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Ok so before anything else I should clarify that i mean like monster races that a player could become like say for example vampires and werewolves. There are a lot more types of races that the current roster of races could feasibly become like that with say for example ghosts, skeletons, litches, and for and example i will elaborate on a bit more, Automatons.

Alrighty than so how I would say you could do a automaton race would be for example have say a dungeon. perhaps it only crops up when certain nodes reach specific levels as it would be a castle dungeon. surrounding the place would be a lot of the normal monsters you likely have encountered in the area but they for some reason have robot limbs and pieces all over them! perhaps you begin to investigate the area looking around until you find a castle thats damn near overrun with these things. upon further inspection you see that while you arent there its almost as if these monsters are acting as servants in this castle doing jobs like cleaning up or moving supplies or etc. and perhaps most intriguingly you see them moving cages full of people inside the caslte.

Perhaps as you begin to look around and maybe while fighting through some of the altered monsters you come across a man who at first glance seems normal until you see his hands and feet and realize he's as much altered as all the monster here and for some reason he was hiding from them all even though it seams that he has at least some relation to whats going on here. When you ask him what is happening he begins by saying "This castle is the property of the inventor... Vegapunk! (you could make a better name im sure but the point is gotten across with that i hope) the scientist is a brilliant man who has managed to make prosthetics that dont just replace limbs but that can replace every organ in any race! However he has recetly turned to using this to only further his power by altering anything he gets his hands on into soldiers to work out his will."
"How does he make MONSTERS work for him?"
".... *sighs sadly* he does that by engraving a rune onto a piece built into their artificial hearts that both allows them to understand what he says and begins to induce damage to their heart if they don't obey his orders..."
"If thats the case than what about you? are you also under his control?"
"No... he... didnt do that to me.... i think he figured i wouldnt be able to do anything even with augmentation and was just using me as a test to see how the full procedure would work on a human, or something like that..."

After you interaction, this man perhaps begs you to also not harm the monsters and creatures that only have partial augmentation and to not let you be seen at all lest them having to follow the order to kill all intruders and fight you with the intent to kill you. Upon hearing that you and your companions can decide if you wish to try stealth around the partially altered or if you are going to ignore that and just blow them all as he gives you nothing more than asking you not to, to not do that. You and your group than begin a quest to delve into the dark heart of this massive castle, all the while seeing one monstrous thing after another and after a large dungeon you all come across a large door and before entering the man who gave you the quest shows up again and tells you to be careful as the scientists has began to venture into making automatons purely for combat and that this is the place where he has been keeping the majority of them. After hearing this perhaps you can ask "Why do you seemingly know everything about this? Who are you really an what is your relation to this place and the procedure that makes those automatons?!'
"..... You want to know who I am? *sighs* I guess given that you abided by my request that shows that you perhaps deserve to know.... Ok. I lied to you that I was a captive from a village in the area... In reality I was Vegapunk's assistant. I was also the first person he made into a full automaton when he first came here. originally this castle belonged to a wealthy noble although after a monster attack the place was destroyed and anyone that didnt escape was dead or dying... I myself was on the verge of death until HE showed up. Vegapunk saved my life! He without question or asking for reward helped me! Also before you ask, no. I dont regret having to become a automaton at all as I either had the choices of death or accepting my new body. I chose the latter..."
"Ok well that explains how you became like this but that doesnt tell me/ us anything about how this Vegapunk went from a doctor helping people to a maniac turning anyone and anything into a automaton?"
"He wasnt always like that! At first he and I took in anyone, Humanoid or monster... If they were hurt or dying we helped them. If they lost a arm we would give them a new one, if they lost a leg than we gave them a leg, and if the lost even a organ we could even give them a new organ! it was amazing and beautiful! However after some time the Vegapunk began to see the wounds inflicted by monsters and the wounds inflicted on monsters and decided began to become frustrated that the best he could do was replace broken parts... He couldnt stop the fighting nor could he stop the harm from happening... Ultimately he decided that if he couldnt do anything but replace parts than he would just replace all the parts..."
"You mean he decided to do the full procedure on anyone and anything right?"
"Yes.... and when he realized that people were rejecting him 'saving' them he become infuriated and thats when he began using the runes... In his eyes he's saving the world from having to suffer death and any who would want to stop him are simply sick not just in the physical but in the mental as well and he feels that there is no way he could be in the wrong....."

Finally after finishing the fight, if you got the assistant to tell you who they really were than you can ask them to do the full procedure to you too, tell them to stop the automaton procedure altogether, or perhaps let them continoue to do it to help anyone and anything who needs it but refuse to have it done to yourself. Also for every monster with the incomplete procedure you let live changes how many named npcs will exist and again if you kill too many than he wont do the procedure for you limiting you to stoping them from doing it although if you went down that route than you can only stop him by killing them as he wont listen to you or you can leave them to continue helping others with the partial procedure.

All in all I could see it as something that is an interesting flavor to add that I dont really think many other mmos would even think about doing but I feel could make characters choice have EVEN MORE impact on how they play and the world around them especially since whenever the dungeon to do this quest pops up you could have npcs that have say just a mechanical arm or leg and perhaps have talk where they will tell you how because of people being people they see a mechanical arm and treat them like they are the killer automatons that wipe out towns and abduct people to who knows were both serving as a little direction to find the quest and making it feel like the quest itself by existing changes the world :D
over 3 years ago - Vaknar - Direct link
I, too, want to live out my fantasy of being a (not a furry, before anyone suggests it) werewolf. Tulnar here I come!

But.. Then again.. The Niküa are so cool...