over 1 year ago - Ashes of Creation - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s another sort of interesting thing that
2s you'll see with you know livestock and
4s other types of things that you can
5s gather is um uh you'll be able to kind
8s of choose the things that you want to
10s gather from it right um Bucky had
12s mentioned animal byproducts right and
14s you know milk is a byproduct a cow and
17s you know so is beef so um it's up to you
20s kind of how and when you want to harvest
23s your Livestock in certain ways and uh
25s you know same same with plants uh maybe
28s you want to you know take take the corn
30s and maybe want to cut down the the
31s entire uh uh corn plant um to make room
35s for other crops and you know uh there's
38s different byproducts depending on how
39s you interact with that gatherable