over 1 year ago - Ashes of Creation - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

20s hello everyone and welcome to yet
23s another day in Vera happy to be with you
26s guys again I can't believe that it is
29s the end of July but we have a fun
32s presentation to show you guys today an
34s update on the cleric kit and also a
38s little bit of a showcase for the high
40s women Hills area which is a very cool
41s point of Interest I am joined by two of
44s our glorious designers whom you have
47s spoken with before in the past they are
50s our resident Dr bucky bucky how you
52s doing buddy good I'm doing great
54s welcome sir and then we also have our
57s glorious combat designer Mr tradd how
60s you doing Trad doing great happy to be
62s here again
63s yeah happy to have you guys both so
65s obviously clerics are near and dear to a
67s lot of people's hearts we had a little
69s bit of a showcase for the cleric uh gosh
72s when was that was that that was like was
73s it that was last year yeah yeah I think
75s so few live streams ago yeah yeah it was
78s quite a few and we were in uh I think we
80s were in that Cemetery area and we were
82s kind of showcasing some things some
84s things and the community gave us a lot
85s of great feedback and your guys's team
88s on the combat Strike Team have now had
90s an opportunity to kind of go through
92s analyze and collect that feedback
94s incorporate it as part of our
96s development process and we have a little
98s bit more extensive of a kit today to
100s show I think we have eight roughly 18
101s abilities or how many abilities are we
103s showing off today uh yeah somewhere
105s between 16 to 18 on there
108s very excited very big yeah big increase
112s gives a much more comprehensive look at
114s the at the core kit for the archetype
116s which is super exciting so before we
120s begin why don't we perhaps talk a little
122s bit about the area that we are in and by
126s the way uh yes this is a noble war horn
129s he is a he's a big fella
132s um he's excited to get in there he's
134s heard that there is some uh some
136s minotaurs that have taken up residence
138s in what used to be I think uh a bandit
141s Camp look at how uh we don't have sounds
143s associated with him yet sorry guys sound
145s effects
146s okay perfect thank you all the way down
149s we've got to time that we gotta time
151s that right hold on three two
155s thank you Bucky that's perfect and that
157s is why you're a doctor no but uh tell us
160s a little bit about a little bit about
161s this place the uh The Highwayman Hills
164s yeah so we're venturing Into The
165s Highwaymen Hills a place notorious for
167s you know banded activity you know always
170s dangerous to run a caravan through here
171s even just looking at these like walls
173s here you can see we could get you know
174s jumped at any moment
176s but um yeah so used to be uh presided by
180s Bandits but now there's a story arc
182s that's been triggered so the uh shatter
185s Cloud tribe of Minotaur I've recently
186s seized control the area so we'll be
187s seeing a lot of miniature activity now
189s instead
190s ah and that's part of the whole you know
192s how story arcs are intended to kind of
194s change the environment the world
197s um you know obviously we saw this a
198s little bit with the Tower of Carfin
200s presentation
201s um but the spawners are adaptive based
204s on the state of the world and that state
206s is inclusive of these story arc
209s conditions yeah yeah exactly and if
211s we're able to you know complete our
212s Quest here we might might further change
214s as well
216s this is absolutely beautiful I can't
218s believe environment has done a
219s tremendously glorious job
223s um in creating I love the canopy through
225s the approach Into The Highwayman Hill
227s Zone it is super cool yeah it looks
231s great with the god race coming in oh
233s yeah you can't have enough copies
236s that's Tristan knows uh so do we have a
238s quest for this area or or what are we
241s seeing here
243s oh location entered okay so we actually
246s now are in The Highwayman Hills perhaps
248s I should let my uh
249s my Noble war horn
251s yeah off here like a dangerous
254s you've been a trusty Steed my friend but
256s this area is just far too dangerous for
258s your kind
259s so just hang out here and we'll be back
262s um okay so I think you know what's been
265s relatively successful in the past or the
266s community has enjoyed is when we kind of
268s spend a little bit of time up front uh
270s going through each of these abilities
272s describing what they do and then we can
274s do some gameplay and kind of show off
275s the kid in action
277s um we might want to take a volunteer
279s because I know this is all healing
281s Centric for the most part which means
284s we'll actually act have to have a Target
286s Bucky would you like to beat that sure
287s yes I'll do it right here in the shade
289s is this good oh my God this is hopefully
292s not a sign of things to come but there's
293s a corpse next to you I think it might be
295s like I didn't hear any heels what
299s happened to this guy happened
303s oh my God that's that looks only we
306s could ride
308s okay so let's let's start off with this
310s with this kit what is our first ability
313s that we have
315s uh which one are you are you looking at
316s Mid here it looks like yeah I'm looking
318s at men okay it says that it instantly
320s launches a healing projectile toward
323s Target Ally each charge of the ability
325s consumed after the first has no Mana
328s cost okay that's nice and it restores an
330s increasing amount of Mana to the Caster
332s based on the number of missing charges
334s consecutive uses of the ability will
336s gain bonus healing yeah so talk to me a
338s little bit about the intent here this is
339s kind of the efficient maintenance seal
342s that you can fall back on if things
343s aren't you know hitting the fan too hard
346s um so if you're you know if you if your
348s Target's not going to like not in
350s immediate danger of dying
352s um this is a lighter weight heel that is
354s much more efficient on your Mana
355s resource
357s I'll just keep damaging myself so you
359s can heal me yeah nice it's pretty nice
