A surprise, to be sure, but a welcome one.
More than 19M PLAYERS got #StarWarsBattlefrontII from the Epic Game Store promo!🤯Thank you so much for the continued support, even after our final content drop! We’ll watch your careers with great interest! May the Force be with you, troopers! https://t.co/fC4A92HLNN
@BenWalke @T0TALfps @OssenJ @Braddock512 @MaxMyrus @_jdodd @Straatford87 @phatseejay @aT1C @JayKingIngram
@tibermoon I am surprised as well bc I honestly could not even tell you what my ringtone sounds like.
Who Wants to Be A Millionaire: “Please hum your ringtone.”
I would 100% lose.
@EAHelp: Hello there, troopers! We’ve resolved the issue that affected some players and made them lose XP in #StarWarsBattlefrontII. Tha…
@AnthemYour @JayKingIngram @CadenHouse @AeterRific @alex_frostwolf Appreciate it William!
Your in-game stealth mission goes terribly wrong. What's your next move?
@EAHelp: Troopers! We're working on a fix for the affected players whose XP's has been lost in #StarWarsBattlefrontII. More details to c…
@scottfeed Easy choice! Miles Morales
@GoodGameBro Yessssssss
@LazareGvimradze: Head empty only upcoming bioware games 🪐🐉
@steinekin “This could have been an email.”
This has all kinds of "I'm not sitting through 4 hours of the Snyder Cut" vibes.
@BlessiousPlays I wish I had thought of this. 😂
@JudasDubois 💯
I have thought a lot about this day. I think the fight against toxicity and violence and racism and everything else our previous president brought to light is far from over.
But today is a new day, and what I hope is a step in the right direction.
@TheAlanJohnson: Wait, is Bernie is wearing the same jacket from his meme at the inauguration?
Bonus head tilt picture
One year ago Dante joined the family. He was truly a blessing in helping me get through this past year.
I tried to recreate one of my favorite photos of him, but failed 😂