Transcript (by Youtube)

1s [Music]
16s hello everyone and Welcome to our
18s glorious ashes of creation December
20s development update we hope that everyone
22s has been well and safe um we are
25s obviously super excited and we're
27s getting ready for the festivities um
30s with you know this is our final Dev
32s update of the year is it I know can you
35s believe that 2024 is coming to an end
38s and with what a climactic ending it is
41s as all of our audience I think we have
44s right now that is watching I don't even
46s know they're all waiting for the
47s launcher to be fixed waiting for the
49s launcher to get fixed we just have a lot
52s of very uh excited people to join the
55s game um just to give you guys a brief
57s update those of you who are waiting to
58s get in uh we are currently working on a
61s fix right now our platform team is um
64s there is uh some issues with the
67s launcher communicating with the database
69s um and we have a fix that is currently
72s underway and when it gets deployed we
74s will have uh testers restart their
77s launcher to grab that fix uh but that's
80s probably going to not be ready for at
81s least another 45 minutes to an hour um
84s so I would say those of you who are
86s standing by welcome to the show enjoy
89s this
91s for the next uh hour and we will be our
94s team is working on fixing it right now
96s so yeah in the meantime we will try to
98s entertain you uh with the best we can on
101s our end um but of course this is uh you
104s know kind of wrapping up the year I'm
107s Margaret cron your director of
108s communications and obviously that is
109s stepen Sharie our creative director um
112s we have as you can see below our plan is
115s to kind of go through some reminders and
116s things uh we'll talk a little bit about
118s Alpha 2 and then befall and Forge we
121s have a little playthrough with our Dev
123s team uh that we did over yesterday with
126s uh some folks live so that was pretty it
130s got a little chaotic because there was
131s so many uh players but I think that you
133s guys will have fun and enjoy um some
136s Shenanigans and then uh a little live
139s Q&A so if you have any questions or
141s things that you want us to talk about
142s obviously beyond the launcher we're
144s going to get that resolved uh feel free
146s to pop those over to us we'll be
148s grabbing those we have um
150s our content creator program manager uh
153s is assisting today and we also have CMS
155s so uh they'll be all kind of watching
157s things from all the spaces as well as
159s our social media manager watching on our
161s channel on our socials so if you have
162s questions if you have thoughts share
164s them with us we'll try to grab the ones
165s that are you know we're seeing the most
167s of um but uh first and foremost we have
171s our YouTube subscriber Spotlight so I
174s will switch over to show that on the
176s screen um for this one uh this was from
179s dorm for 24 and they want to know they
181s or they stated I'm worried that even
183s though I just got a new pc with great
185s specs that by the time the game releases
188s to the public then I may need to have
190s upgrades all over again love seeing the
192s direction but also worried that by the
194s time of the release they're going to be
195s closing in on the next generation of
197s engines and the game may not be able to
199s compete with the games that are being
201s developed I'd love to know other
204s people's thoughts on this um I know this
207s was a discussion that was going on on uh
209s YouTu to but I I know that we have some
211s answers on that front so Stephen if you
213s want to talk kind of a little bit about
214s engine development how we decide what to
216s upgrade and then also just um you know
220s what they can expect on the uh Min and
223s Rec specs as we move forward yeah I mean
226s one thing I would say is that um if you
229s have currently if you currently have
231s Hardware that you're playing Alpha 2
234s with we are going to improve our
236s optimizations going
238s forward um so if you're running Alpha 2
241s well right now and it you know your
244s Hardware that you're running feels good
246s um I would expect that for the game
248s launch that that is also going to be the
250s case um and will likely run better as we
253s continue to optimize um our graphics and
257s our art that we've implemented into the
260s game um I would say also that when it
263s comes to like engine upgrades you know
266s we are still a a project that's very
268s much in development so we're going to to
270s continue to update alongside of Unreal
273s Engine as it continues to update uh
276s there will come a time in the project
278s where we stop that and we settle in on a
281s particular version of the engine uh but
284s that time has not yet
286s arrived yeah we uh it'll probably the
290s time that that arrives will probably be
291s closer to launch or post launch right I
294s think to give people kind of an estimate
296s on that for the for the engine upgrade
297s you're talking about yeah the engine
299s upgrade would happen the US stopping the
302s engine upgrade would happen before
303s launch so um you know sometime before
306s launch yes Goa gotcha just to give
308s people like timeline
310s um understanding uh and of course we do
313s want to remind you that we do have the
316s wave bundle aack or the wave bundles up
318s um we took down you know uh the first
321s wave obviously uh we have the second and
323s third still available for folks if
324s you're interested um phase or wave two
328s folks will be able to get in the W folks
330s will'll be able to get in with today's
332s update um so yeah if you have Alpha 2
335s access um as we get our launcher
337s resolved things will be moving a little
339s bit more smoothly and you'll be able to
341s get in and play and have fun um reminder
344s though of course that we are in a
345s testing phase everything is uh a true
349s Alpha for us so um expect it to be buggy
352s um if you do encounter any of those
354s issues making sure that you use SL buug
356s and Reporting those things to us um if
358s you have any feedback we have forms
359s available and there's some forms uh that
361s we've made that are like Focus testing
363s so if there's anything that you have
365s feedback on those fronts as well um kind
367s of sharing that information with us
368s would be helpful as you play through um
371s throughout the holiday and I don't know
372s if you want to talk a little bit about
374s how we've expanded it but um we are
376s going to keep things up originally we
378s had stated that um Phase 2 would be a
382s 5-day testing phase uh we will be
384s extending that for the holiday so we
386s will be keeping things up till January
388s 6th at 10: a.m. Pacific so uh please uh
391s enjoy the extended time um we will be
394s taking down Realms at 2 a.m. Pacific for
397s North American and 2 C for those of you
400s in Europe uh so we will have Auto uh
403s refreshes that are happening those
404s downtimes should be about 1520 minutes
406s we're not going to make a big
407s announcement for each of those it's just
409s a static thing that will be happening um
411s so making sure that you guys are aware
413s of that so if someone logs in during
415s those times be like hey that's just the
416s auto restart that is happening um it's
418s just going to allow us to keep things
420s fresh and make sure we don't have any
422s memory issues expand expand on that
424s normally we would keep servers up and
427s continue to soak them and observe them
429s however Intrepid Studios will be on
431s break uh for December 20th and until
434s January 6th we'll have a skeleton crew
436s obviously that'll handle issues as they
438s emerge over that period of time uh but
440s in order to alleviate some of the
443s potential soak issues that we might
445s experience normally given that we have a
448s majority of the studio out for the
449s holidays um we're going to do this
451s restart which should be relatively short
453s as Margaret said but that will help to
454s alleviate some of those issues and
457s obviously I know what you mean by soak
459s but um you know as we kind of share
461s information in regards to development do
463s you want to explain kind of like what
465s that means for folks who may sure don't
467s understand it you're good absolutely so
469s so soak soak testing is just basically
471s you know extended periods of time where
472s we keep Services up and running we keep
474s the servers up and running um and over
477s that period of time issues can arise
479s because because um you're allowing
481s things to run for an extended period of
483s time essentially uh that's that's really
486s what soak testing is letting people
487s hammer it over a long period of time um
490s when we restart the services when we
491s restart the servers it's kind of like
493s you know those those those issues can be
496s alleviated um and you know what might be
498s a memory issue over you know four days
501s worth of um worth of time uh now doesn't
504s arise because we've had that restart
506s session within a 24-hour period
510s go um and we also would like to remind
513s you all that we do have a Dev discussion
515s going up or that has been up um it is in
517s regards to music in mm RPGs we'd like to
520s know kind of like what are your favorite
522s songs in MMO RPGs and why kind of give
525s us the Vibes of what has made um them
528s feel great for you and how do they make
530s you feel what how important are music
532s and Ambience to you and what examples
535s from your favorite games demonstrated
537s this the best um and of course we do
540s have another one that will be coming up
541s in the New Year and that is going to be
543s in regards to spells and abilities and I
545s know folks are going to have feedback on
547s that front so uh prepare yourself for uh
549s that one coming up next um but we always
552s love your guys' feedback we always put
555s together these great reports for the
556s development team and they've been
557s utilizing that I think a lot of the time
560s it's just making sure that we're all on
561s the same page and for the most part that
563s has been the case which has been nice
565s nice to see that uh what we're planning
566s to do in development hasn't really um
570s been too far from what you guys are
572s wanting um and with that I'm going to
576s kind of switch us to the next topic
578s which is Alpha 2 um I know that's why
581s y'all are here anyway um but on that
585s front uh in regards to Alpha 2 Phase 2
589s um we kind of wanted to chat a little
590s bit about how alpha alpha 2 Phase 1 went
593s for us um so I don't know if you want to
595s talk a little bit about what we got from
597s that Stephen what kind of information we
599s gathered uh what the team has utilized
601s that with or how the team has been
603s utilizing that as we move into phase
605s two yeah absolutely um you know I made a
609s post about this a little bit earlier uh
611s I probably write something up that's a
613s little bit more detailed over the break
615s and share that with the community um but
618s um you know where we started back on
621s October 25th and where we are today is
626s obviously a world of difference and I
628s think those of you who have been testing
630s with us throughout that phase one um
632s even though we still have bugs you know
634s it's it's sometimes it's hard to
635s remember that we are still in an alpha I
638s think that's both a blessing and a curse
640s uh it speaks I think to the the quality
643s of at least of the systems and the
644s features that we have available right
646s now and I think also on the support side
649s because we we do really help a lot with
651s a lot of things and we're very involved
653s with our community uh we are also not in
656s the state of having in-game GMS who are
658s fixing every little thing yet uh that is
660s something we do want to do down the line
662s but um we're still in Alpha uh so kind
666s of bearing with us on that front but go
667s ahead Stephen um yes so I was I was just
670s going to say that um you know where
673s where we where we are now it's hard
675s sometimes to forget that we are an alpha
677s but we are um and you know we're still
679s going to have bugs but we came a long
681s way since October 25th now we are nearly