361s and comfortable to use and see the
363s little loading projectiles it's not
365s great for like a super reactive
368s situation because they have that travel
370s time
371s um but you know but you still have the
373s opportunity to use them it's more like a
375s predictive feel right like when you
377s don't need to immediately respond to a
379s bad situation and just to keep in mind
382s guys as of course as always this is very
385s necessary for us to say this is still a
387s work in progress we are working towards
388s our Alpha too you're going to see the
390s state of the UI is not in its final form
393s uh same is true for the visual effects
396s uh and everything else right everything
398s is always in the in the state of Polish
400s and kind of
401s um refinement or excuse me when we get
403s to that state
405s um but that's what you're kind of seeing
406s now so this this is a pretty useful
407s ability you're intended to kind of like
409s weave this in between your normal
411s rotation yeah yeah so so like one of the
415s reasons this came to be for the kid is
418s um in the last version of the kit we
420s felt like you know you were kind of
422s swapping between cooldowns because you
424s just used whatever was up but you didn't
426s really have a comfortable like fall back
427s and so this one serves as more of a
429s filler activity that's a little more a
431s little more uh freely usable and more
432s spammable a lot of healers we played in
435s past games you know they have that heel
437s like that core heel that you can just
438s kind of use back to back and that one is
441s like filling that role to a degree cool
443s super cool
445s sorry about your oh yeah between this
447s one and then the next one Deliverance
449s um they're both kind of like your core
450s filler heels that you're constantly like
452s your bread and butter is really yeah
453s awesome so Deliverance let's talk a
455s little bit about that this is it says a
457s held ability which means that it's a
459s variable charge value yeah yeah
462s um I I really like this one I I'm sure
466s it's there's something out there but
467s I've never actually played a Healer that
470s had a um like a casted heel that you
472s could release at variable points of time
474s and it just to me it seems like it fits
476s uh heal really well because of its
478s reactive nature so you can like release
479s it you can kind of like hold it in you
482s know if your targets you're almost like
484s playing kind of Russian roulette with
485s your target like you're pushing it to
486s the last second to get the most value
488s yeah it's a really nice like tool to
490s have to be able to like cook the heel
491s basically if you think the target's
492s gonna take some more damage you get more
493s value out of it the other cool thing
495s about this one is that um it scales
497s based on the missing health of the
499s target so if you cast it on me now when
500s I'm at full health it'll heal for a lot
502s less than when I'm when I'm pretty low
504s that's super cool
507s whoops okay let's try you it's super low
512s so holding it full length you go from
515s about 780
518s to about 1400 and that would have been
520s even more of his health were even lower
522s so like he said if you were at like I'll
525s get super low here yeah so you'll you'll
527s see an even bigger so it scales on two
529s axes basically it's scaling on both
531s missing nine yeah scaling on both
533s missing health and the amount of time
536s wow that's cool yeah
540s I like the Russian Roulette aspect of it
543s I can just imagine the amount of
545s friction that's going to cause in
546s parties when the cleric player wants to
549s maximize the efficacy of the heel versus
552s the player recipient that's like Whoa
554s man a drama between tanks and healers is
557s What MMOs are all about
558s absolutely that's like standard staple
562s interaction Okay cool so that's that's a
565s super cool ability talk to me a little
566s bit about soothing glow
568s this is a bread and butter region spell
571s um you know it's got you have three
572s charges of it
574s um you can either stack them all on one
576s Target and they don't stack in healing
578s but they will stack in duration so if
580s you just want like a really long
581s duration heel on your tank or region on
583s your tank then you could do that or you
585s can spread it out for more effective
587s healing per second by having them all
589s tick simultaneously on three different
590s targets so there's a couple different
592s ways to use this
593s super cool I love obviously hot Sarah
597s something you try to keep up often so
599s this also has charges
603s nice very cool all right I see we have a
606s flash cure talk to me about the flash
608s cure another charge based thing this is
611s actually the last one so it's not like
612s all the ability everything is charges
615s charges on Stacks they just happen to be
617s very front loaded here but um this is
619s your last charge based ability
621s um this is an instant heal uh the the
624s neat like gimmick about this one is you
626s can use it during other abilities it's
628s kind of like our version of what you
630s would refer to as an ogcd or an off
632s Global cooldown
633s um we'd only actually like have a global
636s cooldown in the game right now but um it
638s serves as that kind of thing where for
641s example one way I like to use this is if
643s you're charging Deliverance
645s um you could even push it a little
646s further by hitting that
649s um flash cure as you're charging up
651s Deliverance if you wanted now presumably
653s though you wouldn't want to flash cure
655s while you're using Deliverance unless
659s you're afraid that they're gonna die
661s exactly or you could also just let go of
664s Deliverance have just go off right then
666s and there so you kind of have choices
667s there and whether you want to try to get
668s maximum Deliverance value by throwing a
670s flash gear or just making sure your
672s target doesn't die
673s cool that's super cool I like I like
675s that kind of oh button so to speak
678s right where essentially you know for me
682s as a as a person whose main healer often
685s um
687s it's always a very tense situation when
