about 1 year ago - EA_Aljo - Direct link

Hi there, @DoctorOfGhetto 


Thanks for reaching out about this. I'll try to help with your connection issues. The biggest piece of advice I can give is to stick to a wired connection. That should be a lot more stable than wireless. Also, it would be good to try the troubleshooting steps listed here


Speaking of being wired, make sure you're using at least a Cat 6 cable. You also may want to update your modem/router firmware if it's out of date.


Clearing the alternate MAC address may help. Here are those steps:


  1. Go to your Xbox Settings
  2. Go to "Network", then "Advanced Network Settings"
  3. Click on "Alternate MAC Address", and then click "Clear"

Let me know if these help or not. 

8 months ago - EA_Aljo - Direct link



As long as you remain on a wireless connection, this will continue to happen. I recommend using a wire. If that's not possible, it would be good to look into using a powerline adaptor. Those have been a very good solution when using a wired connection is not possible.
