@masseffect: Learn more about the gameplay + visual enhancements awaiting players in #MassEffect Legendary Edition:
@GameOverGreggy @ZhugeEX Garreth Miller? It was at the top.
@AntoDaBoss Are you sure @QJBeat didn't photoshop that checkmark again?
(Don't think I forgot that fantastic prank 😂)
@soylentcosplay @masseffect Ummm YES!!! Of course it counts!
@GregJHazy It was the funnest to work on!
@Xbox @TwitterGaming Pick me up some Burgat and a box of Blast-Ohs, please.
@witchinsage @shinobi602 so you want MORE lens flare?
For all those asking. I did another playthrough of MEA last month. On my new Xbox...
Gonna be doing a new full playthrough with all the DLC...as homework. You know. For the next game.
Calibrations complete. Relive the legend of Commander Shepard, remastered in 4K Ultra HD. Mass Effect Legendary Edition launches May 14. Learn more: https://t.co/O3Uc4nlREg https://t.co/o146ocUrrN
@Drifterbub @bobbycgreen @shaunlmason @emmdotfrisk I may.... have a few.
@rawrsnacks Let me just bump my email with the Citadel Council real quick.
@rawrsnacks We should just declare May 14 a bank holiday. ;)
@leahviathan Leah! I am so excited for you too!
@Rex_Dickson_ @BenHaumiller @CMcLeod_EA Me too. ♥️
@Theslatones Yes, it will have controller support on PC. :)
A lot of other nice details about the remastered collection here, btw:
If you're a content creator excited about #MassEffect Legendary Edition - The team has prepared a great set of assets in our official community Fan Art Kit.
Submit your best creations for a chance to be featured on the official @masseffect channels!
@TheRealAndyMc Today is better than Christmas.
Twitter compresses video some, but if you want to watch the trailer in full 4K, check it out at the YouTube link below.
@TheTeawrex Hang in there, man. Sorry your week has been spotty, but hopefully this brings some joy today.
Mass Effect: Legendary Edition launches on May 14, with remasters of Mass Effect 1-3. https://t.co/mUmXU6yAXG