689s you're waiting for that massive group
690s heal cast time to go off or you know
692s whatever massive burst heal that you're
694s trying to do and you know you're
696s puckering up because who knows if
698s they're going to live during that cast
700s time but if you need to you can always
702s pop a little bit of flash cures minute
706s yeah
707s who you're gonna say Chad yeah I was
709s just like it's fun to use it's like a
711s nice little emergency tool because you
713s know a lot of the time you're as a
715s Healer you're like waiting for that
716s you'll to go up you're like come on come
717s on come on and sometimes you miss it it
719s feels a little bad and this is a way to
721s it this is an answer to that
723s yeah super cool okay next one we have
724s here the resplendent beam talk to me
728s about that one we've seen that and we've
729s seen an iteration of that in the past
731s yeah this is a returning one um but it's
733s it's seen a little bit of change
735s um before it was just uh you popped it
738s and it would do a chain heal now you can
740s use it like use it on Bucky and just hit
742s it like tap the button just a tap tap
744s tap tap a room exactly there you go and
747s it's so you can use it as a quick single
749s Target kill that way uh but you can also
751s charge it so this is another held
753s ability and the longer you charge it the
755s more targets it will bounce between
757s if you do it again
760s um and you hold it you'll see that I
761s should probably set my cooldowns to zero
763s for this portion of feature yeah that'd
766s be good
768s yeah it kind of has the uh you can use
770s it just instant cast to get a quick heal
771s up on someone or you can decide to
772s charge it up basically and have it
773s bounce to a bunch of people charge it
775s all the way it should bounce between all
777s of us little triangles let me try the
779s the quick cast again real quick
782s all right so that's the quick cast and
783s then I'll charge it up
788s ah super cool okay
791s I like how I'm just like with the
793s animation it's just like ever go
795s straight back
796s yeah animators do some pretty cool work
799s that's cool very nice okay I like that I
802s like the Dual Purpose nature of that and
804s obviously this is a great point of
805s feedback for those of you in the
806s audience who are kind of watching and
808s and taking a look at this class kit you
810s know do you like the versatilities on a
813s bespoke basis per ability where you kind
815s of have alternate types of functionality
817s that's up to the user to determine based
819s on the situation or do you like more
822s static use cases right uh something that
825s is very specific and and you have to
827s kind of use it for that situation
830s um that's a great question to get
831s feedback on personally myself I think
833s that providing the user a bit more
835s flexibility and versatility in the use
836s of these abilities uh makes for
838s interesting gameplay a lot of agency for
841s the player to kind of move between okay
843s let's move to the next one bless weapon
845s talk to me about this one this is one of
847s my favorites uh this is like basically a
850s utility a Mana utility that you can use
853s on either yourself or an ally so it's
856s kind of like a decision point of do I
858s want to you know sacrifice some of my
860s own Mana Resource Management in exchange
863s for helping out an ally and I one way I
865s like to use this is I'll just kind of
867s look at my own manner or someone else's
868s and it's like oh the Tank's like really
869s low I'll throw this on them for now and
871s then I'll put it on myself later the
873s eventual idea it's not set up this way
875s currently but the idea is you can like
877s freely kind of switch it around between
880s yourself and different party members
881s right now it's just on a cooldown
884s okay so I'm going to use this on myself
886s and what effect are we going to see
888s right now so it'll bless your weapon as
891s it is appropriately named and
893s um while that is oh Excuse me yes shoot
896s so that means if Bucky were to attack an
899s enemy you think he would return Mana per
902s hit
903s okay so we'll show that off when we get
904s into the map but it's only weapon combos
907s okay got it cool cool cool all right um
910s I see also we have here uh let's go to
913s judgment we have judgment we saw a
914s version of this in the past yeah so
916s judgments we've since changed judgments
918s now it's a lot longer of a cast
920s um but effectively it's similar where
922s you can either cast it on an enemy to do
925s a huge portion of damage or you can cast
926s an ally to a huge heal so it's kind of a
929s Charged nuke yeah
931s nice you want to do some dance show
934s yourself here let me show that off yeah
935s we've choose this one up a bit
937s and it has received the juicing
940s or I'm sorry apologies uh the juice the
942s juice box the juice box thank you oh
945s whoops that's the wrong one
948s oh yeah okay super cool so not as big as
952s Deliverance when they're fully charged
953s delivered to low Health but it's still
955s pretty big and it even if they're high
957s it'll heal for the same amount so it's
959s kind of
959s nice okay cool uh what's this one what's
962s communal restoration
966s um another one that's a returning uh
968s another familiar turning familiar cleric
971s spell is uh this one's been changed a
973s little bit too but it's mostly the same
974s it's still a party-based heel
977s um it's really your only party-based
978s heel that doesn't have any proximity
980s unless like they're really far but it
982s extends pretty far to all party members
984s it does a direct heal but it also has a
987s hot component so it's like or again not
990s super responsive but it's very good
992s value especially in like an eight-person
994s group yeah it's also giving some
996s temporary hit points you can see I think
998s in the UI yep a little bit of temp HP
1001s oh let's see where that is where's that
1003s at it should be a little uh blue bar
1005s overlay on the health bars see that
1007s little this little portion of temp out
1009s there yeah yeah once Okay cool so this
1011s can overcast exactly yeah once the
1014s effect expires to the temp health will
