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I’m not sure if I’ve seen them run this comp in other tourneys or scrims. Is this the new NRG comp? Have any of them discussed this comp on stream and the motivation behind switching it up?

Big props to them for playing the new comp at the highest levels and succeeding. Takes huge cojones to try a new comp for the biggest tourney, curious to see if they stay with it during split 2.

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over 2 years ago - /u/RSPN_JayBiebs - Direct link

Originally posted by Diet_Fanta

The comp actually originally is credited to a Raven tweet, which 9imps read and decided to run Loba in Champs after.

Edit: Here is a literal clip of him saying that

chatter:you guys were the first to pick loba?

9imps: hmm, no i stole it. not from pros, but from an analyst.

sunset: from who?

9imps: from raven. i saw once that he tweeted that 1 loba in a comp lobby would be dope. i thought about it and thought, yea, it would be dope. then they buffed her and we started playing her immediately.

I actually really respect raven’s takes. He’s not afraid to theorycraft and experiment with unusual comps