u/rspn_exgeniar Why don't we have this?
u/rspn_exgeniar Why don't we have this?
I have a change that makes quitting count as a death + a kill/assist next season....
Is there are possibility then that knocks count as kills ?
Its really hard when you no fill OR solo queue and your team is all dead and you knock 2 enemies and the third kills you, but you don't get any stats
I hope this gets implemented if quitting will start to count as a death
I definitely agree that feels bad. Making it so that you could get assists while dead would definitely solve and alleviate a lot of the feels bad here.
Sadly, the current RP system with that implemented would encourage a few degenerative cases, which we need to solve before we could consider implementing this feature.
Just one more before you go, what about people who quit before getting knocked? I've had wraiths phase and quit and I'd lose out on a kill?
If a player quits, and if said player has an assist marker from an enemy, the game will force-kill the quitting player, resulting in a death, and kill and assists will be granted to the last damaging enemy team.
That is what I am currently doing.
I'm going to assume that the teased change will make any quit before full-death count as a death. RIP Wraiths who think their artificially inflated KD/R means anything.
Is there a way to make quiting count as 2 deaths :)
Cap or fact? I havent seen the patch notes yet
read it again