over 3 years ago - EA_Illium - Direct link

Hi @MSwampertEX Thanks for the update, can you try going through the follow and check if you still sit for a long time looking for a match?


Data Corruption: 

  1. Open the System Settings from the Home menu 
  2. Go to Manage Software and select Apex Legends 
  3. Choose Check for Corrupt Data 
  4. Choose Redownload if it finds any corrupt data 

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over 3 years ago - EA_Illium - Direct link
@MSwampertEX Its good to hear you can queue now, if anything else pops up let us know! Illium.png

*Accept as Solution button- If a post answers your question please let us and other players know by hitting this button.
*Me Too button - 'Me Too' helps us track how many players are also experiencing that issue. Definitely make use of this button.
*XP button - Say Kudos and help players 'Level Up' by giving them XP for helpful posts.