683s 60 days later um and in that time we've
686s definitely seen some some crazy stuff
689s seen some funny stuff I've really been
690s enjoying watching the Ash's moments uh
693s shout out to them on YouTube where they
695s capture a different um you know players
697s experiencing uh strange funny bugs and
700s um you know engaging in fun social
702s activities together uh but you know we
705s had we had on day one massive walls of
708s death and mount issues and Caravan
711s issues and um you know the ability to
715s log in get disconnected not be able to
717s create characters you know there were a
719s lot lot of bugs and I think you guys saw
721s as a Cadence for us as a studio on The
724s Daily releasing patches that are
726s addressing these bugs releasing on a on
729s a bi-weekly basis um you know content
731s updates um this is this has really been
734s a benefit and a boon for the development
737s team to kind of switch gears into this
740s live service type Alpha setting um which
745s um has really lit a fire I think not
748s just you know for you guys as players
750s watching the product progress but for us
752s as developers you know supplying these
756s changes that make the game better uh and
759s make the game more stable um and get
762s being able to see you know how that
764s interfaces with your testing Community
767s um in a live setting is something that
770s is very unique and not a lot of
772s developers have an opportunity to
774s experience but I will say it has been an
776s experience for us one that we've really
778s cherished and enjoyed
780s um so big kudos to all of you out there
783s who have been participating in testing
785s um Ro yes sorry whoops hold on I'm just
789s getting messages about this
791s thing you're okay um just so just to
794s update you guys in the audience uh
796s because the fix that we are um going to
801s because the fix that we're going to be
802s implementing right now for the login
804s servers uh is still going to take
806s perhaps another hour what we're going to
808s do is we're actually going to bring the
810s servers down right now and we're going
812s to wipe the progress for a new start at
815s 1 p.m. so just updating you guys live as
818s we've come to this we'll do messaging
820s for folks that are not watching this as
822s well so absolutely no absolutely R is
825s gonna be doing that messaging right now
826s but um just wanted to give you guys an
828s update that it is going to take a little
829s bit longer than we anticipated for the
831s fix so we're anticipating now and up
833s time at 1M um and we should have that
836s fix in place yeah and we were keeping
838s things up because we're trying to sort
839s out what the issue was but we' figured
841s out what that issue is and now and
843s sometimes and sometimes as issues arise
845s you know obviously we want to take a
847s little bit of time to diagnostic to
849s check see what's going on um in order to
852s understand you know what the fix is that
854s we need to employ and sometimes those
855s fixes don't cover all of the issue so
858s it's a little bit of a process it
859s requires patience on your guys's behalf
862s so that we can effectively treat and
864s diagnose the problem um and come to you
867s with a solution yeah so uh we're doing a
872s live we always uh try to keep you guys
874s informed um this one's a little
876s different because you're getting a live
878s uh reaction versus um us kind of typing
881s to you um which is also I've got the sun
884s like right in I know your lighting is
886s always crazy because when this Stephen
888s has a giant window on the side of like
890s his desk like I need angels in the
894s background I'll just every time that you
896s light up sing for you um yeah so
900s obviously like Stephen said we um have
902s been taking your guys' feedback looking
904s at the data that's coming in from phase
906s one um and kind of assessing those
908s things making changes um if you I me
912s I'll go over some of the things that we
913s are implementing and changing um I'm not
915s going to go over every single thing in
917s the patch notes but you should
918s definitely check out our update notes
920s we've been pretty thorough about them
921s even during the um intermediate uh
925s updates that we've had between um the
927s big ones uh We've also been keeping
929s people informed of what changes have
931s been coming as well as what you can
933s expect on the big highlight front um but
936s a couple things that we wanted to uh
938s talk about where maybe like a couple
940s bugs that we did fix o over the time
942s frame in phase one and if you guys
944s really like this maybe we'll make it an
946s actual segment and we'll provide some
947s video so we can all laugh about it um
950s and talk a little bit about on the dev
951s end how we fix things um so we'll do one
954s serious one and one funny one and if you
956s guys like that let us know um we've
958s always been kind of sharing our
959s development process with you so we
960s thought that might be nice but give us
962s feedback on it and if you are like this
964s is stupid don't take up time for this we
966s can we can can it too um but one of the
969s things was uh that was a little bit more
971s serious is that players were able to
972s kill noncom non-combatants without
974s getting corruption we know that this was
976s a problem that you guys were
977s experiencing people were really upset
979s about it um and I don't know if you want
981s to talk a little bit about how we
982s resolve that Steph um yeah I'm sorry
984s which which one was it again this is
986s when players were able to kill non
988s non-combatants without gaining
990s corruption I don't know I'm having such
992s a hard time saying
993s non-combatants non- combatants yeah so
997s so we actually have a a relatively
999s complex systems that that governs our
1003s alignments and game because there's a
1004s lot of complexity to those alignments
1006s right there is alignments that can
1009s change on the fly when you participate
1012s in an event uh events that you may not
1014s even have um agency over right if you're
1017s a part of a guild or you're part of a
1018s node and a war
1020s um there are also uh optin events such
1023s as Caravans that can change your
1024s alignments with other players uh there's
1026s an open world flagging system that can
1028s change alignments with other players um
1031s and because of the of the of the
1033s hierarchy complexity that exists there
1035s sometimes wires can get crossed code can
1037s get uh a little bit wonky uh and you can
1040s experience issues where uh those
1042s alignments aren't properly reading um uh
1046s uh as necessary so uh we saw a few
1048s different alignment B this was one of
1050s them where you could kill players um we
1052s saw some bugs where the alignment wasn't
1054s persisting when you would cross server
1056s boundaries um you weren't getting that
1058s value floated across the boundary um you
1060s know there are there are there were a
1061s lot of different issues that we saw with
1063s alignments luckily today uh with phase
1065s two starting and near the end of phase
1067s one we've gotten a lot of those
1068s alignment issues uh addressed um so
1071s they're much more uh sturdy
1074s now cool um and then the next one here
1078s uh was a more more of a funny one well
1080s they're kind of two bugs but we were
1082s able to solve them kind of with the same
1084s uh solution um well semi with the same
1086s solution uh we had an issue where well
1089s it wasn't really an issue I guess we
1091s implemented it this way for the laws and
1094s and kept it in uh internally for
1096s development but um when you attack the
1098s duck they would like cry out and make
1100s bear sounds which was really funny and
1102s then of course that wasn't a bug that
1104s was intentional they did that
1106s intentionally and then um chickens pigs
1109s and ducklings uh when you would kill
1111s them their their textures would get all
1113s stretched and look all funny um I know a
1115s lot of people were having a lot of fun
1116s with that um which was they also had
1118s some mounts that were doing that as well
1120s when you would jump with them they would
1121s get uh all wonky and and Flappy and
1124s their proportion would get out of St out
1127s of size yeah I don't know if you want to
1129s talk a little bit about uh the solution
1131s for that for currently um or what our
1134s long-term plans are with some of those
1136s things like maybe some things we will
1137s keep in that are funny or if we're going
1139s to try to stay more serious on that
1141s front I definitely think we're g to keep
1143s the ducks in that have voices of bears I
1146s think that's for sure something we want
1148s to keep
1150s in the Ducks may be small but they are
1153s truly Mighty in in spirit so uh I think
1156s it's only appropriate that we keep the
1158s the audio in that's for them right
1162s now um and uh for farm animals animals
1167s uh farm animals generally we are uh
1170s making it so you can't kill them so you
1172s won't be able to see the crazy textures
1174s um but eventually we will be resolving
1177s that um it has to do with something on
1179s the anbp side so we'll we'll resolve it
1182s um but in the meantime we are uh sabling
1185s you from uh murdering the poor chickens
1187s pigs and
1190s ducklings um and moving on to Alpha 2
1194s base 2 uh what you can expect what you
1196s can expect from a high level uh we did
1198s go over some of this stuff in our
1200s previous update but confirming kind of
1203s which features did make the cut and
1205s which didn't um so we'll kind of start
1207s with the races um if you want to talk
1209s about the Junior and um yeah absolutely
1212s so we have the Junior and the veon that
1215s will be a part of the launch for phase
1217s two uh the two new races are online and
1220s functioning um we had some testing of
1223s course over this last
1225s week where we invited our uh phase one
1228s testers to participate um in scale
1232s testing there and uh I saw a lot of
1235s different Junior players I think the
1237s majority of the server were playing on
1239s junor so it was fun to look around and
1242s not see anybody until you look down um
1245s and uh I think people are going to be
1247s enjoying these two new
1249s races yeah I know there's definitely
1251s some guilds that are uh very Junior
1254s focused um so they're going to be
1256s excited for that uh yeah I'm sorry the
1259s image we have of the veona they're a
1261s little undressed compared to the dwarves
1263s that we
1265s have so people are like much more
1267s relaxed the veon are way more relaxed to
1269s be fair I would dress probably more like
1271s a veon than I would a
1273s duner yes Stephen good to know I'm sure
1276s there's gonna be some weird fan pick out
1278s there
1279s now not safe other ones just look so
1282s clunky and very go swimsuit they're
1284s covered their bits are covered calm down
1287s um also it's hot where they're from
1289s right like they're desert people that's
1291s true yeah that is very true whereas the
1293s jir of course are more in the mountain
1296s yeah they're in the mountains look at
1297s that snow you know um beyond that
1301s speaking of the dunar we also have the
1304s befallen forge which is a new dungeon
1306s and we are going to be showing a
1307s playthrough of that so we'll talk a
1310s little bit about that when we get there
1312s um but I don't know if you is there's
1314s anything else you want to add to this
1315s since we're going to go in depth later
1316s about this no I think it of course it's
1318s a with the introduction of the duner uh
1320s that bef Fallen Forge comes online as
1322s well this is obviously a large uh
1325s underground dungeon is complex um that
1328s has a bit of lore to it the reason why
1330s it exists within the riverlands when the
1332s duner's homelands obviously are not in
1334s the riverlands there was some there was
1336s some collaboration during the torren
1338s Empire time um which of course did not
1341s end well unfortunately for the duner
1344s that exists within the befallen forge uh
1346s their remnants uh survived however ever
1349s in a state that I don't think any mortal
1351s would want to be in um and now players