1015s go away so if it wasn't um you know you
1018s weren't damaged in the time then it's
1019s not effective healing
1021s it feels like
1022s perhaps the the instant Health received
1026s from this might be a little low
1029s is that the intent or it is a little low
1031s and I mean this obviously all these
1034s things are kind of been early iterations
1036s nothing super balanced things are kind
1038s of balanced but like for this one it's
1040s like okay the value is one you don't
1043s have to worry about positioning of your
1045s team it just hits everybody and if in in
1047s an eight-person group that kind of adds
1049s up a lot plus the hot effect and all the
1051s other stuff going on
1052s cool super cool all right what's this
1055s next one we have consecrating wave this
1058s one's pretty sweet so this one's a
1059s frontal cone heel so you don't have you
1062s don't need a target for this one you can
1063s just cast it it'll shoot it Forward
1064s based on the clear looking and it'll
1066s heal everyone it hits all allies and
1067s then it'll also damage enemies it hits
1069s too so it has a uh dual purpose as well
1071s it's AOE damaging wow that's cool
1076s in contrast to uh communal restoration
1079s this one's a bit more powerful also does
1082s damage so that's kind of the trade-offs
1085s is you have to position you know it
1086s costs you in your positioning but then
1088s it's in exchange for a bit more power
1090s something we talked about doing I don't
1092s think if done yet was making it uh split
1094s between all the targets hit so if you
1096s hit a lot of targets it'll do less and
1098s like if you hit half enemies half allies
1101s it'll split the total throughput but we
1104s haven't I don't think we've done that
1105s part yet very cool very cool all right
1107s talk to me a little bit about Divine
1109s Flair
1110s yeah this one is another
1113s um
1114s kind of what I refer to as like action
1116s heels the consecrating wave and divine
1119s player they're they're heals that you
1120s have to aim in World
1122s um so this is this one if you put it on
1124s the ground it's like a delayed AOE
1128s um if you want to try that on Bucky or
1129s something and after Bucky look like you
1132s need some health I'm dying all right
1134s here let me help you
1142s what's interesting about that one is um
1144s it's all it would also split amongst
1146s targets so I got a bigger heel there
1148s because Bucky didn't make it in time
1150s um it is kind of a funny little like
1152s mind game going there of oh I'm gonna
1154s jump in there but it's at the expense of
1156s his health because I'm stealing it uh
1157s tanks only please in this uh yeah
1160s a more social
1162s um conflict Dynamics going on
1165s name it again
1167s see ya
1171s excuse me
1172s um I had to call for a second um I like
1174s the uh delayed functionality in that
1177s ability I think that's super cool
1178s especially for an AOE skill
1180s um and telegraphing the location
1182s obviously with the ground-based decal uh
1185s for the party definitely yeah
1187s yeah exactly yeah super cool
1191s um all right awesome uh let's talk a
1193s little bit about barrier
1195s and so barrier is the classic kind of
1197s Shield spell you'd expect to see from a
1199s Healer kit so but the with the added
1201s twists that you have to sacrifice a bit
1203s of your own health as the Healer to cast
1205s it so it doesn't actually use Mana I
1207s don't think it just you sacrifice
1208s portion of your health to directly give
1209s to another player over time
1213s okay I like that that's cool
1216s yeah that looks pretty good and it's a
1218s clear delineation obviously in this in
1220s the style of The Shield bubble so that
1224s you can
1225s distinguish between you know other
1228s bubble types right
1230s like the Mages bubble yeah we could do a
1233s comparison yeah oh there you go yeah oh
1236s your bubble Brothers
1238s do you guys bounce off of each other
1242s bubble physics in yeah
1245s here have some help Okay
1248s um let's talk a little bit about the
1251s chains of restraint
1253s yeah this one's pretty similar to what
1255s it was before
1256s um
1257s it does damage over time so it's a
1259s really good it's it's pretty much the
1261s primary AOE damage tool to cleric um
1263s which isn't really the primary role of
1265s the cleric
1266s um but you know they get some and it
1269s also applies stagger so it kind of
1271s provides some offensive support
1273s um staggers for example synergizes very
1275s well with some tank abilities which
1277s um what it effectively does is extends
1280s the duration of a trip which is which is
1282s a knock down
1283s um so if you've like stacked up a bunch
1285s of stagger on an enemy and then trip
1286s them they spend more time hard succeed
1289s than if they hadn't been staggered at
1290s all
1291s very cool and obviously as we said guys
1294s just so you're aware when it comes to
1297s the development of the abilities
1299s um you know there is a specific pipeline
1301s that includes ideation into uh the Bare
1305s Bones kind of standing up with the
1307s functionality with design and then it
1309s moves to animation to provide final
1312s animation sets and then it moves to
1314s visual effects and then it moves to
1316s audio effects and visual effects and
1319s audio effects that tend to be at the end
1320s of that pipeline are usually the things
1322s that get uh that still need works that
1325s are still heavily Works in progress so
1327s you're seeing the visual effects now but
1329s obviously that will change in the future
1331s okay let's talk a little bit about
1333s defiant light yeah so this one's a uh
1336s really good tool for saving someone
1338s who's in danger of dying it's very
1340s powerful I'm in danger yeah which one uh
1342s okay so uh it applies first of all it
1344s applies a huge heal over time to the
1346s Target but if they die while the seal
1349s over time is in effect
1350s um it'll prevent their death and heal
1352s them for a flat amount and dispel itself
1354s so it's kind of like a oh
1357s wow I don't think it works with nuke oh
1361s no
1364s he's planted
1368s um
1372s we'll see if it actually works we'll use
1374s it in action yeah yeah okay
