5 months ago - EA_Mako - Direct link

Hey @ScrubsAreNone,


Just to clarify, progress is stored on the EA account level, not on individual platforms like PlayStation, Xbox, Steam, etc. This means if you link your platform to a different EA account, you'll lose access to that progress. That would be why you're running into this situation.


Progress cannot be transferred from one EA account to another, so if you're trying to recover access to that progress, you would need to re-link your PSN to its original EA account.

  If you have any issues re-linking your accounts you'll need to get in touch with support to see if they have any other options available, as we cannot make changes to your account on the forums. If you create a new case here and select Game Support > The EA app > I want to update my EA Account information, you should be able to get in touch with the support team so they can assist further.   Mako.png