1353s have an opportunity to explore exactly
1355s what those junir were up to within the
1357s befallen forge and what unfortunate
1359s curse befell them um there is also an
1362s intended uh raid boss World boss that's
1364s going to be in the Buffon Forge is not
1366s there present uh but this is an agent of
1371s uh of the corrupt forces uh a dracolich
1375s by Nature um that I think players are
1377s going to have a lot of fun and with love
1380s that um and of course uh we also
1388s [Music]
1390s have I have no idea why it just played
1393s that
1394s video
1398s apologies there we go um we also have
1403s some new uh everyone's like what just
1405s happened we also have some new notes
1408s that have been added
1409s in the sansol desert uh we have an
1412s economic military and divine node that
1414s have been added and we've kind of
1415s adjusted the world around these nodes so
1418s um if you are playing you will probably
1421s notice that so enjoy those new nodes and
1423s have fun with them the next thing that
1426s we have up on the list is uh we did add
1429s the ability to purchase freeholds um and
1432s there's yeah and there's a few different
1434s uh features that you can play around
1436s with with free holds as well um but it's
1439s not fully functional yet yeah just to
1442s give context here obviously freeh holds
1445s is a very very very large system um and
1449s so you're going to see this system come
1451s online in stages um throughout phase two
1455s and even perhaps into phase three a
1457s little bit some of these systems right
1460s now what we have in place uh for the
1462s start of phase 2 is that freeholds exist
1465s in statically located positions
1468s throughout the world
1469s um they are accessible by players who
1472s have acquired enough gold to purchase
1474s them you can interact um with the free
1477s hold directly I believe it's on the well
1480s perhaps I can't remember if they put it
1481s on the well or if it was on the house
1484s but you can interact with it uh on a
1486s first come first serve basis in order to
1488s purchase the Free hold um and when you
1491s purchase that free hold initially the uh
1493s functionality of that free hold is going
1495s to be providing the ability to uh to
1499s interface with the um the seed vendor
1502s and to create root balls which can um be
1506s planted on the freeh holds uh so that
1508s you can Harvest those uh for different
1511s resources and inject them into the
1513s economy uh along
1515s with some trees that can be planted
1518s there and I believe uh perhaps some
1521s animals as well um now the farming
1523s profession is not quite yet fully
1526s integrated yet um so as a result we'll
1528s be dual purposing I believe herbalism uh
1531s for the time being until we get the
1533s other pieces in place there is a home on
1536s each of the freeh holds as well
1538s different types of homes um so as I said
1541s you know some of these larger systems we
1543s want to get the base components and our
1546s functionality in place for players to
1548s start engaging with as the full feature
1550s and the full system comes online so this
1553s is the initial implementation uh and
1555s we'll be working towards the full design
1557s which we've discussed in the past and
1559s you guys have seen uh demonstrations of
1562s um over time over over the course of
1564s phase two yeah and I don't remember if
1566s you mentioned this already Stephen but
1568s it does require you to be level 20 and
1570s it does cost 100 gold on top of that so
1572s just making sure that people are aware
1574s of the requirements on that front um
1576s awesome yeah so uh beyond that we also
1580s have uh marketplaces and Marketplace
1583s vendors that have been
1585s added yes so this is a this is a core
1588s component obviously of the economy
1590s something that was missing all
1592s throughout phase one which is the
1594s ability to easily list and sell your
1597s goods um a lot of people talked about
1600s the desire to have more prevalent copper
1603s and and these rarer
1605s resources uh being more available and
1607s obviously part of the reason why that
1609s request was made was because there
1610s really wasn't an easy Avenue for players
1612s to trade with each other outside of chat
1615s or your guild structures whereas now
1618s comes the initial implementation of the
1620s marketplaces um where players who do
1623s acquire these rare resources will have
1625s an opportunity to list their goods for
1628s sale on the marketplace uh and you will
1630s be able to see them now I do want to
1632s caution this is a first implementation
1635s of marketplaces I think Alex and his
1637s team on the uh uh econ engineering side
1640s and the UI side have done a great job in
1642s standing this up uh as as has obviously
1645s the freeholds team as well the systems
1646s team um Mel and Chris and and um and
1651s Jake listing names you got to list
1653s everybody they're going to feel left out
1654s Jake Jake I've just got to say Jake Kyle
1657s Aeron they they pulled some heroics
1660s Landing this over the course of the past
1662s uh few weeks even in its initial
1664s implementation for freeh holds um so you
1666s know uh just want to give a shout out to
1668s the development team because they've
1670s been they've been pulling some long
1671s hours even as we come to a close here uh
1674s in the holiday season that go out to
1676s make sure that players have this yeah
1679s absolutely the whole interp get some
1681s little hearts in chat for the interpeted
1683s staff that' be nice I know they would
1684s appreciate that we we really um
1687s appreciate all the hard work that
1688s everybody has been doing yeah J Jake on
1691s the uh on the Freehold side did a lot of
1693s heavy lifting there and and Alex on the
1695s marketplace side did a lot of heavy
1696s lifting as well so um all the team you
1699s know has been of course kick and butt
1701s over the course of these last few months
1703s uh and I think you guys can share in
1705s seeing that uh as they see updates come
1708s to the game and the game get better over
1709s time um marketplaces of course I do
1712s again want to caution this is an initial
1714s implementation of the marketplace system
1717s um so it's possible there may be some
1718s bugs there's a lot of outstanding
1720s functionality on the UI side obviously
1722s any Market good Marketplace or auction
1724s house is going to be uh heavily um
1728s heavily driven by the UI search
1730s functionality all that kind of stuff
1731s that's going to come later in phase two
1733s but this will stand up at least in
1735s initial implementation of marketplaces
1737s which gives us the opportunity to trade
1739s your goods while being offline yeah and
1741s we're already Gathering feedback I know
1743s there was a lot of people who were like
1744s I can't it's great that we can search
1745s the description that random people come
1747s up with but we want to search for item
1748s specifics and things like that so that's
1750s intended that's in the design yeah it's
1753s just not in place yet yeah so your
1755s feedback we're we're pulling in a lot of
1757s its functionality like we said um
1759s generally a lot of the feedback that
1760s we've been getting is feedback that's
1762s already like features that we want to
1765s implement there hasn't been a lot of
1766s like new ones um but we of course would
1768s love for you guys to keep giving us your
1769s feedback because we want to make sure
1771s that we're hitting the nose and like
1772s what you guys want and the features that
1773s you want so continue to provide us with
1775s feedback uh generally our UI as a whole
1779s has a lot of love that it's still going
1780s to get um I know that we get a lot of
1782s chat requests and things like that so
1784s there will be more stuff coming down the
1785s line just uh you know hang out with us
1787s bear with us as we continue to make the
1789s product better and better as we go
1791s forward um some other highlights here
1793s and it's really just one last one is you
1795s know we do want you guys all to have a
1797s merry Christmas happy holidays whatever
1799s you celebrate um we did add a little bit
1801s of holiday spirit to Vera I know some
1804s people don't like that because they
1805s don't want it in their game but um we're
1807s having a little fun for our uh Alpha
1811s obviously as we get into the world of
1813s Vera when we launch the game there'll be
1815s probably holidays that Focus around
1817s Varon holidays instead of like IRL
1819s holidays um but just kind of I mean I
1822s don't know I'm I'm I'm digging the
1824s Christmas trees I'm digging the
1826s Christmas in game to be honest with you
1828s look at us Stephen and I got our hats on
1831s a little snowflake shirt I think the
1833s scrooges that don't like it they need to
1835s Humbug themselves into a better spot
1838s mentally yeah there's definitely been
1840s some vocal people who are like I don't
1843s like this this is you know you're you're
1845s breaking my immersion so okay you're not
1847s gonna like everything it's all good but
1850s we're we're having fun it's a you know
1852s we're making a game we're having fun you
1853s guys so it just and then of course as a
1855s reminder if you want to know the full
1857s list there's a whole whole bunch of
1859s things that we have uh updated and added
1861s and changed in regards to characters
1863s archetypes combat enemies NPCs
1865s artisanship and economy Caravans nodes
1867s mounts quests and events free holds
1869s visuals uh audio interface and general
1872s issues we've been fixing things and
1874s adding things so if you want to go check
1876s that out there are details over on our
1878s update notes uh we also have a list of
1880s known issues and we'll continue to
1881s update those things throughout as we see
1884s more problems arise um but may
1886s definitely checking that before you put
1887s in your slash bugs uh but you know if
1889s you put in a bug that's a duplicate we
1892s we'll find it anyway uh we'll we'll deal
1894s with it and I do I do just want to
1896s expand real quick I know that there's a
1897s lot of people talking about you know um
1900s the the wipe at at one o'clock and
1902s whatnot just to give you guys context
1904s for exactly what happened um there's
1906s there's around 28,000 to 30,000 people
1909s that are trying to log into the game
1911s right now uh and only around 4 to 600
1915s got in across the Realms so obviously
1919s you know there's a lot of people that
1920s had plans uh and I think it's only
1923s appropriate that we just we we wipe the
1925s Slate clean and we start again at one
1927s o'clock there's not too much time that's
1928s been devoted but you know name uh names
1931s that are getting reserved people that
1933s are getting head starts it makes sense
1934s to me it's not a hard thing to do um now
1937s people are talking about you know our
1939s server sizes as well and I know there's
1940s a lot of conversation about the number
1942s of servers that we had I just want you
1944s guys to know that our approach when it
1946s comes to server concurrency we had some
1949s very successful wins over the course of
1951s the last few weeks when it comes to
1953s network configuration we feel pretty
1955s confident that our servers right now can
1957s handle a concurrent load of around five
1960s to 6,000 per realm um and as we watch
1964s those cues get a little too high we're
1966s going to potentially introduce new
1968s Realms and for us that's not a very
1970s difficult thing to do so it only makes
1972s sense that we kind of preserve the
1975s population and the density at start uh
1978s in order to ensure that you know one
1980s month from now we still have good values
1983s on those servers when testers get a
1985s little bit fatigued um so keep that in
1989s mind yeah and that allows us to have you
1992s know healthy economies on those Realms
1995s um and not having to merge Realms and
1998s things like that as we move forward uh
2000s you've probably seen those things happen
2001s in a lot of other games in the in the
2003s past um obviously we're still in an
2005s alpha phase so that stuff isn't
2007s necessarily going to um be as important
2010s for us um like merging Realms and things
