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Welcome to Legend Monday! This discussion thread focuses specifically on a randomly chosen legend.

Today's Legend discussion is focused around: Gibraltar!

Discuss what you like or dislike about this Legend; how it compares to others; playstyle tips and techniques; or anything else that you think would be of value to discuss regarding Gibraltar.

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almost 4 years ago - /u/RSPN_JayBiebs - Direct link

Originally posted by OrangeDoors2

He's by far the best support character, but using his kit (minus gunshield) requires multitudes more brainpower than spamming res as Lifeline so she ends up more effective for the average player.

Obviously one of the biggest pains in the ass in the entire game is his gunshield. Apparently they're considering giving it bleed-through damage and allowing it to count toward evo shield leveling. I think those two changes would put him in a really good spot, but it's anyone's guess whether "our data" will allow the changes to go through.

I'm still of the opinion that the game would be in a better place if they never gave him fast res in his bubble. The bubble was already fairly safe to res in and making this change was undoubtedly the reason that they needed to rework Lifeline into the cancer she is today.

He's pretty annoying to fight, but we've come a long way since the walking tank and hospital all-in-one God Gibby of Season 3.

Unfortunately a couple meaningful tweaks to the gun shield just missed the cutoff for next week’s patch: (1) Bleed through and (2) damage counting towards stats/evo to mitigate some of the shield economy difference in poking engagements against a Gib.

Nothing at the start of the season for Lifeline, but we are exploring options to reduce some frustrations surrounding her passive. Taking some power from that and giving it to her underwhelming ult is what we’re looking at in particular. We didn’t want to act too hastily in nerfing the combat utility part of her kit without giving her a bump elsewhere. The other aspect is with communication. Let’s say we add a cool down to it: how do you best communicate it’s on cool down to the Lifeline, downed teammate, and enemy? That requires testing, getting feedback on what feels right, iterating, etc. Did want to let you know we are working on reducing that Lifeline frustration without discouraging people from using her.

Edit: Wanted to add that we really wanted to get the gun shield change in for 8.0. But we discovered a bug in how damage is registered by the gun shield with single projectile vs. multi-projectile weapons.

almost 4 years ago - /u/RSPN_JayBiebs - Direct link

Originally posted by DiabolicalDreamsicle

That's understandable imo. Could a fair buff be to carry additional heals per stack? or make the care package less noticeable or have better items? Just spit balling here, but right now that insta-rez is personally more frustrating than a Gibby arm shield or Caustic gas lol

Both fair ideas. We're looking at helping out the ult in particular, perhaps having it look at your squad's loadouts and give you a guaranteed upgrade. In its current state it's often useless past midgame. And like you mention it sometimes is actually a hindrance to rotations and can bring unwanted attention. Regardless, there's a lot of room for improvement there that we're experimenting with for introducing alongside the passive tweaks.

almost 4 years ago - /u/RSPN_JayBiebs - Direct link

Originally posted by Mirage_Main

Two things:

First, thanks for clarifying her passive is getting a nerf. Everyone on this sub will absolutely degrade anyone suggesting a nerf to her passive in a similar manner people revolted and wanted Pathfinder’s 15s grapple back.

Secondly, could her ult be a bit weak due to the time it takes? IIRC, it takes 6 minutes to call in a package which is a bit ridiculous compared to Loba’s ultimate that can do much more and you can spam it down every minute. Additionally, I’m not really sure how well it’ll work out to just keep supplying loot when another character does that better. Would an AoE heal be better? Similar to the one in DBD.

I think those who are against a nerf are justified. I always want to tread carefully when tweaking abilities that provide combat utility. I don't think there would be much incentive to pick her if we hit that passive too hard (other than small hitbox). She would just be a decent medic instead of combat medic. So instead of giving her the Pathfinder treatment (initial 35s grapple change) and straight up nerfing her kit, we want to move power around. Unlike old Path, Lifeline has a stable/reasonable pick rate. Her win rate, however, has crept pretty high particularly in higher MMR lobbies. It's not surprising that the the true potential of abilities are fully realized at this level, and statistically significant changes in win rate amongst legends don't really occur until you look at the top 5% (this is good, it means gunplay is more important than abilities for the vast majority of the player base). So Lifeline's high win rate at high MMR aligns with the frustrations that many players feel, and we want to resolve that without hurting how it feels to play as Lifeline.