1376s I just wanted to uh you said it'll keep
1379s you alive so the first thing that came
1381s to mind is they let me kill you
1384s yes it is it if if that had happened and
1387s that was real damage
1389s um it would he would have prevented the
1392s death the effect would be removed and
1393s then he would receive a heal up to like
1395s 25 of his HP
1401s okay so that's uh defiant light not as
1404s defiant as we thought it would be but
1406s hopefully it will be uh when we get into
1409s combat okay Healing Touch talk to me a
1411s little bit about this
1412s oh that's a that's a melee heel
1414s basically you have to be up next to your
1416s target um but it is an instacast and
1418s it's a pretty fat Hill uh so it again
1421s it's kind of like consecrating wave
1423s um it's being costed more on its
1425s positioning by rewards uh you know maybe
1428s if some of our more melee built clerics
1431s would really want to lean into this
1433s um because they they have that
1434s positioning Advantage for it
1436s oh there you go okay see look at that
1439s what I taketh I giveth there you are
1443s have health this one combos really
1445s nicely too with the uh the next ability
1446s the um wings of Salvation because it'll
1449s let you get into melee and then you can
1451s follow it up with a uh healing touch I
1453s don't know if they're low yeah this is
1454s essentially an ally Gap closer
1456s um so this is you must have an ally
1459s targeted and and definition of an ally
1462s is going to be any
1464s non-combatant player uh and non-mob NPC
1469s correct okay
1472s that's kind of cool oh it's missing I
1475s think it's missing audio effects let's
1476s see
1478s colors yeah
1480s okay Phoenix I Gotta Give it the full
1483s Phoenix sound hold on signature Phoenix
1485s ability oh the audio might be a little
1488s bit bugged but that's okay as we said
1490s all things are worked in progress
1492s nice There It Is by the one two with the
1495s healing touch follow-up yeah okay so I'm
1498s gonna T into shift T got it
1500s yeah that's pretty cool there you go
1503s combo what if I T while flashing and
1507s then shift t hold on oh I haven't even
1509s tried that oh my God
1511s okay wait hold on
1515s oh that work it all happened so fast I
1517s can't even super healing
1519s that sort of works like two hands
1523s Okay cool so we got
1525s we got wings of Salvation and then I'm
1527s looking here uh we have Smite condemn
1532s and divine infusion talk to we can't
1534s show Smite or condemn we'll use those on
1535s enemies here in a second but let's talk
1537s about Divine infusion and this one is a
1539s bigger topic
1541s yeah so um
1543s we'll talk about the class resource and
1545s then how this plays into it you'll
1548s notice if you look at the top left there
1550s are now three resource bars for the
1552s cleric and that third one you might have
1555s seen going up and down as he's up and he
1557s has Steven's been healing
1559s um but this resource regenerates based
1561s on how much healing and damage you've
1563s been doing over the last 10 seconds so
1566s the more radiant damage and the more
1568s you're healing it's only effective
1569s healing so you can't overheal for this
1571s um but the more you're doing it the
1573s faster this resource will build up and
1575s the way you spin this resource is um on
1578s an ability called Divine infusion and
1580s what this is is uh
1582s if you have enough resource to complete
1585s the cast of a spell
1587s um you can use this during the cast of
1588s The spell and it will auto complete that
1590s spell I've never actually seen a
1592s mechanic like this in a game before it
1594s was a pretty cool idea that came up
1595s across the design title yeah very cool
1598s um okay so essentially I am gonna build
1602s up some of the
1604s um unique energy I'm gonna do that by
1607s healing Bucky and then I am going to use
1610s a long cast ability and I'm going to
1612s attempt to use Divine infusion to
1613s complete that cast sooner than normally
1616s would be possible and just to be clear
1619s if I were not to let's say use that
1622s ability then I would have a passive
1624s benefit for my character while that
1626s energy is maintained that amplifies some
1630s spell efficacy as a Healer
1633s yep
1635s cool okay so let me try to get some of
1640s this stuff
1641s oops
1643s oh I got one half of that okay so it's
1646s gradually earning it over time yeah like
1649s when when you heal it kind of gives you
1651s some generation of this resource then it
1653s kind of rewards you the actual resource
1655s over time so you can see it kind of
1657s filling in your bar yeah we've been
1660s referring to this as like a heat
1661s mechanic right so it's not like a direct
1663s instant translation of you heal this
1666s much and you get this resource
1668s immediately it's it's like ramping up
1670s your region and build a parade
1674s okay
1676s all right now
1679s I'm going to use judgment and then I'm
1681s going to pop my Divine infusion
1685s that's bad
1687s I don't think
1691s oh look at that yeah and it consumes
1693s some of that of it
1694s are you okay very cool yeah I was able
1697s to do it too
1698s I like that another oh button
1704s very cool yeah cleric this version of
1707s the cleric has a lot of tools in its kit
1709s uh just to set expectations you know
1711s that not any given cleric build would
1713s probably have all of these things um you
1716s would spec into certain ones
1719s um most likely we're still working that
1721s out
1723s awesome okay so let's take a look then
1725s at some of those more offensive
1727s abilities
1728s let us perhaps find
1731s a potential Target here at a group of
1734s minotaurs right up here use Smite and
1736s condemn you think we can peel just one
1738s of them off uh we could I could grab
1740s them and actually heal you
1742s tread could sleep the other two actually
1744s too
1745s oh let me set my cooldowns
1748s so that I'm not cheating too much back
1751s to standard you want to sleep the back
1753s two tread and I'll grapple the front one
1755s sure
1758s all right and then I'm gonna use
1760s what is Smite first before we do that
1762s what is smite
1764s um smite's just a
