about 2 years ago - EA_Lanna - Direct link

Hi @xnehalf,


Thanks for taking the time to share this experience with others.


You're 100% correct. Contacting the Terms of Service (ToS) team is only advisable if you believe the ban was added by mistake/no rules were broken. There is no purpose reaching out to the ToS team aside from that as they will not overturn bans if the rules were broken and creating appeals for legitimate bans adds more to the queue and causes the wait times to spike.


Often toxic/hurtful comments are shared in the heat of the moment but they cross a line and as a result suspensions and even bans soon follow. The rules are there for a reason. It's as the Positive Play Charter says, "being part of a gaming community should be positive, fun, fair, and safe for all...Harmful behavior toward others is never acceptable. We want everyone to have a good time, so we will not tolerate bad actors and will suspend or ban players who negatively disrupt or engage in harmful behavior.".


It can be a hard lesson to learn sometimes but it's great to see the self-reflection elements in your post already. Hopefully, whatever games you play in the future, you'll be able to have more positive and enjoyable interactions with other gamers and fun as a result. Remember, you can always report others being abusive/breaking the rules and get on with your own game, we'll look into the rule-breaking. Standard smile


Take care, 




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Please only DM me if I've asked you too, or in the case of highly sensitive content. General questions/issues/topics are best shared on the forum where others can take part/benefit from the responses/solutions/workarounds

about 2 years ago - EA_Darko - Direct link

Going to go ahead and lock this thread as historically conversations such as this have not been productive.


