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I'd personally like to a little bit more depth to the racial influence on the Nodes. Don't get me wrong, changing the Astethics is a very nice already, as it might give rise to more interesting cities, despite being the the same Node on different server they were built on.

However, I can't help but feel, that there is some wasted potential here to to provide each racial influence with the unique flavors of the race who has predominatly built it. That's why I'd would like to suggest 1 additional building slot for Metropolis, where a building of the predominant race can be erect.

Each race would be given 3 building options. One of which can be built if the Metro has the influence of said race.
The 3 options would correspond with the values attributed to each race. For example a Vaelune (Trade, Law, Hardship) Metro would be given the build one of the following three:

[*] Caravanserai (signifiying their virtue of Trade)
[*] Tribunal (signifiying their virtue of Law)
[*] Hospital (signifiying their virtue of Hardship)

Depending on which building the city decided to erect everybody (not just citizens) within the Zone of Influence (1/5 of the Map) of the Vaelune Metro would get certain benefits or perks depending on which building is erect.

[*] These perks shouldn't be inherently far better than others, just touch different aspects of the game.
[*] The perks given by these should be influential enough, that it gives People, who are interested in different aspects of the game a reason to push for the Siege of the Metropolis and creation of a Metropolis of their prefered racial influence.
[*] Create a bit more depth leading up the decision "What race should i play". Moving away or at least diminishing the notion, that you have to pick a race that is the best for the class you want to play.

Just a couple of ideas what perks these buildings could give.

For example:

Trade has been the fundament for the prosperity of the Vaelune empire. Its Caravanserai supplies the Territory with materials to strengthen its Caravans and Trade Routes. All caravans started within the ZOI of the Metro can receive a special upgrade, through a payment of gold, increasing its Travel Speed, Hitpoints and/or Cargo Size.

Vaelune value law and order within its territory. The Tribunal ensures, that no Outlaw will go unpunished. City and Caravan Guards and defending Mercenaries become significantly more dangerous. (Alternatively, Corrupted players could either suffer harsher consequences upon death or need longer to work off their corruption).

Vaelune have suffered many hardships in their history. That's why they erected the first Hospitals, which leads them get through the hardships Verra is throwing at them. The access to Hospitals and medical care far beyond its time allows Adventurers to recover faster from the critical injuries, reducing the amount of EXP Debt they collect upon death.

Ideas, criticism and feedback would be greatly appreciated. I think something along these lines would greatly help to make the racial influences on metropoli feel more meaningful, while tieing into the lore, the flavour and the immersion of its race. Without creating the necessity to meta-game the system.
over 4 years ago - LieutenantToast - Direct link
Some interesting ideas being brought up here, as well as thoughts around balance. Would love to hear what folks come up with as ideas for potential buildings around other races than Vaelune!

Some folks may also want to remember that we've previously discussed an attrition mechanic around racial influences on nodes, to curb the impact of one racial style dominating the landscape: https://ashesofcreation.wiki/Races#Racial_influence_on_nodes