1766s well you can use it in two different
1768s ways as is a running theme with a lot of
1771s our abilities but uh you can use it from
1772s a range and it'll have a cast time and
1774s just do damage to the Target
1777s um and
1778s if you use it in melee it's an instant
1780s yes so again one of those things that
1781s you get a little more benefit for if
1783s you're up front
1785s okay so
1787s um it's going to apply a stack of
1788s burning and deal instant damage
1791s to the Target okay and then just real
1794s quick condemn is a straight up just done
1796s correct yep cast it's done
1799s all right very cool okay so in that case
1803s let me start by casting judgment on it
1806s perhaps okay while you prepare to sleep
1809s those two rain collars okay
1813s okay ready casting judgment
1822s okay right now you're good tank if you
1824s want to grab it
1825s good luck
1827s all right
1830s oh Smite that's kind of cool
1838s oh that's very cool
1844s how you doing over there oh geomet's
1847s taking some health
1856s very cool
1859s okay
1861s the hang of this
1863s oh
1866s I noticed that on this wand I'm getting
1869s some health back a little bit
1873s this has some minimal lifesteal or
1875s something
1879s nice very cool little passive light uh
1882s life leech
1884s very cool all right so I noticed that we
1886s have a quest in this area
1889s or what is this this is not a quest this
1891s is a story arc yep yeah so we're going
1893s to try and go through this area and
1896s we're looking for I think the first part
1897s of the quest is a bag you're on the
1899s quest right Stephen looking for a
1900s backpacks I am on the quest so let me
1903s just here why don't we just stand here
1904s real quick
1905s up near the
1908s bridge I just want to get a look at this
1910s it looks great
1912s yeah that does look really cool it's an
1914s old abandoned ruin
1917s yeah this is just a beautiful area I
1919s mean it's
1920s you know I love what the environment
1922s team has done it ruins the the
1926s God Rays everything great job here so
1929s what what are we doing next what is uh
1931s this Quest obviously some Bandits have
1934s been
1935s expelled from the area and there's some
1937s minotaurs and whatnot what are we doing
1939s here yeah so we're kind of coordinating
1941s with one of the Bandit leaders so I
1942s think we're gonna have to find his bag
1943s to uh and go meet meet up with him I
1946s think that's the plan we gotta fight
1947s through some minotaurs first
1948s okay all right cool
1950s I got your back you just you do your
1953s thing chicken wing and I got you I got a
1955s war grids too
1962s all right
1964s I brought some friends because uh you're
1969s good you're good you're good you're good
1972s I got you the Bear's looking at me oh
1974s he's charging
1976s oh he mauled you he knocked it he
1979s knocked you down yeah I got knocked over
1980s a little bit I can knock him down too
1983s get him
1988s nice very nice ball lightning
1992s we tried doing some deeps
1995s here I can help you out with the thieves
1998s let's bring colors on you
2001s wow it knows who the real threat in the
2003s party is
2005s he's like I'm the only healer
2010s this Chris has so much health oh
2013s no oh nice flashed here
2019s look at that maximum efficacy on the uh
2023s Deliverance on the Deliverance oh my God
2025s there's a bear oh no
2029s sleeping it
2032s nice don't don't hit that bear
2038s we're good
2040s experience up so much health
2045s okay Mana consumption's not too bad so
2047s far with the kid of course as you guys
2049s all know oh God it's standing it's
2052s sensing you it can smell the chocolate
2054s in your pockets like oh what's that
2061s consumption's not too bad now obviously
2063s I know we haven't gone through really a
2064s balanced pass between Mana consumption
2066s and cool downs and health returns so if
2070s you as you guys are watching just keep
2071s that in mind you know this is work in
2072s progress we're really trying to stand up
2074s the core functionality of the kit
2076s um and and getting its play style to
2079s represent the role right especially
2080s within Synergy of the Holy Trinity
2087s hey that wasn't too bad
2090s yeah you've handled that uh the grouping
2093s pretty well
2094s thank you some good coordination there
2096s we almost got him all right there we go
2099s so oh yeah there's two more in here
2103s just bringing them over to you you know
2105s I don't want my tank to have to run so
2107s much right thank you yes I appreciate it
2109s yeah no worries or should I be like one
2111s of those other tanks like you touch the
2113s mobs you take it
2115s how dare
2117s get out of my party
2123s you know those types of uh those types
2126s of tanks and I know they're out there
2128s but if you are forcing
2133s someone else in the party to heal
2137s it's because you're not keeping a face
2138s oh
2140s true facts very true this is a nice
2144s little area okay we're just taking a
2145s seat here yeah you know just resting up
2147s getting my Mana back picking in the
2149s views very nice diffusive so okay
2152s talk
2162s so talk to me a little bit about UI
2164s versus action healing right obviously uh
2168s I have made healers in the past one of
2170s the things I enjoy between the
2172s predictive nature of healing and the
2173s reactive nature of it is that you know
2175s it's very two different tempos and I
2177s like both of them right if I if I have
2179s to
2180s um you know kind of wait hold on before
2182s I get into this what is this this
2183s backpack is that a splints bag I don't I
2186s don't touch bags that I don't own does
2188s one of you one of you guys wanna okay
2190s should I do it will it update it'll
2193s update my the story are for everyone in
2194s the area right I think so somebody can
2196s find that okay go ahead yeah got it
2199s must be nearby
2202s does it update for me
2205s I don't know can you try clicking it
2207s okay I will say oh it did it just
2210s updated for me okay gotcha cool all
2211s right there we go and as you guys know
2213s obviously UI is very work in progress
2215s we're still working on this
2217s um okay so predictive versus kind of
2219s reactive healing
2220s um I like both right if I love the
