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about 6 years ago - /u/BiowareBen - Direct link

Originally posted by CroogQT

If you need a pick me up, go look at the number of players you and your team have managed to murder with your deathtrap of a stronghold.

I'm assuming that's how game devs get their kicks.

Thanks for the update!

Na, we're not making Dark Souls. I actually get more joy out of people playing it and having a good time. Death or not. :)

about 6 years ago - /u/BiowareBen - Direct link

Originally posted by CroogQT

Cool! Well then enjoy this:

Your game is really f**king fun so far. I loved every second I was playing (I'll let the crashing slide...for now, lol). I've never had a game make me feel as powerful as Anthem does without also trivializing the content. Honestly, f**king bravo. Me and my friends are all rooting for a successful launch for y'all! For those of you who are open about your careers with the public, I'll be following your development endeavors for as long as you continue to do so.

I hope you're extraordinarily proud of yourself and that you keep designing video games for me to play.

*wipes brown off nose*

Thanks so much for the kind words, I'm very glad you enjoyed the small taste of the game and can't wait to see you and your friends in game at launch.

about 6 years ago - /u/BiowareBen - Direct link

Originally posted by SirScotchelot

I'll forgive you if you turn the servers back on! <3

We are turning the servers back on! On Feb 15th!