over 4 years ago - MargaretKrohn - Direct link

💫Whoosh...#SoLongSanctus 👋 We step through the Divine Gateways, landing in a deserted clearing. Let's take a look around...

🗻To the west, there are snow-covered mountains.
🌲To the east, there are trees as far as the eye can see.

Which way should we go?
over 4 years ago - MargaretKrohn - Direct link

Text adventure?! Yes!!!

YAS! @VioletLight has put together a WHOLE adventure for us. We're excited to see where you all take us! 😍
over 4 years ago - MargaretKrohn - Direct link

We need to get up high to get a lay of the land. Then we can snowboard down 🏂

over 4 years ago - MargaretKrohn - Direct link
Lore Dynamic

OOooooOoooh! I love Choose-Your-Own-Adventure stories.

Let's go on an adventure together!


We shall see where this adventure takes us!

Love seeing folks discussion in here too. haha.