Original Post — Direct link
Seems like the last Dev Discussion was started mid-January. I would hate to wait 2 more weeks to start up the next discussion when the previous one is now done and we got the results. Especially because the next discussion “Ideal Class” if I recall, seems like a rather trivial and simple topic which would be nice to just get done and onto the next interesting and hopefully more impactful topic.

In short, I don’t see why each dev discussion must go on for a month when the results have been passed on to the team after 2 weeks. If a topic is still hot and the devs haven’t reached a conclusion, sure leave it up for the full month.
about 4 years ago - LieutenantToast - Direct link
Hiya everyone - figured I'd jump in to share a little more insight on our Dev Discussion topics here! At the beginning of each year, we work directly with the design team to come up with a selection of 12 questions related to what they're focusing on, so we can bring you a fresh topic on a monthly basis. As the majority of the responses to each thread are typically posted within the first week of the topic going live, results and feedback are gathered after that initial window - though folks who don't check the forums or social media as often are still welcome to post afterwards and make their voice heard :wink:

As a side note, none of these questions or the responses you provide are "trivial" by any means - they are all tied directly to topics that our design team is looking for your feedback on based on what they're currently planning and testing for :smiley:

I totally appreciate the love for wanting to see more frequent topics along these lines, and I would definitely recommend staying tuned to see what other new forum ideas we're bringing to the table this year! <3

I'm going to go ahead and move this thread on over to our Support & FAQ section and close it out, but please don't hesitate to reach back out if there's anything else we can help answer in the meantime!