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I've read on the wiki that they don't plan to allow players to steal from one another. However, I'm wondering if they've touched on the concept of being a thief/spy other than the simple pickpocketing and stealing from a stall.

For instance, I love to play a thief in TES games. I just find it so fun to break into a building and try to maintain my stealth while stealing some juicy goods.

I understand that breaking into a building falls into the "can't steal from a stall" mechanic in a lot of ways. But, I'm thinking along the lines of intrigue between towns and guilds, or stealing from a caravan during a long expedition. Don't get me wrong guys, I know that players would abuse mechanics like this, and I think if they were to ever be implemented, there should be a very large amount of risk associated. I just really like the idea of being a thief/treasure hunter, the lone wolf type who still carves out a successful piece of the world due to making smart moves and strategic scores.

Does anyone know if there's plans for this, or if it's been totally nixxed already? Thanks

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about 3 years ago - /u/IntrepidStudios - Direct link

We're not planning for a stealing/pickpocket mechanic for Rogues to steal from player characters in Ashes of Creation. More details on this in the wiki here.

When we say "spies," often we're talking about players joining guilds to SPY on them, and not specifically something from the rogue class kit. For example, see the discussion on our forums regarding spies and intrigue here.

about 3 years ago - /u/IntrepidStudios - Direct link

Originally posted by slick_dev

Thanks a ton for the comment! I'm wondering if you could expand a bit on the role play of a rogue outside of the Thieves' guild?

Do you guys have any plans for implementing thievery on players outside of raiding caravans?

Similar to how players get stuff from raiding a caravan, players will drop some items on death. While it's not rogue specific, it might be the closest thing to what you're asking for regarding "thievery from players."

You can get more details about death penalties, and the types of things players can drop here.