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We, as a community, MUST promote good things within the Ashes of Creation community. The gaming world as a whole has become filled with such toxic vitriol that it makes playing otherwise good games, completely impossible. I'm not speaking from a gameplay point of view, but from the point of view of our social interactions. The relentless and unending barrage of cruelty, heartlessness, apathy, and, in a word, evil, coming from the gaming community as a whole WILL infect AoC like a cancerous poison and destroy this game. Just like it has done to every other game prior.
We, as a community, must not allow it to happen. Whenever we see toxicity and cruelty we MUST push back against the player(s) doing it. It's very possible that Ashes of Creation will be the last real chance for a true MMORPG made by gamers and for gamers that we see in decades. It's very possible AoC is the last chance we'll have to create a space where we can truly enjoy a game and not have to deal with a hailstorm of hatred.
We have to stand together and make sure the AoC community is welcoming, friendly, kind, compassionate, and good. We have to do this right.
about 2 years ago - Vaknar - Direct link

Intrepid and the community has already been doing a pretty good job at smacking out any really bad vibes (which is good!). No one can get rid of all the toxicity but as long as the really bad ones don't make camp here that's a win in my opinion B) This thread is also making me have PTSD flashbacks to the many years in LoL and WoW arenas haha :D :'(

I like to think so too!