2012s like that but we do want to have healthy
2015s populations on those in order to get the
2017s most data for us on our end um but
2022s that's not to say that if we feel we
2023s need to open more Realms we will right
2026s um and that's an easy thing for us to
2028s spin up it takes us literally minutes um
2031s so it's not a just to be clear that is
2033s not not on the table if we wanted to put
2036s it out
2038s um and then the final thing wanted to
2041s kind of talk about what we're looking
2042s for feedback on in uh phase two if you
2045s kind of want to give folks a little bit
2048s of information on that front Stephen and
2050s then we'll get into befallen
2053s Forge yes um so you know obviously we're
2057s going to continue the work on stability
2058s and performance uh that is going to be
2060s an Ever ongoing uh thing that we do
2063s across the phases as a whole um but in
2067s phase two you're going to see some more
2070s um some more Focus around uh balance as
2073s well as the new systems and features
2075s that we're going to be implementing
2077s you're going to see some expansions of
2079s the playable space in the world and the
2081s new nodes that we're going to be
2082s bringing online you're going to see some
2085s more uh player Centric systems like
2088s sieges and um uh and expanded War
2092s systems and some developed Guild systems
2094s that are going to be coming online in
2096s place um you know these are all things
2098s that we're looking to continue to flesh
2100s out uh in order to see how they interact
2102s with each other um and then on top of
2105s that you know we're going to be having
2106s obviously testing on our PTR when we get
2108s back from break um that's going to be
2110s testing out some of these additional
2112s features that are necessary on um uh on
2115s the game systems that we're implementing
2118s um and you're going to be seeing those
2119s come online some of you have already
2120s seen a little bit of a sneak peek uh
2122s through some of the data mining that's
2124s been done on our Rogue uh some of the
2127s abilities I know leaked out and some
2129s some some of the content creators were
2131s talking a little bit about those
2132s abilities for the Rogue you're going to
2133s be seeing the Rogue come online as well
2136s yeah I think they're on
2137s the I know gonna say um and then
2142s obviously after the Rogue we're going to
2143s be working on um on the Summoner as well
2147s so um we're also going to be seeing
2149s additional races uh come online as we
2151s get through the work of making sure that
2153s our different armors are accessible by
2155s all the races um that's something that's
2157s going to be coming online as well and
2159s then you're going to be seeing nodes uh
2161s get to level four and start to utilize
2163s the vassel ship system U those are
2165s obviously very important parts of of the
2167s node system as a whole um which we're
2170s very excited to see uh as part of this
2173s phase two launch you're also going to
2174s see nodes take a little bit longer to
2176s come online um that's going to be in
2178s part due to some scaling that we've done
2181s on the um node uh experience acquisition
2185s uh but also some of the nodes now exist
2187s with in an area of the world in the sand
2189s squal desert that is much higher in
2192s level uh than the riverlands and so as
2194s such we've implemented this tiered uh
2197s kind of ranking now of node experience
2200s Gathering uh which is important to
2202s understand and for us to kind of inspect
2204s um so that's all important stuff yeah
2208s going to be a lot coming in and like we
2210s said we'll keep you guys updated uh if
2213s you um have purchased Alpha 2 it should
2217s we should be getting you should have got
2218s an email yesterday as well as if you
2220s purchase now moving forward or upgrade
2222s you should be getting an email on how to
2224s uh download but basically log into our
2226s site there's a little download button
2227s once you log in and you actually have
2229s the um Alpha 2 access you should be able
2232s to see that and go ahead and get the
2234s launcher started like we said we're
2237s we've changed the up time we're going to
2238s start at 1: p.m. Pacific now but we'll
2240s keep you guys informed on all of that in
2242s our Discord news section for Alpha 2 uh
2245s that is the best way to get the most
2246s upto-date information is via via that we
2248s are working on getting a a support
2251s widget in our launcher as well that will
2252s link to our uh X or Twitter whichever
2256s one you want to call it it's our support
2257s Twitter that we'll be keeping updates on
2259s as well um so down the line that'll make
2262s it a little easier for those of you who
2263s are not interested in using Discord but
2265s Discord is our best place for
2267s information on the time like moment to
2269s moment um but on the grand scale you'll
2271s still get emails from us whenever phases
2273s and big updates are coming along so
2277s keeping everybody in formed on that
2278s front if you aren't sure where your
2280s email went definitely check your spam
2281s and junk sometimes it goes there make
2283s sure that you put us as one of your like
2286s uh trusted uh you know emails so that we
2288s don't go on the wrong spots so you keep
2290s that information coming your way and
2292s with that I think we move on to befallen
2295s forge goodness I don't know if you have
2297s uh anything you want to preemptively say
2298s before we I like I like in chat some
2300s people are saying that Stephen's getting
2302s flashbanged see it's not just in game
2304s flashbangs exist in real life too
2309s yeah your lighting at one point was like
2311s so dramatic that's why I was like
2313s giggling I don't know if it came through
2315s my mic it's only during this time of the
2316s year I have these like I have these uh
2319s you have ring lights and you have panel
2321s lights you need to put them in front of
2322s you I don't know if I could show it to
2324s you actually maybe you can see it
2325s there's like this light up there yeah
2328s that just comes in perfectly into the
2331s into the uh into the room at noon and
2335s hits me so
2338s too funny it's very
2340s dramatic oh there now everyone's going
2342s to zoom in on your monitor your chat oh
2346s no whoops did I show that everyone's
2349s like leags like looking into it make
2352s sure there's no no code there okay we're
2355s good
2357s um did you have anything you wanted to
2359s preemptively say for befallen Forge
2361s before I go ahead and po that video
2363s absolutely okay just keeping the Train
2366s on yesterday yeah yesterday um we did a
2371s um we did a playthrough uh in the Buffon
2375s Forge I was joined by of course our
2377s lovely Margaret as well as our
2379s developers uh Jeremy um Jess uh Nathan
2383s our producer as you may know plan andorf
2386s um QA
2388s Anastasia um along with Bill and myself
2392s um and uh you know it's it this is a
2395s this is a large dungeon um and we wanted
2398s to kind of show you guys you know a
2400s little bit of a sneak peek obviously at
2401s the dungeon because it is higher level
2403s so it's going to take you guys a while
2404s probably to get to a spot where you can
2406s actually exist within this dungeon but
2409s um there is I mean it's a it's a
2411s beautiful dungeon and um you know just
2414s take into to consideration that what
2415s you're going to see now is the worst
2417s that this dungeon will look right still
2419s GNA have more impr yeah and there's be
2421s more content added to it we talk a
2423s little bit about some of that content
2424s too uh little spoilers as well
2427s absolutely absolutely and so and so this
2429s is a this is a fun little look at that
2431s keep in mind everything's a work in
2432s progress of course uh but this is live
2434s in Alpha 2 right now along with treasure
2436s MK by the way and you may find some
2438s Treasures Within These dungeon locations
2441s um so be careful you never know yeah and
2444s if you have questions throughout
2445s definitely ask them in chat uh whether
2447s you're in Discord or uh in here on
2450s Twitch uh we will be grabbing those um
2452s and kind of pulling them in we're also
2453s going to play the video over on YouTube
2456s if you want to see it as like a higher
2458s resolution and then come on back over
2460s here for the Q&A afterwards uh pick your
2462s poison whichever you'd like and of
2464s course that video will be up over on our
2465s YouTube at higher resolution um for your
2469s future wants and needs and then the full
2471s update will put up later today uh once
2474s YouTube and twitch cooperate together
2477s but uh without further Ado then we shall
2480s play
2489s [Music]
2504s hello everyone and welcome to another
2507s day in Vera and Boyd do we have an
2509s exciting showcase for you today we are
2512s just T-minus 20 hours away from starting
2516s Phase 2 of Alpha 2 and the team has been
2519s hard at work getting a lot of content
2521s and new features ready for us to test um
2525s we are going to be showing off one of
2526s those big content expansions here at the
2529s befallen forge and I am joined by some
2532s very amazing developers who helped bring
2534s to life what you're about to see today
2537s um joining us of course we have the
2539s classic uh world team owner that is
2543s Jeremy Jeremy how are you doing buddy
2545s doing pretty good
2547s off yeah yeah excited I'm excited to see
2550s what your team has been cooking uh and
2552s of course we have one of our glorious
2554s level designers uh Jessica Jessica I
2556s believe this is this your first time on
2558s the show or second time first time but
2561s I'm hyped welcome very excited I know
2563s that you've done a lot of uh a lot of
2566s cool stuff in here and I think players
2567s are going to be excited to see that we
2568s are live by the way on on the production
2571s environment uh obviously this week we've
2572s been doing um some testing uh on prod
2575s since last weekend was our last weekend
2577s of uh phase one so you may see some
2580s players run through us uh that is all
2582s cool we're down uh to clown with some
2584s people on prod um think if we get some
2588s strange uh you know comments or whatever
2591s it is what it is this this is where we
2592s are um but joining us as well on the
2595s design side of course is our director of
2597s design Bill Bill how are you doing buddy
2600s awesome you know just uh ready to go in
2602s here and uh see what happens yes it's
2605s going to be exciting I think and then we
2608s have of course our uh lead environment
2610s artist James James how you doing buddy
2613s I'm doing good excited to uh dwarf it up
2616s yes you are a dwarf lover and now we do
2618s have some dwarves I see our tiny little
2620s dwarves here with very strong legs of
2623s course uh very excited for that so cute
2625s I know uh and then we have joining us as
2628s well um our producer plan and dwarf a
2632s familiar face for many of you in the
2634s look at this Stephen give God Shield
2636s please
2639s uh Planet dorf uh how you doing buddy
2640s Nathan how you doing I'm I'm here to
2643s chew bubblegum and channel mana and I am
2645s not allowed a channel man anymore so I'm
2647s ready to have a good time love it love
2649s it uh and then we have our one of our
2652s glorious QA members Anastasia first time
2654s on the show Anastasia I know you have
2656s been finding all the possible bugs in
2658s what short period of time has been given
2660s to QA for this space but welcome
2663s Anastasia how are you thank you a huge
2666s imposter syndrome bed thanks
2668s no you've been doing a great job here
2670s the whole team has I mean really this is
2672s is such a beautiful looking just
2673s exterior even and of course you know
2675s this is the worst that this place is
2676s going to look um it's going to only get
2679s better from here there's a lot of still
2680s polish that we want to do there's a lot
2682s of set dressing that we want to do and
2683s of course lighting as well but it is in
2685s a place where we expect players will be
2687s interacting with this throughout uh the
2690s Alpha 2 um uh break excuse me the the
2693s Christmas break which by the way we
2696s probably have already announced this but
