@Zer0511_ Ugh. Yeah man. I can only speak for me. Sorry to see what's going on there...
I'm finding the first week of 2020 to be better than the entire year of 2019.
Streaming schedule this week!
Tuesday: Final Fantasy XIV Wednesday: Gears of War 5 (continuing campaign) Thursday: MHW Iceborne launch on PC!
I’ll be starting at 8:30pm CT each night over at
@djfoster08 That’s my other game! Have sank a LOT of time into it and will be sinking a lot more 😁
@chaosprimeZ Yeah, saw that mistake first thing when I woke up this morning. I’m on Gilgamesh.
Uhg, must have been really tired. 2B from Nier Automata, not B2 😂
@themark23 :(
Stayed up way too late playing Final Fantasy XIV....but hey, at least my Lalafell can dress like B2 from Nier: Automata now!
A new year has dawned, Freelancers, and we're back!
Read up on what's changing this week during Icetide.
Community Cortex | Week 5 Icetide Update
@elgatogaming Well this looks pretty cool, looking forward to hearing more details 🙂
The second lore story for Icetide is now available: Korox in a Box! This seasonal poem is as playful as it is a warning.
@shinobi602 “Hey son....you gonna eat that? No you’re all done?”
@ladycamisama Yep! It’s SO good 😁
@TheMQ9Reaper https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07F2R5TFQ/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_image_o02_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
It is done, my command center is complete now that I finally added a third monitor. Need to do some cable management now, but overall I’m pretty happy with it 🙂
@AnthemYour @amazon It’s not a HUGE one like others were sharing, but it’ll get the job done of being the third monitor 🙂