@TigistSapphire My parents watched him since the place we went to for the weekend didn’t allow pets.
@KylaPrograms I was extremely confused because it made zero sense!
This conversation really happened once the agent saw my Zelda shirt. I legit just smiled and packed up my stuff after security because this lady was really upset that I didn’t agree with her about Ecco and Zelda 😅
TSA: did you play the Zelda with the dolphin? Me: Huh? TSA: the one with Ecco the Dolphin! Same people made that as Zelda! Me: I played Ecco a long time ago, but it’s a different game than Zelda TSA: you need to know it’s the same competitors to Zelda that made Ecco 😡 Me: 😬
Spending some time playing with Dante before traveling for work. It’s only for 5 days but I hate leaving him 😭
It was a perfect day for a hike. I always enjoy unplugging for a bit and just exploring nature.
I’m forever thankful to have been hired by @DoktorZee and @RayMuzyka back in those early days. What an incredible adventure it’s been to work on so many fun projects with such great people! #BioWare25
I’ve been playing @bioware games my entire life, and to now be working on them is a dream come true. I’m really looking forward to seeing fan art and hearing stories from the community as we celebrate #BioWare25
What is your personal favorite? Can you remember how many discs Baldur’s Gate was on?! 25 years and some great memories. More to come
@GameOverGreggy @JustinTMars @WillingBlam @Respawn @cameronmonaghan @VinceZampella Awesome!
5 2 D
@sillysilverbar: Goodnight freelancers!! #fridayvibes are upon us!!! #AnthemGame #storm #sunset
The Fast and Furious timeline is more confusing at this point than Kingdom Hearts. #F9Trailer
@chrisawenzel @anthemgame @Anthemuniverse @EA @EAHelp @bioware I dig it!
@CubsFanHan Congrats, dude!
@LowSodiumLancer: Gorgeous @anthemgame art from our very own @Fleshwerks_art . This is the first in a series of posters she plans to cre…
Live now over at with some Final Fantasy XIV to start, then swapping over to MHW Iceborne a bit later! Playing games and having fun, that's what it's all about 🙂