2698s we will be leaving the Alpha 2 servers
2702s up for Phase 2 through the entirety of
2705s our Christmas break which starts on
2706s December 20th and ends on January 6th I
2709s know that traditionally we had said that
2711s Phase 2 would be over a 5-day period of
2713s time but things are feeling pretty
2714s stable the team is feeling pretty uh
2716s aggressive in which case we are going to
2718s be um to be keeping things up over the
2722s whole break so I think a lot of people
2724s are going to have a lot of fun playing
2726s um there's a lot of new systems and feat
2727s which we'll be talking about on the live
2729s stream but today we are going to focus
2730s in this video on befallen Forge so let's
2734s head in we will come down at 2: a.m. or
2737s server restarts yes yes servers will be
2740s restarting daily at 2 a.m. uh Pacific
2742s time uh for those of you of course who
2745s are late night owls you will see that
2747s downtime is expected probably to be you
2749s know less than an hour but I don't know
2752s um and I think it's 2 2 e uh C for the
2756s oh my bad okay got you're good okay all
2759s right so this is the befallen forge I
2763s know that we have a lot of people
2764s following us is there a group there is a
2767s group but you're not in there just
2768s follow gindra because he's going to be
2770s our
2771s tank oh here we go ging you are our tank
2775s so so cool why is Step leading yeah why
2778s the Mage leading well I'm just looking
2780s at these this stuff I mean this is kind
2782s of nasty what happened to these
2784s people what why are we here yeah why are
2787s we here here what is this place Jeremy
2788s talk to us all why are there so many
2790s dwarves bu Fallen Forge it original name
2794s was the braithre and it was a
2796s collaboration with the dwarves and the
2798s humans to create a forge because over on
2801s the other continent over in aium the
2803s Toren Empire was starting to cause a lot
2806s of problems so they wanted to create
2809s this collaboration for so they start
2810s cranking out some gear to fight off this
2815s this Army that's going to be coming
2817s there way um then eventually during the
2821s Great War of the undy the Torin did come
2825s and take over this location and cursed
2827s everyone inside of it and then sealed it
2829s up so after the war we weren't the
2834s humans and and warws weren't able to
2837s break the seal and it was just us coming
2840s back from Sanctus in The Exodus that the
2842s Seal's finally broken so we have the
2846s remains of Toren and
2848s uh dunes and Kell and alens who were
2851s working this Forge that have been cursed
2854s and to this afterlife of maintaining
2858s this Forge and creating cursed weapons
2861s and things out of it nice very cool yeah
2863s I know I mean the forge obviously is it
2866s speaks for itself with all of this lava
2868s on the interior I assume that they use
2871s uh for the forge's purposes um let's
2875s head in if you want to if you want to
2876s grab one of these or just if you just
2878s want to Leroy it you're welcome to
2883s Jeremy now of course this is intended
2886s for full parties so uh if you need to to
2891s find friends the entrance area as is a
2894s classic dungeon maneuver to find groups
2897s and people waiting but there is also
2899s some um nearby uh uh we're close to kind
2903s of newa and what is the other one is it
2906s is it
2908s that's
2910s right it's also a good place to pick up
2913s parties that's what is a full group of
2917s eight everything you see in here is
2918s going to be three stars or
2920s more so this is kind of a higher higher
2923s end dungeon for the river lands oh I'm
2926s loving look at this this is I mean it
2928s definitely speaks dunar to me I mean
2931s looking at the looking at just the shape
2934s language of the uh of the doors and the
2937s archways and the blocky nature of it uh
2941s it looks great I'm loving this the giant
2944s chains look perfect inside oh God
2946s there's a great
2947s there fall inside
2950s that these slag born they have a lot of
2953s hit points
2955s 70k M you can hit
2959s hard as mentioned with the grates like
2961s the environment hazards are are pretty
2964s spicy oh really oh I didn't even say so
2967s so so the the uh grates back at the
2969s entrance area those actually deal damage
2971s to you as well right yeah they do about
2975s 10% of uh Health damage but you can roll
2978s out of it as long as you're not like
2980s standing in for a good maners so you'll
2983s be just fine but we're going to crank
2985s that up right oh for sure for sure it's
2987s going to be up to like 25% in the next
2989s play
2994s through it feels pretty good I got to
2996s tell you
2997s I think we we've definitely brought some
2999s stragglers along with us added Firepower
3001s here yeah they're kind of helping we
3003s have extra Firepower for sure let's get
3005s this patroller down that's good though
3007s we can make our ways a little bit deeper
3008s in the dungeon for the
3010s Showcase
3013s true yeah and we're in a we're in a room
3015s right now that has uh one of the mini
3018s bosses the Bellow Smasher that's on the
3020s other side oh no oh God oh God help
3025s healer
3029s the problem is you guys are going around
3030s this you all are on different sides of
3032s this pillar so you're not making my job
3034s easy so what you're saying is the level
3036s design
3038s is how dare you how dare
3042s you got to be aware of your
3046s surroundings okay uh for for this room
3049s in general what even though the pillars
3052s do seem a bit perilous um they're
3055s definitely used for like covers so so
3057s that way you can Tien up each of the
3059s enemies and the mini boss to kind of
3062s have some different tactics and stuff um
3065s when you're raiding through this this
3068s dungeon my
3070s bad um sorry telling these guys to take
3073s their party down
3075s south we will go
3078s north is this North
3084s yes okay there's
3087s in the middle of uh this room as well
3090s has uh the first showing of those cursed
3093s D that you were mentioning St oh really
3097s mhm where's that at right in the middle
3101s they're uh on workbenches is it as if
3103s they're were working on
3106s different pieces and tools based on Tech
3110s menus
3111s manuals you going to pull one of these
3113s guys gindra do we have to go south or is
3116s there an alternate way for us to go how'
3118s they get
3119s cursed you know what I'm going to I'm
3122s going to actually separate um from this
3125s group and I'm going to summon our
3127s party down somewhere real quick hold
3131s on how about down here Jess in the wall
3136s uh where are you at I'm floating down
3138s into this
3141s area kind of down in this
3144s section I don't know if there's a place
3146s for us to go from here there probably is
3148s let me summon you here hold on one
3152s second there we go I just pulled you off
3155s okay everyone back there is going to die
3157s in five seconds that was crazy I was
3159s like healing like a mad woman I was like
3162s oh my gosh what happened why were we
3164s doing so much damage oh no
3167s oh I think one of our victims here
3170s followed us yeah oh did they some some
3173s creative uh pathing there yeah yeah like
3175s to see it
3178s this happens sometimes when you when
3179s you're when you're recording in a live
3181s test
3183s environment but I think it's fun this
3185s way all right we got a less a little bit
3187s less of a hit point dude over here maybe
3189s we can kill him
3191s first he bling oh he does
3196s strategies what is this got
3199s him okay Switching
3204s back I love the aesthetic in here
3209s here yeah this part right
3212s here is definitely set up for gosh what
3216s was
3218s that was some damage right there oh the
3221s explosion after the curs ders yeah
3224s they're spicy now where can we go from
3226s here Jess now from here we're actually
3229s part of a later content portion push
3231s where this is going to be like a battle
3233s royale PVP session but um um wait hold
3238s on you can't just drop that bomb and not
3241s explain so this part right here the
3244s reason why it's blocked off is that
3246s there's going to be some A Relic or some
3250s cursed armor we'll see what what flavor
3252s we're feeling and once the players kill
3256s the final boss both these areas both the
3260s final boss area that's over here and the
3263s area of which we just came out of the uh
3267s Bellow Smashers room will unlock and
3269s there will be a timed event to grab the
3272s Relic that's over here oh that's cool
3275s okay that's cool and that that coincides
3277s kind of with our uh node sieges as well
3279s because obviously as nodes acquire those
3282s relics uh it's incumbent upon all the
3285s other nodes that are left without to
3287s seek out how they can acquire those
3289s things through
3290s battle that's very cool
3293s definitely now to get up now I told
3296s these people to go in a different
3297s direction they're going to I might have
3299s to murder
3302s them I and it's not because they're
3305s following us right and messing up the
3307s recording it's because we're in a pvx
3310s world we're competing over limited right
3313s yes that's right I think we
3316s all you know we just don't like to cut
3318s of their jib you know there's I
3321s think we flag up and we we do a little
3325s red wedding here yeah
3327s there is only enough room for our
3332s party sorry
3335s friends all right let's take a
3338s look who who's the first oh okay that's
3341s the first Target
3343s apparently
3346s murder all right the next
3350s one got to bring him down oh no not the
3353s oh he didn't fight us we got we're
3355s getting corruption
3357s oh no I need heals I need
3359s heals I got I got this lululu guy take
3363s out Lulu
3368s look okay he uh they're fighting us so
3371s we can kill him now all right murder
3375s murder death
3377s kill almost oh I'm flying whoops oh this
3382s is kind of
3384s unfair you're flying yeah I didn't even
3386s know I was flying still all right I'm
3389s going to wipe some corruption from folks
3391s let me uh I got to murder this person
3394s first guys we're not normally this Blood
3396s hungry I tried to to warn
3399s them all
3401s right some of
3403s us I need to take their stuff
3407s though see steal
3410s that very nice these are these are nice
3413s Goods here oh trust this guy this guy
3415s just jumped into the lava
3417s it off why not oh the guy the guy
3419s committed soku yeah or sidoku is it
3423s sodoku
3426s oroku okay where are we going here
3429s now
3431s game so Stephen if you could if if um
3435s could you by chance bring us to that
3437s bridge that we kind of left off that oh
3440s really yeah I could totally do that
3441s where do you want me to go thege follow
3443s my little yes please the one that's uh
3446s by where we were chest at that was close
3450s that was close Bill all right I'm going
3453s back to this bridge location would that
3455s have been bad if I fell in the lava okay
3456s I'm going to I'm going to summon you
3458s guys to me I'm going to summon you guys
3459s to
3460s me don't jump off here careful hey oh oh
3464s no the AO run the auto run what have you
3468s done I'm going to bring you back I'm
3470s going to bring you back thank you
3472s okay oh there's a there's a big beasty
3475s down here can we jump off hey there's a
3477s dude here that's
3479s flagged
3482s murder oh my God and he's
3486s dead
3487s Perfection and his horse is dead too oh
3490s you didn't have to kill the horse yes
3492s you do okay let me see if he has any
3495s good stuff oh okay all right
3498s cool oh there's another person
3502s fo I got to kill fo too this is quickly
3505s becoming a oh my goodness hey I fell in
3508s the lava I don't know if this is
3512s sustainable okay hold on there we go we
3515s got him we got him I'm
3517s back okay we're going to have to we're
3519s going to have to make like a tree and
3521s leave here real quick is that how that
3522s works we can do that real quick yeah
3524s okay where are we going um so let's no
3531s Health going with my heel
3537s oh you need to control F if you want to
3538s heal flag
3540s Players let's head towards the flame
3542s Elemental room or or the Bell Smasher
3545s room and we can just go down and head
