Original Post — Direct link
hi my question is if i buy a 250usd pre order pak for example, then another month maybe there is another one i really like,
do i need to buy the whole 250usd pak or can i buy the skins in the upcoming pre order paks as addons i heared something about ?
about 2 years ago - Vaknar - Direct link


hi my question is if i buy a 250usd pre order pak for example, then another month maybe there is another one i really like,
do i need to buy the whole 250usd pak or can i buy the skins in the upcoming pre order paks as addons i heared something about ?

You can buy the individual skins yeah, but only up to what is allowed in the main pack you own. You can also upgrade the pack to the $375 at any point. Here is what my store looks like for example ($375 pack). If I had the $250 pack I would not be able to buy the costume.

Thank you for providing this helpful answer! <3