@CMOH_Alberta Doc, You might want to check this out....
@GambleMike This is great.
I hate this website. https://twitter.com/Freeyourmindkid/status/1242116826424885253
Everyone here is smart and already knows this. But maybe pass it on to the people in your family and friends circle who might not?
@AdamTanielian We’ve been doing it occasionally. Probably a little risky, but we’re being careful.
@angryspacebee You made an N7 hoodie! 😍
@shinobi602 recipe!? that looks incredible.
@BigSting23 Oh I know, kept it PG on purpose 😁
Me after every swing while trying to golf today in the rain...
@sandykate @BokaLaBoca I think he has something against Hugh Grant? And maybe also Julia Roberts?
@BokaLaBoca Okay I’m about to have to block you.
@phatseejay @justbiglee @BenWalke Same here!
Thanks for coming by!
@justbiglee Buy some medicine, mate. I don’t like seeing you like this.
Come visit!
Would you stop taking pictures? I’m trying to watch the movie! -Dante 🐶
@CineCaptures: Took a trip out to the Forest Moon of Endor to film some more test shots with my new Anamorphic Lens.
@zachvandyke And by “Orsen Wells” I mean Orson Welles.
@zachvandyke If you’re doing a Hitchc*ck class, I highly recommend Notorious and Rope (the latter being the first film that tried to achieve a “single” shot using creative camera cuts).
Also, mix in some Orsen Wells with Touch of Evil and Citizen Kane.