3547s towards the puzzle room I'm following
3550s you all right let's go with
3552s Jess oh we're we're just going to leave
3554s this uh we're just going just going to
3556s aband yeah come on let's go tank we got
3559s to move we got Reds in the
3563s party okay so after you kill a Smasher
3567s there's another boss downstairs the
3569s flame Elemental which both of them will
3571s drop
3573s um for later I saw
3576s that planet dorf just got
3579s destroyed suicide up planet cleric
3583s no here there we go well
3586s can okay there you go you're good hey
3590s what's where it you're good you're good
3595s goodness all all right
3598s okay
3600s okay so we've successfully made our way
3604s now to an area where we are just a group
3607s alone let's kill this last
3614s thing so after players killed a Bellow
3618s Smasher
3619s um their the secondary boss is
3623s downstairs is the fire Elemental which
3625s is the intended
3628s flame um
3630s afterwards players will have to come
3632s down
3633s here to approach the Pu room to progress
3636s the dungeon ooh where's that at let's go
3639s yeah are you just going to give away all
3641s the spoilers yeah yeah that's
3644s true look spoiler warning I love the
3649s lava wait you said puzzle this isn't
3651s jumping again is this don't worry about
3654s it we'll be fine we'll be fine oh No
3655s Just Bill and Maggie are shook to their
3658s very core are we jump are we jumping
3661s puzzling you don't even how many people
3664s that was going to be part of this we'll
3666s be fine we'll rally we'll
3670s rally where are we
3672s going so after we kill uh this guy the
3676s puzzle room is in here okay oh I see I
3680s see I see ooh there's an unruly flame
3683s here yes these are the mobs that that
3686s will engage us once the bridge is open
3689s so if you can see right here check out
3691s this puzzle Stephen
3693s okay from Ash to Stone from Stone to
3696s tide the path of safety lies inside o I
3701s like that that's so good nice nice job
3703s chess did you come up with that yeah I
3705s actually used it for one of my uh d and
3707s d uh sessions and players took a hot
3710s minute to solve a 5-year-old puzzle
3714s but but as you can see from these little
3718s sparkles a bridge will rise right here
3722s oh oh did you complete the puzzle yeah
3725s oh nice oh God oh God oh God oh God wait
3730s oh God ouch ouch no nope oh God are we
3734s sure that's a bridge and I
3736s died it is definitely a bridge but a
3740s little bug may have caught in there real
3741s quick we may have to jump across it was
3743s still big battle of Endor Vibes right
3746s there like the shield oh no oh no oh God
3751s the unruly
3753s flame destroyed me I I got destroyed by
3757s the bridge here I know what to do I know
3760s what to do hold on let me uh let me is
3763s lerza still alive yeah both Maggie and I
3766s were like we'll see how this goes we'll
3768s we'll see how like I'm not gonna go
3770s across this bridge I'll let you be first
3773s okay I know what we can do so guys
3775s you're going to see a little bug right
3777s we're going to get that fixed today
3778s don't worry it'll be fixed before
3780s tomorrow you're reving at your Target
3782s location so uh you just keep dying when
3784s iive I am just going to fly over here so
3787s we can keep checking out the dungeon but
3789s welcome to Alpha 2 sometimes there are
3792s some bugs let me go ahead and summon you
3794s all to me including the corpses I call
3798s it extra
3800s spice yeah ex that's ex that's
3802s definitely some extra SP it's a perfect
3804s showcase that if you die in the lava
3807s good Ridin yeah we we'll get that fixed
3810s we we just need to put a flat plane with
3812s that with that bridge I'll definitely
3815s fix it I'm going to I'm going to put
3817s like a little higher elevation for it
3819s but definitely will be fixed today all
3821s right so we got Ginger coming
3823s up and then I think we can probably pick
3826s up I love the interaction though the uh
3829s the puzzle it's not quite a jumping
3831s puzzle it's a death puzzle with uh is it
3836s any Rhyme or Reason to the to the
3838s sequence that you need yes so the reason
3840s why I chose that kind of that riddle
3842s esque thing because this is considered
3845s it was considered like a safety
3846s precaution for uh the duner
3850s to get across the the slag depository
3854s for let's say not quality weapons or
3857s armor which is what that room is for so
3861s if for some reason the lava overwhelmed
3863s or overflowed because of all of the the
3868s melted down armor and weapons they would
3871s be able to access that riddle which is
3873s like a control panel to get across the
3877s depository that's cool I like that
3880s anaphylaxis and tro need a need a
3883s summoning yes oh do you guys I'm sorry
3885s I'm so sorry let me let me bring you
3887s guys
3889s here oh thank you I pulled some of you
3892s back as
3893s [Laughter]
3894s well oh and Jess is down lza is injured
3899s where I'm
3901s loading
3906s yeah okay we can get Jess up here that's
3910s just payback for the bridge Jess I know
3912s I know wanted you to
3917s die I was trying to summon them oh
3921s no we almost got this
3925s dude all right there we go we're
3928s good
3930s nice please the res We got Jess
3934s up all right now obviously Jeremy when
3937s we talk about these types of open world
3939s dungeons um there are going to be some
3942s rooms that are perhaps a bit better from
3945s an experience Andor drop perspective as
3947s well as some named mobs which we're
3949s going to see here in a little bit uh
3951s that players are going to be you know
3953s contending for right cuz that's the
3954s scarcity that exists this just put in we
3958s have three mini bosses Bell smash being
3961s one of them and then several names so
3964s we'll run into some of those those are
3966s um your loot targets your uh your
3969s reasons for coming
3970s here and Mike and uh econ team have
3974s looted these guys up so come on in and
3979s get all your gear
3981s here we're we're actually approaching a
3984s room that has one the name Bob's The
3987s duner Tavern that's up this bridge and
3990s entering that we'll be able to get some
3993s good gear yeah it's the break room for
3996s the workers back in the day so the cast
3998s Master's there and is this torren
4002s administrator well the Torrens took over
4005s the place for a
4008s while for the bureaucratic nonsense got
4011s it yeah during the the hike of the Great
4015s War of the dying they forced uh the
4018s doors and humans here to work for them
4020s while they occupied
4022s it okay a lot of narrative backstory to
4025s learn while you're exploring this and
4028s we're not going to reveal everything as
4029s part of this showcase we're just going
4031s to give you guys a peak inside and leave
4034s it to you to
4035s find all the interesting lore and
4038s different bosses that live here but um I
4042s think one thing that is oh my God oh my
4047s God
4049s whoa what is this ability might have
4053s went time a day sh oh let me see I can
4056s adjust that my bad
4059s here yeah we did let me just fix that my
4063s bad
4068s guys okay I think we're
4071s good grab this guy too for everyone who
4074s is on live at this point sorry for the
4076s flashbang oh
4078s [Laughter]
4083s yeah there he is oh here we
4087s go kill this guy too
4092s o now you're tanking this pretty well so
4095s this is obviously intended for a full
4097s party and full party that needs to be
4099s geared pretty well because these guys
4101s are level 27
4102s mobs and it goes up to 30 so 2 to 30 in
4107s here so I put the range that where
4109s you're starting at the entrance they
4112s level 25 so it shows like progression as
4114s you're going through the
4117s dungeon oh that's
4119s cool and now from an econ standpoint
4122s there's also specific gear for this
4124s dungeon as well that players can
4127s acquire where yes ouch you just get down
4132s turn down I'm trying to revive you oh no
4135s oh my God oh no we need to burn them
4137s burn them quick okay bring you
4143s up
4147s almost almost oh and he's
4152s down he did have a fire infused you got
4155s like one shotted
4157s bro ooh what is this Lo so it's a little
4162s secret that uh you guys will have to
4163s find out when we get to the like boss
4167s room oh that's cool now it's not yet
4170s online by the way but there actually is
4173s intended to be quite a big raid boss in
4176s this dungeon as well is that
4178s right yes uh a little bit of secret but
4182s maybe he has some wings and maybe he can
4184s like breathe some necrotic or acid
4186s breath out each here so might be Undead
4189s might have a felter might be a dragon
4193s yeah fctl little surprised
4199s oh can I just I just want to get a I
4201s just want to get a upwardly view
4203s here yeah so this is the uh Tavern SL
4207s break room where like as you know dun
4209s and dwarves like lail so of course they
4212s would have like celebratory stuff while
4214s in the past and the castmaster was the
4217s one who was involved with with ensuring
4220s that the ale lasted as long as people
4224s were thirsty
4227s that's
4228s cool yeah this looks
4232s awesome just I'm just going to get a
4234s nice view of the uh of the room for
4238s everybody this is a great looking area
4240s while you guys kind of uh play around
4242s there I just want to give people kind of
4243s a little bit of a fly through actually
4245s as I move around the dungeon just to
4248s give you guys
4250s out nice that our it's nice our magic
4253s DPS is just roaming around
4257s yeah that uh that explosion at the end
4259s can uh can get you oh yeah this is a
4262s huge complex I mean how many parties can
4265s this area support easily about five or
4269s six uh parties like when we did uh a
4272s kind of a stress test ear earlier this
4274s week there was a good junk load of
4277s people raiding through here and trying
4278s to get past that first
4282s boss I mean it looks great based on our
4284s results it looks like it only support
4286s one party right that's all for us yeah
4289s pull this here well we are pretty much a
4291s junk
4295s load this is cool and the lava is
4299s dangerous yes oh for sure um as you saw
4303s the greats do the that small bit of
4306s damage the burn damage and the lava is
4309s uh definitely an instakill so
4314s definitely jump on your own
4316s [Music]
4319s Peril I'm trying to come back to find
4322s you
4323s guys oh there you
4327s are all right I'm sorry I'm back well
4330s this is pretty awesome I think players
4331s is going to have a lot of fun obviously
4333s as you said this is a higher level
4334s content uh lot of great rewards that are
4337s possible in here um and you know we want
4340s players to have a little bit of friction
4342s perhaps over those rewards and the
4344s scarcity of uh
4346s of what it represents super
4349s cool yeah great job on this by the way
4352s Jess and Jeremy and and James oh my
4356s gosh um I think players going to have a
4359s lot of fun in here and and it definitely
4360s I think is oh this is the guy killed me
4362s on the bridge representative of whate
4365s people expect from an open world you
4368s know massive dungeon yeah did a really
4371s good job on this was the artist who uh
4375s was the primary artist who uh finished
4378s up the blockouts by making it look like
4382s an actual dungeon very
4385s nice yeah I took a lot of inspiration
4388s from um Moria as well as a couple
4391s other dungeons from like Dungeons and
4395s Dragons and uh made a solid block out
4398s for and test out some pop for passing
4401s off to Tristan to to beautify it and
4404s make it look like an actual dungeon like
4405s James was
4407s saying now where's the where's the one
4409s of the bosses did we already fight one
4410s of the
4411s bosses uh no we did not uh we can fight
4415s one of the named bosses which is right
4417s over here oh fire
4419s Rune oh is there maybe we should try to
4421s fight that boss first let's see yeah
4423s there's a the cast Master is over here
4427s let me let me Mark him sounds like a
4430s producer askm yeah yeah I'll take 100
4437s where's my
4438s ale ale is for
4443s closers I like it where's the task
4446s masker I lost I lost you guys uh oh he's
4449s up here yeah I marked him with a nice
