@Spartan901 Thanks for sharing, Michael. I'm looking at all services for backing up now and seeing what will work best for me 🙂
@vicious696 Very tough life lesson, but a lot of the good photos are posted online at least.
@andrewlukenbach Contacts and key things are backed up, but I take so many pictures and take videos that I didn't have enough space in iCloud. Moving forward, definitely using some sort of service.
@RegulateTheLIbs Cloud is only 5 gigs of space. I've got my contacts and some other things backed up, but I had way, way more than 100 gigs of photos and videos.
@TorbisXD Only 5 gigs on the cloud...
@The_Poolshark They do, but only 5 gigs unless you pay for more space. I had way, way more than that in photos and video.
Maybe this is a glitch with the iPhone XS Max, or maybe the latest iOS update. My advice to everyone who has an iPhone, back it up. I don't want to see anyone else to go through this 😢
Before anyone jumps in, yes, I know I should have been doing some sort of backup, and I'm beating myself up about it already. I'm looking into options to do this moving forward.
My iPhone decided to randomly factory reset itself today....I've lost all of the photos I took this year and am devastated, all of Dante's puppy photos I didn't post somewhere are gone.
@Anthemuniverse I see what you did there
@StevenBrust Not to be sicophantic, but my favorite authors are Dumas, Zelazny, Brust, Cook, and Tolkien. Not canonical, but luminaries.
@StevenBrust This is really good, and I see your point. Given this, how would you describe Zelazny’s influence on you?
@FreelancerCodex @nighguy Yes, who knew you could make stuff out of trees?! #YoureWelcome
@BlessiousPlays This checks out.
@SploomGaming I am still partially skeptical I’ll even get the one I paid for. I ordered on Best Buy and it was pickup only, which is safest as I’ve heard of them getting stolen in transit, but I’m still skeptical.
@SploomGaming I had so many restock alerts set up and they were still selling out within seconds. More than once I had them IN my cart only to not check out fast enough and lose it.
@YohanMusik I don’t know when the new RTX cards are dropping but you definitely won’t NEED them for a while if you already have a 2080TI.
.... but, I’m right there with you. 😂
@YohanMusik I’m an Intel guy, but I’ll definitely be interested in seeing how they perform!
@ForNein For what, a GPU? I’ll upgrade that whenever the 3080s launch. Already have a 2080TI
@cmariee @JuiceboxCA Ooooooooh. Thanks for the heads up.