2225s excuse me I like the ability for me to
2227s kind of have control over the engagement
2229s and you know predict where I'm going to
2232s need to this is a beautiful view where
2233s I'm gonna need to um to heal but I also
2236s like the kind of whack-a-mole gameplay
2237s where I'm you know interfacing with my
2240s oh and let me see if I can move this
2241s actually I want to as a Healer
2244s I tend to have my
2248s my bar a little bit closer and move
2251s anything else hold on
2255s I feel like when I start a new fight I
2257s tend to be a lot more like reactive
2259s because I'm not used to the damage
2260s patterns as much as a Healer but then as
2262s you kind of get more familiar and you
2264s kind of know what to expect you can
2265s start be a lot more predictive which can
2268s certainly uh improve your performance
2270s and it's good to have tools for both in
2272s any kit
2273s oh yeah for sure totally agree
2276s um I see splint across the way oh is he
2278s up there up on that Tower yeah see this
2281s rope he climbed up with maybe
2283s am I supposed to be kill are we killing
2285s him are we talking no I think we're
2286s supposed to talk oh we're getting a
2287s chest key yeah we're gonna coordinate
2289s with him he wants to get these minotaurs
2291s out of the uh
2292s Bandit camps we have to work work with
2294s the Enemy a little bit here
2295s okay so we're going down on those like
2297s driving over bed yeah I don't want to go
2299s through the front entrance there's like
2300s a ton of minotaurs there so I think we
2301s should try and fight through this way
2303s maybe
2304s we got a wolf all right
2306s oh okay A little wolf little baby wolf
2307s oh my gosh
2309s what about you Chad what do you like
2310s about
2311s predictive or reactive me I definitely
2313s like the more tools you give me the
2315s better right
2317s um I think we'll uh we'll have different
2320s specs that lean one way or the other
2322s um or all kinds of different clerics you
2324s know obviously as everyone knows our
2327s class system will you know you'll be
2328s able to like
2330s pick your class based on uh primary and
2333s sub-archetype
2335s um in different classes we'll lean into
2338s different directions some will be more
2340s predictive and when we say predictive
2342s like we're usually talking like
2345s um like Hots and stuff are gonna be a
2347s lot more uh predictive healers or like
2349s pre-shielding you know yeah and that
2352s kind of thing whereas like reactive is
2353s going to be a lot more like instant eels
2356s that might
2357s um
2359s be less efficient but more adaptable to
2361s a certain situation
2367s you're getting that full Deliverance
2369s value there I I think there's a bug on
2371s my targeting I think I'm I'm like the
2374s target switches off of you for some
2375s reason oh okay
2377s my bad well I see you you're doing
2379s you're throwing in some condemns there
2381s weren't you you're stunning the uh
2383s yeah I was doing a little bit of you
2385s know yeah I was trying to help out I
2387s like when healer's gonna help with the
2389s DPS in the healing do we want to grab
2390s these guys I was not gonna go this way
2393s but okay oh okay all right we can do it
2397s just sleep yeah
2400s nice sleep nice sleep
2403s oh well done huge sleep
2408s I was gonna sneak around but yeah we
2410s could just fly through the front door
2411s why not
2413s we need to show off our ability yes uh
2416s maybe sleep again oh nope nope has a
2418s decent cooldown yeah are you doing some
2421s good good kiting I am totally kiting
2424s these guys all right I got I got a
2426s couple I got three of them I think
2428s all right
2430s yeah healer healers will be generating
2432s threat right like I see they're noticing
2434s your healing so they're going after you
2435s it's taking me a bit of effort to uh
2438s get them off you I believe in you
2445s let's see if I can sleep or stun that
2448s guy
2451s foreign
2476s all right look at that easy peasy lemon
2480s sauce
2481s winner winner chicken dinner any other
2484s types of sayings we want to add to that
2486s uh not even close baby yes thank you
2492s great job great job yeah well done
2495s I didn't even get to do my like wings of
2497s Salvation jump to and oh very good look
2501s at that such a good combo nice clean so
2504s clean clean kill yeah we can just go you
2506s know we were gonna sneak around like
2507s actually yeah
2509s I think no no no stop stop wait there's
2512s more there's more wolves
2515s One More Time One Step a time here don't
2517s don't do anything after I get all crazy
2519s here
2521s yeah we're good we're good
2523s let me just sleep this wolf over here or
2525s not sleep but uh just put him down
2527s oops that was an accident that's a f I
2531s think I just got another one too
2538s okay there we go that's not too bad all
2540s right come down this way
2544s okay let's go this way yep the side
2546s entrance we didn't have to do any of
2548s that
2556s oh this is cool okay it's like a little
2559s back entrance all right yeah this gets
2561s around the main gate I think we can
2564s sneak around
2565s this area though because we like it
2567s aggro
2569s yeah yeah you know this I I feel like we
2571s can uh
2572s probably pull a little bit extra and see
2575s just how much we can tax this healer
2578s what do you guys think all right well
2580s I'll pull these three up here and move
2581s that fourth one
2582s all right let's do a little bit of uh
2585s potential heels oh God there's a wolf on
2588s me okay
2593s I'm gonna
2594s nice I'm taking some heels
2602s all right I've got are we doing next I'm
2605s gonna get these fires fire yeah yeah try
2608s to Aleve again
2609s hey weird all down big AOE
2612s I'm gonna do a trip
2615s I'm doing a delayed heal
2620s yes maximum AOE
2625s uh
2626s a wave attack too yeah yes that one's so
2630s good oh we got the delayed heel
2633s all right getting back all the value out
2636s of it try to get out of some judgment
2641s okay
2645s you're on a sleepout
2647s nice we got it easy that was super easy
2653s either that or I'm just a literal God of
2656s a Healer okay probably isn't it I even
2659s get all using the full kit thank you
2662s here have a barrier
