over 1 year ago - EA_QueenBee - Direct link
Hey @Swift_Julian,

Would it be possible to share a video of what exactly you mean? I quickly tested it myself (Admittedly on PC), and I don't seem to be able to recreate what you're describing. Does it happen on flat ground, an incline, etc? Any information you could share would be handy!


Wees aardig voor elkaar | Be kind to each other
over 1 year ago - EA_QueenBee - Direct link

Ah, I think I see what you mean now! It's the little shake that happens when you start running again, right?


Wees aardig voor elkaar | Be kind to each other
over 1 year ago - EA_QueenBee - Direct link

I'll let some folk know! I tested it a bit on my side, and it looks like Loba's the only one affected. Cheers for the report! Standard smile If you find any more weirdness, don't hesitate to reach out again!


Wees aardig voor elkaar | Be kind to each other
over 1 year ago - EA_QueenBee - Direct link

Back with a little update already! Looks like heirloom shaking is being looked at. Seems there's more instances than we've been able to test between the two of us, but the investigation is active and ongoing.


Wees aardig voor elkaar | Be kind to each other
over 1 year ago - EA_QueenBee - Direct link
Hey @Swift_Julian,

From what I can tell it's still being looked into, and I unfortunately don't have anything I can share beyond that right now. I appreciate you helping with extra context and info though, hopefully I'll have an update for you soon.


Wees aardig voor elkaar | Be kind to each other