over 3 years ago - EA_Kent - Direct link

Hi @px335


Are you launching Apex Legends through Origin, or do you run the game through Steam? 




over 3 years ago - EA_Kent - Direct link



Got it, thanks!


Can we try running through some troubleshooting to see if we can help fix the issues you've been seeing with your friends list? A good place to start off would be with the basic connectivity steps over at the EA Help website. If you're still running into the same issues after that check out the PC-specific steps as well. 


Let me know how that goes once you've had the chance to give it a shot. Thanks!




over 3 years ago - EA_Kent - Direct link

Hi @yu66392


Were you able to try any of the troubleshooting steps I linked above? We also have some Xbox-specific steps as well if the same issue is still happening. 

Let me know if you're still having any trouble seeing your friends list afterward. Thanks!




over 3 years ago - EA_Kent - Direct link

Hi @badaslinky123


Have you checked your PlayStation privacy settings to make sure they're set to allow invites and friend requests? For more information on how to adjust these settings check out the PlayStation Support website




over 3 years ago - EA_Kent - Direct link



Are these friends who are also playing on Steam, or do they play on different platforms? 