2664s for that compliment
2668s okay
2669s all right
2670s all right so I think we just gotta go up
2672s the three shot team here yeah great
2674s great job one more we need to have a
2677s discussion with uh World design for this
2678s population I mean it's just it's not
2680s challenging enough yeah 100 minotaurs in
2683s here double alert respawn rate 10
2685s seconds here I'll do another another
2687s group here
2693s all right
2697s I just trust I trust now
2700s oh no yeah just trust you're good
2704s I have full faith in my healer
2707s I bought some additional mobs okay oh
2710s God oh my God we're getting a little
2713s cocky here
2714s no we're good he flew too close to the
2717s Sun two seconds on sleep okay all right
2721s sleep coming out now all right all right
2723s I think uh
2726s that's nice all right there we go okay
2729s okay helping myself oh yeah they're on
2732s you try to get them off
2735s all right oh my God
2738s I'm dying where are you I'm running a
2741s little bit I think I think they're off
2743s you
2744s okay I'm now healing you again I need
2747s some huge heels oh I'm using my tank
2750s cooldown I'm using the Divine infusion
2752s oh yes perfect
2761s I'm healing myself my Mana is definitely
2763s going down
2765s we got this we're almost gonna kill some
2767s come on uh let me put down these chains
2772s healing myself again
2776s stay on the rainbow
2778s I guess okay I'll Stand a rain collar
2781s I'm gonna I'm gonna rain collar
2784s we got it we got it now
2786s I am completely um
2791s all right we made it we did it we did it
2794s erotic I'll do the killing blow on this
2797s guy
2798s wait what are you ready for okay I was
2801s at 60 health and they were still okay we
2803s got it we got it you're good you're good
2807s can I have this hot that was epic that
2812s was pretty epic got some good pulse that
2814s was pretty fun that's actually pretty
2816s fun I enjoyed that as a hero that was a
2818s Oh moment and there are many ocean
2820s buttons for me to press we were talking
2821s about this man and not being balanced
2822s but I think that was pretty good like
2823s you ran out of man just right at the end
2825s of that fight like pretty good good
2827s first pass did not sound too bad now
2829s we're gonna talk to splinter
2831s programmers oh my gosh dude
2834s see and everybody says I am
2837s a crazy player there's just not you know
2840s oh okay Clay on top of this event here
2843s we're good this guy's kind of cool what
2845s is he doing
2846s hello
2848s splint talk to me
2850s nobody mentioned locking horns with
2852s minotaurs oh okay I need we need to
2855s unlock a chest he's not budging here
2859s take the key all right I've gotten the
2861s key okay nice I think the chest is in
2863s the main building somewhere so yeah
2865s let's go down here do you want to uh
2867s should we uh just even rest a little bit
2870s you're still uh look pretty low on Mana
2873s um I would be down to rest
2875s well we should probably go this way I
2877s actually I guess I think we'll probably
2878s run through here for a little bit yeah
2879s yeah let's get inside the building where
2880s we're going inside the building here
2881s follow me
2883s oh that's right we don't really even
2885s need to let's see if we can just
2887s since we cleared this whole area I
2889s wonder if we can yeah I don't think
2890s there's anyone yeah in here
2892s I think we gotta go down this little
2895s area oh down here in the cribs secret
2898s basement all right
2900s let me give us some light hold on I got
2903s us
2905s very nice oh yeah trad's got some good
2909s follow the lights
2912s follow the light
2914s here it is
2918s we're working together with splint the
2920s Bandit leader
2922s wait hold on I wonder what happens if I
2924s put this shield on you while you have
2925s your shield on
2927s uh
2930s double
2932s shield that's what you got that's cool
2935s it let it let loose this massive
2938s um explosion what did that do
2940s I think we're working together with
2942s splint to
2944s activate this ancient chest to
2947s I think we're Awakening some old Spirits
2949s this place to try to drive out the
2951s minotaurs I think that's the plan here
2953s this is a Stairway over here wait yeah
2957s what's the next part of the quest with
2957s the light the light the signal fire like
2960s the brazier
2961s I'm running up
2963s oh wait you lost this area uh-oh where'd
2966s you go
2967s Stephen oh there you look to your left
2969s where over here hey how do I get over
2972s there oh actually yeah there you go okay
2974s all right there we go I'm gonna go
2976s upstairs even more over here oh nice
2978s this is beautiful environment did a
2981s great job with this Zachary and
2985s um Tristan and yeah it looks really
2987s great looks cool to explore good great
2990s job
2991s beautiful
2993s oh look at that oh there it is nice
2996s well this was a cool uh little incursion
3000s into oh look at this all the zombies
3004s we've let the beacon and the zombies
3006s have overtaken the minotaurs there's
3008s still Minotaur corpses oh my god dude we
3011s missed the Bloodshed I think we did
3013s yeah see zombies shouldn't get any
3016s credit
3017s that's super cool very cool well guys I
3020s hope you all enjoyed this uh brief look
3022s at the update well not brief but look at
3024s the update of the cleric archetype and
3027s what you'll be expecting in Alpha 2.
3029s obviously your feedback is incredibly
3030s important to us please keep in mind
3031s everything is a work in progress
3034s um and we use your feedback as part of
3036s our iteration process so if you can give
3038s us your thoughts and what you enjoyed
3041s what you thought could be done better
3043s um in the YouTube video or in twitch or
3047s everywhere else we will go through that
3049s and we will take a look but we have
3051s enjoyed showing this Bucky and Chad
3053s thank you guys for joining me very cool
3055s very fun and uh I thought you guys did a
3058s great job yeah thanks for having us all
3060s right we'll see you guys back on stream
3062s I'm going ahead no
3065s wait let me jump to you let me jump to
3067s you come here come here
3069s come here wait there it is Boom
3073s bye guys out of control