@Toney_Mo So . Many . Games! I definitely feel ya 😁
@djfoster08 Nice! I'm working my hunter ranks back up now that I've started a character on PC.....it's quite the grind!
@Nopahking1 Nice choices! I've never tried No Mans Sky, but I've heard good things.
@BioMedicAmbush That's a good one! I still need to play Shadow of the Tomb Raider.
@EscoBlades This is the Family Feud equivalent of the Nick Young 3-point miss:
@GambleMike 100%. It sucks that both Peart and Bonham were taken too soon. Among other drummers, I watched a lot of both of them growing up hoping to soak in as much of their style as I could.
@iDabz710 @anthemgame This is a vague question. What specifically is your issue with loot?
Neil Peart was one of the best drummers ever. Hands down. His legacy will last for many, many years and his influence shown through generations of drummers everywhere.
@ImSarahDaniels Fantastic picture! I still remember getting my SNES at a KB Toy store in 1991 😁
@Blazin_tweek Nice! I need to go back and finish that sometime, got about 5 hours into it and stopped for some reason...
@MulehornGaming Two MMOs at the same time? You are very brave!
@FortTarsisHub I'm really sorry to hear that your friend passed away. I hope you are able to smile and remember the good times you had playing the game with him.
@rmg2931 👌
@CaptRedBeerd I've always thought about giving it a try....but I'm always scared to knowing I'll likely be sucked in.
@GamingEthos YO, immediately opened up and added to my library on Spotify, thanks for the heads up!
@kindofsquishy thanks!
@gamebowski @metacritic they are the coolest.
@gamebowski still remember vividly. loved the announce. love the track.