No streams this week, staying unplugged and am still enjoying my staycation π
@alex_frostwolf @npcSara I hope they use their full first, middle AND last name when they see these Tweets.
@alex_frostwolf @npcSara I honestly want to speak to all of their parents.
Here are some Really Good Bad Jokes from Garrus & Joker, in case you're into that sort of thing. #NationalTellAJokeDay
@ScoutTheTrooper Goal is to talk more about endgame in a future blog. Emphasis future :)
@andile_ralehoko I have not shared the heavy yet....yet.
@ShereefHenien No details, but npc visibility in combat is something we are looking at.
@henry_chan91 Something like that...
@ai_baggs Based off the same rig - something we did not do in live and it contributed to the limited amount of creatures you encounter (it's one of the most expensive parts of the process).
@BridgeTheMan THPS3 is a gem.
@BlessiousPlays @samzorz This guy is good! π
@ChristianDailey: Hey friends - awesome week. No details to share on the blog, other than it is happening and the title is done :) - morβ¦
@BokaLaBoca Why do you have to put that into the universe?
@Elendel19 not a second faction - just internal naming for where they reside :)
Hey friends - awesome week. No details to share on the blog, other than it is happening and the title is done :) - more info soon. Thanks again for all your feedback and questions. I'll end the week with a new sky pirate concept. Happy Friday all!
@ChristianDailey the cool kids are writing blogs these days.
@b00sterAu Haha. That is an amazing story.
@b00sterAu Paranoid Android is still one of my all-time favorite tracks.
Without stating your age, name the album(s) you remember being the most emo and peak angst
Fall in, Pilots!
Here is the latest Pilot Briefing, which details pilot and starfighter customization in #StarWarsSquadrons. π
Learn more about how you can customize your pilots and starfighters in the latest Pilot Briefing for #StarWarsSquadrons!