over 1 year ago - EA_QueenBee - Direct link
Hey @lhuonana,

If the game is saying that your account is banned, then you'll need to reach out to our terms of service team via the webform in the following article:


We can't help with bans of the forums, but they'll be able to take a look for you.


Wees aardig voor elkaar | Be kind to each other
over 1 year ago - EA_QueenBee - Direct link

Don't worry about it. If you have any more questions, don't hesitate to ask! Standard smile


Wees aardig voor elkaar | Be kind to each other
over 1 year ago - EA_QueenBee - Direct link



You should have an option to change the language in the top right of your screen:



Hopefully you can find your preferred language there.


Wees aardig voor elkaar | Be kind to each other