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Update 1.04 is planned to be released next week. Specifics are yet TBA. Patch notes will be released shortly before the patch goes live (and they are hefty - 13 pages long on Word). As always, plans can still change so please bear this in mind.

Elysian Caches

  • Elysian caches are available at the end of Strongholds when the boss has been killed
  • They can contain vanity items and crafting embers
  • You get a key for the cache by completing a select daily challenge
  • Everyone in the squad receives the rewards, so if all 4 players have keys, you will get 4 rewards
  • The number of keys is listed in Fort Tarsis next to how much coin you have

Forge improvements

  • There is now no loading screen to get into the Forge
  • It can be accessed anywhere from Fort Tarsis
  • All equipped components are now listed under the weapons and gear
  • These improvements are an incremental step to Forge improvements
  • A stat screen is still being investigated. No news to share yet.


  • Stronghold bosses still guarantee one Masterwork on GM difficulty, but now the remaining loot can be rolled for Masterworks/Legendaries
  • Strongholds and freeplay chests will see improved drop rates for rarer gear

Legendary missions

  • Legendary missions will be added to the game. These are more difficult, replayable critical path missions.
  • There will be 6 missions on release, with one playable each day.
  • There will be an apex creature at the end of each mission - these can be either an Ursix, Titan, Luminary or Fury
  • You do not need to start conversations with NPCs to initiate these missions - they will always be on the map

FOV Options

FOV sliders have been added to the PC version of the game. The options include:

  • Ground FOV
  • Zoomed FOV
  • Pilot FOV
  • Flight FOV
  • Swim FOV

Miscellaneous changes, improvements and fixes

  • NVIDIA DLSS support has been added. SLI support is still being looked into.
  • There is the usual performance optimisations included. This is described as being an ongoing project that is never finished.
  • Salvaging in the vault should be near instant now.
  • Lots of fog walls have been removed, especially in Strongholds.
  • More improvements have been made to bugged quickplay missions. If a missions has surpassed a 15 minute timer, you can no longer be matchmade into it.
  • You can also no longer be matchmade into a Stronghold after two minutes have elapsed (quickplay is not included in this).
  • The bug where you respawn timer would reset if your revive was cancelled has been fixed.
  • The bug where you could no longer interact with the environment or revive teammates has been fixed.
  • Javelin thrusters have been improved by 20% across the board. Overheat time has similarly been reduced by 20%.
  • You know hold the melee button to melee with Interceptor, instead of repeatedly mashing it. This change has not been made for the ultimate ability, however.
  • More universal components have been added. One example is Acid Slugs, which improves Shotgun damage and applies the acid effect if 7 pellets hit the enemy.
  • There have been various fixes and buffs to Masterwork components.
  • The inconsistent armour bug should have been addressed, but please feed back if you are still experiencing issues.
  • The bug where Strongholds/missions/contracts go missing from your map has been fixed.
  • Masterwork ember drop rates have been increased.
  • Improvements have been made to address the "Pilot data error" issue.
  • Consumables can now be sorted by name/rarity.
  • When diving into deep water, the transition is now smoother.

Still being looked into/investigated

  • Javelins receiving Legenday/Masterwork components that fit in the wrong Javelin
  • Power scaling issues
  • New enemies and new story additions
  • Better in-game communication systems
  • A stats screen
  • Achievements not popping
  • Support gear Masterworks
  • SLI support
  • Increased inventory space

PS devs, if you're reading this: The Division has 'State of the Game', Destiny has 'This Week at Bungie' - we need a name, too! My suggestion would be 'Shaping Anthem'.

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almost 6 years ago - /u/UNTDrew - Direct link

You know what? I don't disagree with you all on the naming the streams. Something for us to think about... ;)