almost 2 years ago - Ashes of Creation - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s not every enemy in Vera is going to just
4s behave like their simple you know aggro
6s immediately and B-Line for you the giant
9s spider might not necessarily want to
11s engage these scary looking Adventures
14s um so he's gonna stand off and you know
17s hope that you you know back away and
20s look at that it's so creepy I love the
23s Adam for this so he's he's kind of not
25s necessarily aggressing but he's just
27s like don't come any closer like keep
29s talking back off get away yeah he is
33s kind of peacocking I'm said to him
34s vulnerable because I want us to be able
36s to kind of walk with the Cyclops as we
38s see him start to path here uh but I I
41s wild animals just you know not every
43s single wild animal is gonna immediately
45s beeline for you and so that's the kind
46s of behavior we want to capture some more
47s ambient behaviors you might not expect
49s to see in MMO maybe some creatures
51s hunting each other you know these kinds
53s of you know more believable behaviors
55s from wild animals