about 3 years ago - Vaknar - Direct link
Hello glorious community,

We’d like your feedback regarding the look and feel of the races we discussed during the February Development Update livestream.

To help keep this feedback organized, we’ve created two separate threads to discuss each of these player races:

[*] Py'rai Female
[*] Kaelar Female

We’ll be leaving these threads open for your feedback until the end of the day on Wednesday, March 16, so that we can begin compiling a report for our development team.

As a reminder, your feedback matters to us! For example: during Alpha One, players felt the Dünir race did not meet their expectations of a dwarf. Due to that feedback, we made adjustments to the Dünir race as mentioned in our September Development Update last year.

Everyone here at Intrepid Studios looks forward to reading all the great reactions to our latest character designs!