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We got two bear skins essentially recently and a guildmate from the Gray Sentinels suggested I do a pic of them hanging out! I thought my Oak Stoat turned out cute and I enjoy doing this style so I did a small painting with these two before Winter starts (where I am anyway!). Thank you, @Ralizek !

I imagine they broke away from whoever their riders might be and ran off to have a picnic... wheter it was someone else's picnic or they're smart enough to put together their own is up to you!
Yes, they might be enjoying some fine magical Verran honey mead as well, not sure that's a good thing. lol

over 4 years ago - LieutenantToast - Direct link
AWWWW <3 we can bearly stand how adorable this is!

Can't wait to get our paws on more of your lovely masterpieces!