@BlessiousPlays We have the best brisket. Anyone that says otherwise is wrong......or just hasn't had Texas BBQ 🙂
@cmariee I take your criticism and wear it like a plaid shirt I already own.
He’s finally done it. He’s reached peak Wes Anderson and I am here for all of it.
@ClayWinBrad Wait........... you like Wes Anderson and we’ve never talked about this??
@steinekin @PezRadar This was my exact reaction.
@BioMarkDarrah: High res of the BioWare 25 logo
Managed to sneak in one workout on this trip. Never give up, focus on your goals and get it! 💪
Really excited about this one. Check it out when you have the chance!
The final Icetide lore story is now available! It's an interactive choice-based romance and the end will depend on the decisions you make along the way.
@TeamSanshee: Just a heads-up, our #AnthemGame Grabbit Plush is now available for regular purchase on our store (and it goes well with o…
@anthemgame: Freelancers!
This week's Community Cortex is live!
Time to fly again! No streams this week, but hopefully I’ll be able to sneak some in when I’m back this weekend 🙂
@myownfairytale hmu when you come to YEG.
@clockworkmachin @SonySantaMonica @swang444 Nice. Work. My dude.
@VicenteProD @MLozada Lol true, I do play on everything, I just wanted an excuse to use Henry Cavill 😂
I think he knows that I’m going on another work trip 😭