4452s little
4453s axxe oh a cask master I thought he said
4457s task
4459s TK that'd be too closer that to that
4462s producer you were talking about we got
4463s an ad tro
4466s oh the
4470s butle you blaming
4473s tro sleep it oh we got the cast Master
4477s too oh God St got it I think we got them
4479s all we got a bunch well no no we're good
4483s we're good Focus kill that last dude
4487s tank
4492s here got to hold them both
4505s almost oh no here oh watch out watch out
4509s oh that's
4512s great wait these enemies do damage wait
4514s hold up oh yeah there people are
4518s dying oh the tank is down yeah I'm
4521s taking damage I
4523s uh having trouble everybody alive uh oh
4527s okay think we got
4530s it get his fat
4538s loots okay I'm still on the cask
4552s master almost
4556s watch out for the explosion afterwards
4557s oh no he's gaining
4560s health I'm cleansing his his
4563s [Music]
4566s Buffs watch the boat watch blow up oh my
4568s gosh he has Health
4570s again dude he is getting so much health
4573s back what is going on health
4575s from it's the ale he's drinking
4579s no oh my god
4582s dude well that happens to me too we got
4585s to kill the other things then first we
4587s got to kill the other things oh my
4591s gosh I got the heals that
4593s is
4597s okay okay almost we got another guy okay
4601s we got to let's pull back let's pull
4602s back a little
4603s bit pull it
4606s back I think we're going to get respawns
4608s though yeah kill kill this cursed Smith
4612s first focus on one target y
4617s oh slor slor
4620s up wait I was just ready to close us
4629s out I died guys I know you can't do what
4632s I'm doing but it is much easier if you
4637s can okay I'm going to hack
4640s too no stop it oh my God this is
4644s starting getting very lonely uh you guys
4646s are all dead all right well that has
4649s been our Showcase of
4653s the uh couple bugs here and there that's
4656s cool um but honestly this is a super
4660s super awesome uh dungeon and I think
4662s players are really going to enjoy it um
4664s it is definitely uh not for the faint of
4667s heart it is difficult uh so be aware
4669s players if you want to overcome this
4672s difficulty and in favor of trying to
4673s find the loot and rewards that come with
4675s with this place you're going to need to
4677s come um you're going to need to come
4678s prepared um Jess Jeremy James Bill uh
4686s Anastasia Nathan Margaret thank you guys
4689s for joining us this was a a fun
4691s experience I think players are going to
4692s love the new content that's in Phase 2
4694s and obviously uh as you all know out
4696s there in the audience this is just the
4698s start of phase 2 we have a lot of plans
4700s for Phase 2 uh Intrepid is going to be
4702s on holiday from the 20th to the 6th but
4704s when we return we are going to be ready
4706s to kick some butt and to implement some
4708s new content and features uh as part of
4711s the phase 2 development so um thank you
4714s for joining us today and we will see you
4715s guys back on stream have a happy
4718s holidays and merry Christmas everybody
4720s thanks y'all Christmas bye bye take it
4723s easy thank
4732s you hello everyone welcome back I will
4735s play the VOD kind of in the background
4737s so uh you can uh watch that and you
4741s don't have to just look at our faces um
4743s whilst we uh talk a little bit more and
4745s answer some questions but um I didn't
4747s know if you wanted to talk more about
4749s bef Fallen Forge I know that there's a
4750s lot of content that we um Stephen was
4753s flying through people were like why is
4755s he flying through it why is he cheating
4757s I'm just I'm I'm just flying to give you
4760s guys a little bit of a wider perspective
4762s of the dungeon and its size and how big
4765s it is is um you know obviously as we do
4769s these kind of showcases
4772s um you know it's fun to kind of use
4775s those Powers when need be there's a
4776s little we don't we don't do cuts and
4778s really we don't do retakes we just jump
4781s in and we say okay let's go this we're
4783s gonna oneshot this basically and if
4785s things happen that we don't intend you
4787s know it chaotic it's it's it's all good
4791s um I think that's a that's a more re
4793s realistic uh
4795s um you know portrayal of the of the
4798s state of the game right now so it's cool
4800s um yeah the the the dungeon obviously
4803s you know is massive I think this is what
4805s we're trying to aim for obviously when
4807s we have these large complexes you know
4809s and we want to have these large
4811s environments where you know there are
4813s certain areas that are better to XP in
4816s and and not and that's what players
4818s fight over or have disagreements about
4820s right um this particular dungeon I think
4824s you know Jess Jeremy
4825s uh Tristan did a great job in standing
4828s up in a relatively short period of time
4831s um and I think it looks beautiful Chris
4833s hasn't really gotten a huge amount of
4834s time to light the dungeon uh so it's
4837s going to get much better once we get a
4838s full lighting pass
4840s possible within the dungeon in the new
4843s year um that should be relatively quick
4846s and there's new
4849s cont oh I'm sorry say it again yeah I
4851s said there'll be some new content that
4852s will be added to it too I know there's
4854s bosses and
4855s um yeah and the NPC team you know they
4857s quickly stood these NPCs up as well
4859s Raymond did a great job with that um so
4863s you know it's it was a fun experience
4865s and I think you guys are gonna have a
4866s lot of fun playing through this dungeon
4867s it's difficult it's definitely
4870s difficult yeah um I like how you were
4873s like very adamant we needed eight
4875s players and we were pretty much playing
4877s the dungeon with seven CU she was
4879s running around we like stepen we need
4881s the extra deeps where are you absolutely
4885s I was at like healing like crazy that
4887s was it was definitely wild at the end I
4889s was like because I was so focused on
4892s healing I was like where do those other
4893s monsters come from I'm like did you
4894s train us
4897s Stephen I do that sometimes uh before we
4900s started I was on your toes giving
4902s everyone a pep talk and I was like all
4904s right try to stay near me if you want
4906s heals if you follow the tank don't pull
4908s the things and Steph's like I feel like
4910s you're targeting me this we've we
4914s definitely I see some people talking
4916s about the the difficulty and and the uh
4918s the gear that we're in I do just want to
4921s make sure that people know like you know
4923s balancing is definitely going to be more
4926s um focused on as part of uh phase two
4929s and especially when we get into phase
4930s three that's really where we're going to
4932s get a lot of balancing opportunity um
4934s but we have taken some balance p uh
4936s passes right now on like NPC stat curves
4941s uh player power
4942s progression um some of the gear
4945s obviously we had that bug that was
4946s happening with legendary gear um right
4949s now we we took a little bit of an axe to
4952s three star Health progression because
4954s they were getting a little bit too tanky
4957s um and it was feeling like a long period
4958s of time to kind of kill those so we did
4960s about a 20% reduction across the board
4964s on health for three stars um so that was
4967s a couple patches ago yeah yeah
4971s absolutely so we are we are aware of it
4973s we're watching you know we're playing
4974s with you you may not always know who we
4976s are but we're out there we're playing
4978s with I got discovered in one of my one
4980s of my little spy guilds did you forget
4982s to turn on your voice man I did I messed
4985s up and then they called me out they're
4987s like hey man your voice is different and
4989s I'm like
4990s what how's it how's it
4993s different so I got I'm just a little
4995s sick right now I know right
4999s Unfortunately they recognize me
5000s immediately but um yeah you have a very
5002s specific like I could I think I could
5005s recognize your voice in a lineup we are
5008s we are definitely um we are definitely
5011s out there and we're playing with you
5013s guys so we're experiencing this stuff as
5014s well and we're taking these notes back
5016s and we're corroborating them with your
5017s guys's feedback you know and we
5019s incorporate that as part of our as part
5021s of our iteration process and balancing
5024s process yeah so keep giving us your
5027s feedback uh keep slash bugging things
5029s that you find that all goes towards uh
5032s updates and changes that we're making as
5034s we move forward um but we're going to
5035s switch over and answer some questions
5037s that y'all have sent over obviously
5039s we're not going to be able to get
5040s through a million but we will uh try to
5043s get through uh you know a dozen of them
5045s if we can um so the first one here comes
5048s from false god and they're wondering are
5050s we going to get chat font size changes
5053s so uh hard to read because it's hard to
5056s read for people with the tiny font yeah
5058s that's something that's something that
5059s is high priority for the UI team um it's
5062s something that's you know not as easily
5064s implemented uh but it is something
5066s that's on our radar we always intended
5068s for that to be a feature uh and we're
5070s going to be prioritizing that as part of
5072s the new year so we'll keep you updated
5074s on when to expect that but it is
5075s something we want to do
5077s 100% And then the next one is from boss
5080s hunter10 and they were wondering are the
5081s new weapons going to be available from
5083s the launch of phase 2 or will those be
5085s later
5086s on I don't believe they were in the
5089s patch notes so I think they're in no no
5091s no those those will be in the new year
5093s so probably I would say around the end
5095s of January we'll have um I I think I saw
5098s an update on Dual wielded daggers uh
5101s that looked pretty good they were they
5103s were looking nice um so there the work
5107s is being done but they're not yet ready
5109s for prime time but they will be
5111s soon and then the next one here is when
5114s will or where are the Gin versions of
5117s the day of the veon or when we'll see
5119s those oh that's going to be an update
5122s that comes to the veon um later this is
5125s like the ability to have some emissive
5127s um scarring slash tattoos on the veon
5131s that's what they're talking about um
5134s that'll come a little bit later those
5135s will have like expanded eye options to
5137s have some emissive glow within the eyes
5139s as well as um some unique scars only
5142s available to the veon um that shows some
5145s Gin
5146s influence then we have are the dun near
5149s keeping the flip uh some people think
5151s it's immersion breaking some people like
5153s it it's definitely a controver
5155s feel on the on the
5157s flip uh we are keeping the flip
5161s um it might be more appropriate for the
5164s nikua I mean that was the original
5166s intent of the flip this was the flip was
5168s first
5169s introduced back in Alpha One Alpha One
5173s yeah that's right and it was when we had
5175s the nikua available I believe then to
5179s play yeah because well we had yeah and
5181s they shared and they shared the same
5183s skeleton between the D I think in the
5185s Thea and then it got kept on the junior
5187s skeleton so we might have an adjustment
5189s there it might even be an option that
5192s players have available to them I do
5194s think it's more appropriate for the
5195s nikua uh I think it's a fun flip um but
5199s uh yeah it's it's interesting to get the
5201s mixed the mixed feelings and feedback
5203s about it yeah and long term we plan on
5205s having like different animations and
5207s things like that that you can kind of
5208s swap out right like down the line um I
5211s know we had emotes and things like that
5212s that you could
5215s had um we sold some of those as like an
5219s addition additional Cosmetics
5222s so perhaps it could be something like
5224s that uh and then are y'all thinking
5227s about uh providing furniture and prop
5230s drops for free holds um off of Regular
5233s mobs or anything like that uh is a
