@ChrisMancil I’ll give it a watch 🙂
@CrucianGaming Yep! Spicy and delicious 😋
@GreatWallofChin Infernal.....
Ramen with my neighbor...
@Siphr0dias: @AnthemYour I just used your guide to find the last missing wreaths in freeplay, so: Thank you for that one! 😊 And oh will…
@truffle @elodie_games Congratulations Christina!
@AustinFC How bout you do us a favor and just reveal them now...
@YohanMusik Final Fantasy XIV does....
@AndreRozzante They’re working on porting them to PC one at a time, I think.
@Vekyo @skipper @Darokaz Shoot me a DM.
@FF_XIV_EN Is this the one I've been waiting for @CadenHouse and @Darokaz??
@CommanderFlynn I've played it, but on PS4. Just never finished it. I'm excited to try it out on PC.
Welp. Looks like I'm starting over on FFXV on PC!
@BlondeNerd Wavebird controller 👍
@BlueyedJho PC version, but my laptop isn't super powerful. It runs great on my desktop at home.
Well, fighting monsters wasn't good because the framerate was pretty bad, but I was able to do some gathering in the guiding lands! 😂
@emercis I can’t believe it snowed while I’m out of town!
@BillyTheK1dd Doesn’t that need a solid internet connection? I’m on hotel WiFi 😂
It’s working!