about 4 years ago - EA_Lanna - Direct link

Hi @iamabasser 


Thanks for looking to bring this to our attention. I'm afraid we can't process reports made on the forum and can't facilitate name and shame per our forum rules. We'd need this information to be sent directly to the team investigating these reports. I'll share the steps on how to report cheaters below: 


- To report a cheater on console, follow the steps in the spoiler tag.



While in a match, bring up the in-game menu (Tab on PC, Options on PS4, Menu on Xbox One) and open the Squad tab.

The Squad selection tab in Apex Legends.

Select the warning symbol (“!” inside a triangle) under the player you want to report.

The Report player icon is an exclamation point inside a triangle.

Choose if you'd like to report the player for cheating, or for another reason.

A screen letting you enter a player name and what type of report you want to make.
Choose the reason:
  • Shot me with no line of sight
  • Aim was snapping to targets
  • Moving in impossible ways
  • Ammo or recoil was unusual

Choosing the reason you are reporting a player in Apex Legends.

Click Submit.

You can also report a player while spectating them after you have fallen in a match.

Hold R to report a player when spectating an Apex Legends match.

- source: https://help.ea.com/en-tr/help/faq/report-players-for-cheating-abuse-and-harassment/


- For PC players, you can report players by reaching out to Kamu (a service we partner with to help curb cheating) directly via their website.





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