5235s question um they won't be they won't be
5237s full completed uh props and or
5239s Furnitures um what they will be is
5241s there'll be potentially pieces that you
5242s use to construct those
5245s um Furniture is a is a whole progression
5247s path that's that's something that is has
5249s game mechanic implications and power
5252s implications for players um so we want
5255s to gate that behind a profession and
5257s crafting uh in order to access those
5260s power
5262s increases and then um it's also weird to
5265s think that a Goblin's just walking
5266s around with a chair you know like here
5269s where's that chair being put that's
5272s questions I have no um
5275s yeah and I think we we've talk we've
5276s talked about it before having like
5278s resources that drop and then you can
5279s craft or recipes and things like that
5282s off of creatures uh we've already
5285s answered questions in regards to the
5287s Rogue previously but we during the
5289s stream during the playthrough and
5291s throughout the stream it has been a Hot
5294s Topic um but people really want to know
5297s what is the current status of Rogues
5299s internally for us and like what when are
5302s people going to be able to test it I
5303s know we've talked a little about this
5304s earlier in the Stream but I don't know
5305s if we want to reiterate that just
5307s because there's been a lot of people
5308s asking Rogues will be testable on PTR um
5312s sometime in January probably closer to
5315s the end of January um right now they're
5317s still very much in active development um
5319s the combat team and and and Bucky has
5322s you know been spearheading uh the
5325s progress on the Rogue and those of you
5328s who really enjoy the um The Bard uh
5332s Bucky was lead designer on The Bard as
5335s well um so you know you you you might
5338s get a sense of of perhaps more of the
5341s Whimsical nature that could perhaps be
5343s seen in some of the abilities but uh I
5346s think you got a little bit of a preview
5347s uh of some of these abilities yeah they
5349s some people found them that people saw
5352s um I have a lot of I have a lot of faith
5355s that the that the Rogue is going to be
5357s uh living up to traditional Rogue player
5360s standards and and and ideas um so I'm
5364s very excited for it but obviously all
5367s good things need time to cook and this
5369s one's cooking it's cooking actively it
5371s will absolutely land in phase two um and
5374s that might be you know near the end of
5376s January where we see some initial PTR
5378s testing of it exciting so not not a long
5382s ways to potentially wait but of course
5385s everything subject to change just make
5386s sure that you follow along with us on
5388s our news we'll keep you updated um on
5390s when those patches are coming same for
5392s PTR we do the same thing so if you're
5393s part of the PTR experience um you should
5396s be able to keep an you know keep up to
5398s date on what we're doing over on the
5400s Discord as well uh the next question
5402s here is from the Casual Gamer 2385 shout
5406s out uh they would love to hear more
5408s about the family system and their
5410s question is concerning family system is
5412s more of have we thought about um
5415s teleporting in the family system being
5416s too powerful or H have we come up with
5420s another way
5421s that people can use it or basically
5425s being able to cross World Travel they're
5428s concerned about that I think that's fair
5431s it's absolutely a fair thing to be
5432s concerned about um what I would say is
5435s have faith in us to make sure that it is
5437s balanced appropriately with the rest of
5439s the game design um I think what we're
5441s trying to solve with that uh type of um
5446s functionality is essentially allowing
5448s close groups to be able to alleviate
5451s some of the travel time in order to play
5453s together
5454s um I think there's a way to do that in a
5458s game like ours where we're not
5460s compromising the transit of materials or
5463s the ability to Zerg a location quickly
5466s um it comes down to implementation we've
5468s talked a little bit in the past about
5470s what that implementation might look like
5471s in order to include safeguards against
5473s those concerns um so what I would say
5477s is it's fair to be concerned uh but also
5480s with concern comes trust and a little
5482s bit of Faith uh that we're going to
5483s execute on on our vision in a way that's
5485s cohesive uh and doesn't jeopardize the
5487s long-term intent or tenants of the game
5490s yeah and if you have you know feedback
5492s or suggestions that are very specific
5494s feel free to pop those over on our
5495s forums we do compile that stuff we send
5497s it over to development um especially um
5500s in regards to that we might even have a
5502s devb discussion down the line so um
5504s definitely give us your feedback the
5506s next one is in regards to the the
5509s dungeon that we're watching right now um
5511s is the lava in the dungeon placeholder
5513s uh people feel like it should be
5515s improved I know you talked a little bit
5517s about already some of the improvements
5518s on the art side absolutely I mean
5521s remember art is always a work in
5523s progress um and while I believe that
5526s this dungeon looks great I you know I
5527s saw a lot of people obviously commenting
5529s on the dungeon looking very good um
5532s things that get improved are uh textures
5535s and shaders and materials lava I think
5539s is one of those you know there's a level
5540s of
5544s movement in the lava there is a darkness
5547s and a layer of crust that you want to
5549s kind of see in the lava um that is
5551s something that I think is near and dear
5552s to our environment leads heart um James
5556s um I know he was commenting on wanting
5558s to improve the lava before the 20th but
5561s did not get a chance to do so so that's
5564s probably going to be first up on the
5566s list of improvements that come in
5567s January for this dungeon in addition to
5569s other stuff too so work in progress uh
5572s keeping that in mind art continues to
5574s move forward um and you will see
5576s improvements over time and then then the
5579s next question here is are we going to
5581s add lower level dungeons obviously this
5583s is a level 20 25ish dungeon requires
5587s quite a bit of gear um so they're
5589s curious if we're going to have some
5590s lower level dungeons that people can
5592s access at
5594s lower yeah and I mean I think we do have
5597s some of those pocket dungeon locations
5599s we have um you know we have some areas
5603s that are kind of small introductions
5605s into dungeons they're not full Mega you
5607s know dungeons like this the one thing to
5610s keep in mind about these dungeons is you
5612s know dungeon of this size and of this
5614s category you want players to spend some
5616s time in and the lower the level you get
5618s the less time you spend in those levels
5621s right so um it it it's kind of a a
5624s related scale between time to level out
5628s and uh space to level in uh so so um yes
5632s we gonna they probably might not see but
5635s we do have some little like Dungeons
5637s that are accessible already for folks
5640s exactly that's right you know this at
5642s level 25 you're going to be spending you
5644s know upwards potentially of several days
5648s if not a week or more relevant to the
5652s level range of this dungeon and that's
5655s why it's of the size it is as opposed to
5657s being like level six or seven where you
5659s may only spend several hours uh at that
5662s level um then those dungeon sizes are
5664s going to be much smaller all right and I
5667s think that kind of wraps it up we'll be
5669s here all day if we answer question if we
5671s continue to answer questions um but we
5675s appreciate yall uh hanging out with us
5678s and providing your thoughts and as well
5680s as you know if you do have any
5682s additional thoughts feel free to send
5683s those our way we're of course um always
5686s taking feedback head on over to forums.
5688s ases ofc to provide those
5691s over to us we hope to see you all join
5694s us in Alpha 2 as we get things wrapped
5696s up we'll keep you guys informed I know
5697s we're working out uh working on
5699s resolving some issues we should you
5700s should be able to patch right now I
5701s believe that's what we have going on not
5703s not not quite yet um we're likely going
5705s to have a patch that's available for the
5707s launcher close to one o'clock so if you
5710s are not already in the Discord that is
5713s obviously the best place to receive real
5716s time updates as as soon as you see them
5718s they're you know they are a real time
5721s update space so get into to get into our
5723s Discord if you're not already keep your
5725s eyes on the Alpha 2 um News Channel
5729s that's under the Alpha 2 Section um and
5731s we'll be posting an update there once we
5733s have the launcher ready to update again
5735s that time frame is going to be at 1:00
5737s currently if there's an update to that
5738s time frame you'll see an update there uh
5741s but we are working on it and then once
5742s we're fully up and we're rocking and
5744s rolling we will post over on our social
5746s channels to let you know that we are
5747s live so if you don't want to be part of
5748s the the process of waiting around trying
5750s to figure out things or anything like
5752s that we will let you know when we're
5753s fully up and live over on our social
5754s channels so stay tuned for that um
5757s reminder again that we will be keeping
5759s everything up our goal is to uh bring
5761s everything down more in January 6th at
5764s around 10:00 a.m. Pacific um but we will
5767s also be having realm uh restarts that
5770s will be happening at 2: a.m. Pacific for
5772s North American Realms and for European
5776s ones that will be to C so uh those will
5779s be automated we won't be doing a ton of
5781s messaging regarding those they should be
5782s coming up back up within 15 to 20
5784s minutes but just as an FYI that that is
5787s kind of like what the experience would
5788s be we hope that you all enjoy uh
5790s everything and um you know thank you for
5793s all of you joining us here watching uh
5795s to Jessica Jeremy James oh there's a lot
5797s of Jay's on the I didn't realize that
5799s start reading out uh Bill and of course
5802s uh Stephen for their time and helping us
5805s create today this you know development
5807s update our last one for the year we hope
5810s that every everyone has a merry
5812s Christmas and a glorious holiday of
5814s course stay safe and healthy and we hope
5817s you have fun on ver with us there like
5819s stepen said a lot of developers will be
5822s popping in and playing throughout the
5823s holiday uh with our families and friends
5826s um and of course uh follow us on all of
5828s the social platforms um the VOD for the
5832s befallen forge playthrough should be
5834s over up on our YouTube channel we'll
5836s post that on on social so you guys can
5838s access that momentarily and then of
5841s course we will have this full
5842s development update over um on on YouTube
5844s we're hoping to put that out today
5846s before we leave it all depend on Twitch
5848s and YouTube collaborating and working
5851s properly but as soon as that is uploaded
5853s reminder to leave a comment on the uh
5857s development update video and you could
5859s be our next Spotlight make sure that
5861s you're comment or that you are also
5863s publicly subscribed so that we can see
5865s you uh whenever we're those cuz we kind
5868s of pull them at random and it goes
5870s through that process it's very strange
5872s um and of course follows on all the
5873s places Twitter Facebook Instagram all
5875s the things we are constantly posting
5878s stuff over on those channels um and we
5881s have a little holiday video as well for
5882s you guys later uh throughout the year so
5886s that's it that wraps up 2024 the next
5889s time we see you all we'll be 2025 we
5891s have so much planned for you guys next
5894s year next year is going to be a lot of
5896s fun um we will be doing a lot of cool
5898s things so stay tuned with us and um
5901s we'll keep you guys informed thank you
5903s guys
5905s Merry Christmas bye
5908s [Music]