@met_evil Sure.
@strangeguardian @MulehornGaming @Xbox We've got you.
So i didn't know who the My Pillow guy was until today. 3 hours of Internet fixed that problem. Again, living my best apocalypse life. Sup.
@twitgera related to The Real Sting
@BIackwing We'll give away more soon.
Remember to Stay Home, Stay Safe and PLAY TOGETHER if you can.
PC (Origin):
PS4 (EU):
PS4 (NA):
Okay, I sent out some to replies via DMs. Here are some more up for grabs. Share with a friend if you already have Anthem please!
@TJRamini @AceUnit420 @Arrow513NS @EA @erin_skywalker You got our back, we've got yours. #StrongerTogether
@AceUnit420 @TJRamini @Arrow513NS @EA @erin_skywalker For making an attempt, we'll send you a code for the heck of it. At least you tried, right?
@UNTDrew: Gonna do another run of some Anthem codes to some random replies here. Couple of things to know:
1. You do NOT have to follow…
Gonna do another run of some Anthem codes to some random replies here. Couple of things to know:
1. You do NOT have to follow me. I am not doing this for the clout. I just need to be able to send you the code, so open your DMs.
2. You need to tag a FRIEND you want to play with.
@TJRamini: Giving away #free @anthemgame codes to followers across the world has been lovely. Today will be the last day as I’ve given a…
@EA: EA is committed to offering you all meaningful ways to play and share during these trying times. Learn more here:
@HuskyHog @Ubisoft Does @ChrisMancil know you're working together again?
My @monsterhunter Nergigante statue arrived! The level of detail is amazing.
@andrearene I’m so very sorry for your loss Andrea