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I have been having issues since the alpha with audio on Anthem and i found a few posts that helped me sort out what was causing it so i thought i would share.
Specifics: No Audio via speakers when playing Anthem. I had audio via headset but not through my speakers. Windows 10 Pro.
- Navigate to Sound Settings
- Select "Device properties"
- Select "Additional device properties"
- Under Speaker Properties select the tab "Enhancements"
- Uncheck the "Disable all sound effects" option
- Go back to the game and you should now have audio
Thanks to R_R_G from the EA forum for the suggestion. I just thought i'd throw some quick steps together on how to get to it.
Update: I also wanted to mention that i have Realtek audio and so did the person that had mentioned this as a particular fix over on the EA forum so just wanted to throw that out there.
Sweet! Thanks!